1. Application self-defense has been improved to resist malicious programs attempts to modify its own files.
1 。应用自卫提高了抵御恶意程序企图修改自己的档案。
2. Interaction with Microsoft Windows Security Center.
2 。互动与微软Windows安全中心。
3. Application reaction when malicious programs are trying to put a computer clock forward.
3 。应用反应时,恶意程序正试图把计算机时钟前进。
Known issues:
1. During first launch of very large (1 GB and larger) executables Kaspersky Internet Security analyzes them for a long time (5-10 minutes) displaying no information to users.
1 。在第一次发射非常大的( 1 GB和较大的)可执行文件Kaspersky网络安全分析他们很长一段时间( 5-10分钟)没有资料显示给使用者。
2. While the virus scan task is running, the counter of checked objects in the report window is not updated. Correct value is only displayed when the task completes.
2 。虽然病毒扫描的任务是跑步,柜台的检查对象的报告窗口没有更新。正确的价值只有当显示的任务完成。
3. Extra "Help" link appears in the password entry dialog during scanning of password-protected archives. Pressing the link is identical to pressing the "Skip" button.
3 。额外的“帮助”链接,出现在对话框输入密码时扫描受密码保护的档案。紧迫的链接是相同的按下“跳过”按钮。
4. The Security Analyzer Wizard can recognize incorrectly the Windows Update settings in Microsoft Windows Vista.
4 。该安全分析器向导能够认识到错误的Windows更新设置,微软Windows Vista 。
5. If the virus scan task is configured in the "Run mode" to run "After update", the task starts only if the application database has been updated successfully during an update session.
5 。如果病毒扫描的任务是配置中的“运行模式”运行“后更新” ,开始的任务只有当应用数据库已成功更新在更新会议。
6. If you are working with programs running in full-screen mode, the pop-up windows of Kaspersky Internet Security/Kaspersky Anti-Virus may blink. To activate pop-up windows, left-click with the mouse in any part of a pop-up window, then the window of the running full-screen application window will be minimized.
6 。如果您正在使用的程序运行在全屏模式,在弹出窗口的卡巴斯基互联网安全/卡巴斯基反病毒可能会闪烁。要激活弹出窗口左侧点击鼠标的任何部分弹出窗口,然后窗口运行全屏应用程序窗口将减少到最低限度。
[ 本帖最后由 于 2008-11-19 23:29 编辑 ] |