发了信给卡巴, 问了一下KAV和IIS的兼容性问题的解决方法, 信的内容如下, 因为已经卸载了卡巴,装了红伞, 所以没有试过方法是否有效, 但可能会有其他朋友会碰到, 所以贴出来, 希望会有用.
2009.03.17, 06:24
Dear Mrs/Mr:
If the problem was resolved,after exiting the kaspersky,follow the below ways:
1.Please open the program------>settings------->Protection------->Restore------>next------>choose all options------>automatic mode ------>"next" to finish------>ok.
2.Please open the program------>settings------>Network------>on the right interface,click Select...----->no choose''HTTP 80''------>ok.
Try to it again please.
If the problem still exist ,after exiting the kaspersky.follow the below ways:
Please right-click ''My Network Places''---------->''Properties''---------->''Local Area Connection''---------->right-click ''Properties''--------->in the ''This connection uses the following items'',you'd better not choose ''Kaspersky Anti-Virus NDIS Filter'' or can uninstall it.After that you must reboot your computer.
Then try it again.
Best regards,
Kaspersky Lab Support Team
When answering the message, please keep the subject of the message intact. Change of the subject might result in loss of the correspondence concerning Your problem.
In order to create a new request for a different problem, use Your Personal Cabinet - https://support.kaspersky.com/PersonalCabinet
The list of your requests is available in the link -https://support.kaspersky.com/en/personalcabinet/HelpDesk/YourRequests
2009.03.15, 05:17 - Your Request:
Dear Sir
I am a C# Developer, when I finished a solution of asp.net3.5 and set the IIS5.0 to point to the solution, then I open the IE7.0 to browse the website of local host that was the solution of asp.net3.5. I clicked the button of page and the page would began to load. but the page would load very slowly, at last the progress bar of page was paused, however, the page couldn"t render the result. So I disabled the web guard of kaspersky, but the problem was also existed on it. I uninstalled the kaspersky antivirus 2009, and tried the website again, that"s OK. what"s problem with it. |