原帖由 我是笨蛋 于 2009-2-16 12:38 发表
攻击者使用了 SQL 注入漏洞;相关报道如下:
2009.02.09 《黑客攻入卡巴斯基网站数据库 大量机密信息外泄》
2009.02.10 《Bitdefender 也遭黑,用户数据大曝光》
2009.02.13 《连环黑客染指F-Secure》
继 BitDefender 的分销网站和 Kaspersky 的美国网站相继受到黑客光顾后,星期四连环黑客又锁定了 F-Secure(呵有点像连环案侦探小说).拒信攻击者为来自罗马尼亚的同一组黑客.F-Secure 表示对以上三家网站的三次攻击均使用相同的SQL注入手法,攻击的 F-Secure 的系统影响很小,仅影响到通常用作恶意程序统计的服务器。
在一篇博客中,这家芬兰的安全公司表示,尽管攻击的影响很小,它提示我们加强防护防范未来可能更为恶性的攻击.与前两次攻击不同,F-Secure 在攻击中并没有丢失用户的个人信息。
F-Secure 关于这次攻击的说明
During the last few days a Romanian group has been doing SQL injection attacks on several security vendor's websites and early this morning they hit us. One of our servers used in gathering malware statistics had a page that didn't properly sanitize input and was therefore vulnerable to attack. Fortunately we utilize defense-in-depth strategies so the attack was only partly successful.
Although the attackers were able to read information from the database they couldn't write or manipulate it. And they couldn't access any other data on that server because the SQL user only had access to its own database, which only contains public information that is shown on our statistics pages. So while the attack is something we must learn from and points at things we need to improve, it's not the end of the world. |