Thanks for your interest! We have a wide range of plans for new tests to
add to our services, including a new batch of sample sets reflecting more
recent and more relevant samples and some elements of retrospective
testing to measure heuristic/generic performance. However, for the time
being at least we have no plans to stop using the WildList as the core of
our certification set - we consider this a manageable and highly reliable
set, the use of which is intended as an indicator of the reputability of a
product vendor and an indicator of how well they are placed within an
industry which relies heavily on cooperation between rivals. It is also
currently undergoing a major reorganisation which should see much larger
lists, with much more up-to-date contents, which will make its
contribution to our test results even more useful.
Regarding your comments about AV-Test and AV-Comparatives and their
extremely large testsets, we do plan to expand the numbers of samples
included in our additional testsets, but I doubt ever to their levels. We
have extremely strict rules on validity of samples, which require all
samples be carefully checked and replicated to ensure they are live,
functional and malicious; as such validation processes take considerable
time and resources, the number we can include is limited by our small test
lab and testing team. However, with the introduction of more advanced
automation procedures we hope to improve the speed of the proceessing
considerably, so we could have sets of several hundreds of thousands of
samples, if not the millions you would like to see, fairly soon. |