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[资讯] 【FS 官方新闻报道】调查:斯巴达木马威胁到你的网络安全吗?

发表于 2009-2-17 11:41:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原文:F-Secure survey: Are Spartans a threat to your online security?

芬兰网络安全服务供应商 F-Secure 委托独立市场调查公司进行的“网上健康调查” (Online Wellbeing)指出,香港和印度用户较为依重由服务供货商提供的网络防御服务,其中五成的香港网民和七成的印度网民对服务供货商的方案有信心。

该报告共访问了二千多名年龄介乎 20-40 岁,来自美国、加拿大、英国、法国、德国、意大利、印度以及香港的互联网用户,目的了解他们的网络安全意识和智商。F-Secure 是专为移动通讯营运商提供 security as a service 的领先网络安全机构,这是继去年发表的手机安全报告后另一份针对网上安全的调查。

报告指出,92% 的受访者有为自己的计算机安装防毒软件,但其中只有 21% 用户知道病毒数据须要每天更新多次。由此可见,大部分消费者即使有使用防毒软件,但未有定期更新或留意软件的使用期限,因而削弱了产品的安全效能。此外,67% 的网民知道除防毒软件外,他们需要其它的网络安全工具如防火墙、反间谍软件等来抵御日新月异的网络袭击;而近九成人意识到浏览假冒网站,即使没有下载任何数据,都会有机会令黑客有机可乘。

F-Secure 安全实验室安全事故应变经理Sean Sullivan表示: “事实上全球过百万受感染的个人计算机不断遭受入侵,反映出市民的网络安全意识仍然偏低,而用户对于防毒软件往往也只抱着人有我有的心态,没有充分了解它的用途和使用方法,以致未能发挥真正的防御功能,最后事故出现才亡羊补牢。我们发现很多受感染的个案也是由人为疏忽引起,其中大部份是由于免费或试用版防毒软件欠缺自动更新功能所引致。”

调查结果显示网民普遍透过安全软件来保障网上安全,及确保进行网上购物和使用银行服务时数据不会被盗窃。然而,只有 20% 受访者知道正确和安全地使用互联网对减低网络威胁有很大帮助。其中香港和德国的用户拥有较强的个人防护意识,而英国被访者的上网习惯则相对较为松散。

调查又发现,香港和印度用户较为依重由服务供货商提供的网络防御服务,其中 50% 的香港网民和 70% 的印度网民对服务供货商的方案有信心,而美国用户只会浏览安全网站以减低受袭的风险。法国的被访者较为重视购物网站和网上银行的安全设定,对于自己使用的安全软件则未有太注意。

当被问及关于蠕虫、网络钓鱼、木马程序、斯巴达木马(Spartans)和疆尸网站是否属于网络威胁时,有近 40% 的受访者回答不知道。54% 德国网民能正确地回答斯巴达木马不是传统病毒,而是透过浏览器弹出假冒窗口的工具。而只有 4% 的香港网民知道斯巴达木马是没有威胁性的。

针对去年十二月的浏览器安全漏洞,以及 Conficker 蠕虫迅速在企业网络散播两项重大事故,证明企业必须要加强安全意识,并要定期更新修补程序,才可降低受坏分子攻击的风险。

F-Secure 网上健康调查显示,只有 17% 被访者肯定装上最新的修补程序和更新安全设定。40% 表示不肯定但同意修补程序的重要性。其中,加拿大和德国的网民会定期进行更新,分别占 22% 和 21%。

“网上健康调查”在 2008 年由独立市场研究机构 Zoomerang 负责执行,分别向 2019 名年龄介乎 20-40 岁,来自美国、加拿大、法国、德国、 英国、意大利、印度和香港的互联网用户进行访问。每个国家和地区有近 200 名被访者。访问方式是透过回答简单的网上安全问题,并就网上活动的安全性进行评分,然后利用里克特等级(Likert Scale)分析数据,得出最后结果。


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-2-17 11:42:42 | 显示全部楼层
Helsinki, February 11, 2009: F-Secure, the global leader in providing security as a service through Internet Service Providers and mobile operators, announced results from its annual Online Wellbeing Survey. This third-party survey of Internet users aged 20-40 in the United States, Canada, UK, France, Germany – and for the first time – Italy, India and Hong Kong, tested the respondents’ knowledge of online security issues (their ‘security IQ’).
The majority of respondents across the countries – 92% – said they have security software installed on their computers. At the same time only 21% of all the respondents knew that antivirus definitions need to be updated many times a day. This indicates that a large population of users may have a false sense of security if their security software is expired or does not update automatically often enough. However, 67% were also aware that they need more than antivirus to keep them safe and almost 90% knew that they can get infected by visiting a malicious website, even if they don’t download anything.
Sean Sullivan, Security Advisor and blogger form F-Secure Security Labs in Helsinki says: “The fact that millions of PC’s keep getting infected shows that people do not always understand the way their security software works. The software they have chosen may be manual and curative, rather than automatic and preventative. This is often the difference between free and trial software and a paid security service, which is automatically updated.”

The results show that people rely on their security software for online safety and secure websites to ensure the safety of their online shopping and banking. Just over 20% realize that appropriate online behavior on their own part also plays a big role. Respondents in Hong Kong and Germany were most aware of this. Respondents in the UK were least likely to pay attention to their own online habits to keep them safe.
Respondents in India and Hong Kong relied on the security software they had purchased or the security service from their Internet Service Provider (70% India, 50% Hong Kong). Those surveyed in the US had the least confidence in purchased software but rather relied on secure websites. In France, respondents relied more on the security of their online shopping and banking websites than their software.

When asked which concept in a list (worms, phishers, Trojans, Spartans, bots) did not refer to an Internet security threat, 40% answered that they didn’t know. Germany had the highest percentage of respondents (54%) who answered correctly that ‘Spartans’ are not concept in any way related to online security. The second savviest respondents were from Canada (38%). Only 4% of respondents in Hong Kong knew that ‘Spartans’ are not threatening.

The Internet Explorer vulnerability in December 2008 and the Downadup/Conficker worm which spread widely in corporate networks in January 2009 highlighted once again the need for users to update their applications with the latest patches and updates.
F-Secure’s Online Wellbeing survey showed that only 17% of respondents were absolutely sure that they had the latest patches and updates. 40% of respondents were less sure but agreed with the statement. Canadians were the most sure (22%) that their applications were patched, with Germans coming in second (21%).

The survey was carried out by independent third party Zoomerang in December 2008 across 2019 Internet users aged 20-40 in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, UK, Italy, India and Hong Kong. There were approximately 200 persons surveyed per country. F-Secure asked respondents a series of basic online security questions and, using a Likert scale, asked them to rate the extent to which they were confident in the security of given online activities.
发表于 2009-2-17 14:02:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-2-17 19:59:16 | 显示全部楼层

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