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[评测] VMWare虚拟机安装原版leopard--已更新至10.5.5~

发表于 2008-10-23 19:42:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原贴在这里  http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?showtopic=118663

1. You will need a processor supported natively by Mac OSX as VMware virtualizes the CPU not emulating a specific version . So this won't work for anything other than supported Intel processors - no AMD or other processor.
CPU必须是OSX原生支持的,sorry AMD guys ,支持VT-X虚拟技术并在bios中打开,简言之要求酷睿2

2.The VMX settings here are crucial unlike for Hackintoshes wherefrequently you could alter things such as guest os being set to Solarisor FreeBSD.

3. The CD will have to remain mounted during boot,as none of the ways of copying the boot-132 code to the hard disk works. Trust me I have spent 2 weeks trying!!!

4. You must copy the vmware-vmx.exe to vmware-vmx-debug.exe (back up the original) or you will get a triple boot fault. this is because debug code is always enabled in beta version from VMware. This shouldn't be a problem after release of 6.5. This should probably work on Server 2 and Fusion 2betas.
VMware Workstation 6.5,必须是6.5版,现在最新版本是RC1,各种beta也可以,安装后进入安装目录把vmware-vmx-debug.exe改名,再复制一个vmware-vmx.exe并将其改名为vmware-vmx-debug.exe(即使用vmware-vmx.exe替换掉vmware-vmx-debug.exe)

To install download the template for the guest and a cd image from http://www.mediafire.com/?1zyfhhmlckc. Extract to a folder. To install:

1. Boot the system with the vmdonk.iso attached. You will see a VMware error pop-up which you can ignore safely whenever you are booting the system. You should see the first screen below.
在VMware Workstation 6.5中打开虚拟机模板目录中的Darwin.vmx,缺省内存设置为2G,如果机器本身内存小于等于2G请自行调整(越大越好),启动虚拟机出现图1

2. Change the loaded cd image to the retail Leopard image by using the VM-->Removable Devices menu item.
在VMware菜单VM--Removable Devices--CD/DVD--Settings窗口中点击browse加载Leopard安装镜像文件(我使用的镜像下载见附件)

3. Enter 9f at the next screen and you should now be taken to the leopard boot line. Enter any parameters you want here, but for me it loaded with no additional boot parameters. See the second screen.

4. Install leopard using the usual installation method of partition the virtual disk using Disk Utility. Stick with GUID Partition and all should be OK.
正常安装Leopard,选择安装分区时先使用自带的Disk Utility把虚拟机硬盘格式化

5. When the system restarts you must reset the cd image to vmdonk.iso for it to boot. When prompted for the device to use specify 80 as in screenshot 3.



 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-23 19:42:46 | 显示全部楼层


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