Crawler Releases Spyware Terminator with Windows 7 Beta SupportMarch 24, 2009, News
Just released Spyware Terminator not only supports newWindows 7 Beta, but also includes several improvements and brand newfeatures for added convenient and ease of use. Read the whole articleto learn more...
What's new in Spyware Terminator Windows 7 Beta Support - Spyware Terminator is now compatible with the Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows 7.
- Review List Improvement - We've added a new button that lets you delete all items from the Review List at once.
- Installation Wizard Extension - Now you can set up Real-Time Protection and HIPS within the Spyware Terminator installation wizard.
- Scheduled Scan - Scheduled scan isautomatically set to the hour of Spyware Terminator's installationunless you pick another time. This adjustment will prevent overload ofour servers and ensure a smooth update before the scan.
- Spyware Terminator Service is now even more stable and reliable.
- Multilanguage Support - Spyware Terminator2.5.6.316 is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian,Brazilian Portuguese, Hungarian, Czech, Dutch, Russian, Serbian,Romanian, Catalan and Valencian.
Get the latest version of Spyware Terminator!Do you want to protect your computer from spyware and other malwarewith the latest version of Spyware Terminator? Download the latestversion now!
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