1 楼为来自官网的相关介绍
2 楼为安装及界面,功能简介
3 楼为自己做的一个简单的测试(不要意思,因四月份有个比赛,加上要准备六级,所以,原计划 4 月份承包的测试只好流产)
4 楼,其他
5 楼,废话 & 砖头(Maybe)
1:)What's new in OneCare
OneCare helps keep your PC safe and secure while making your life easier. From virus scanning and file backups, to automatic printer sharing of all the PCs in your household, OneCare helps manage all of this. Delivered to you in a smooth, hassle-free package.
2:)Learn about Windows Live OneCare
Protect, maintain, and manage your computer with Windows Live OneCare, the always-on PC-care service from Microsoft. Working quietly in the background on your computer, OneCare protects against viruses, spyware, hackers, and other unwanted intruders.
了解使用Windows Live OneCare
保护,维持和管理您的电脑使用Windows Live OneCare ,总是在PC护理服务从Microsoft 。 默默工作的背景在您的计算机上, OneCare的防止病毒,间谍软件,黑客和其他有害入侵者。
New Windows Live OneCare features
New OneCare features allow for multi-PC management to form a circle of protection, printer sharing support, and centralized backup of up to three PCs covered under the same Windows Live OneCare subscription.Multi-PC and home network managementPrinter sharing supportStart time optimizerProactive fixes and recommendationsWiFi SecurityCentralized backupOnline photo backup
新的Windows Live OneCare功能
新OneCare的功能允许多PC管理,形成一个圆圈的保护,打印机共享支持,集中备份的最多可在三台PC所涵盖相同的Windows Live OneCare订阅。 多PC和家庭网络管理 打印机共享支持 启动时间优化 积极修复和建议 无线安全 集中备份 在线照片备份
All-in-one protection and maintenance
In one convenient package, Windows Live OneCare helps protect your computer, uses its optimization features to keep your PC running at its speediest, and even regularly backs up your important files:Protection Plus uses antivirus and antispyware scanners, a managed two-way firewall, and integrated anti-phishing technology to protect your computer from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, hackers, phishing, and other threats. It runs continuously, but you can scan individual files and folders for viruses on demand simply by right-clicking them. You can even scan attachments you receive via Windows Live Messenger or MSN Messenger.Performance Plus regularly defragments your hard disk, removes any unnecessary files that may clog your computer, and helps ensure important security updates from Microsoft are installed efficiently and on time.Backup and Restore regularly copies your important files and settings to CD, DVD, external hard disk, network drive, or other data-storage device. Instant Help provides online help anytime you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
在一个方便的包装,使用Windows Live OneCare帮助保护您的计算机,利用其优化功能,使您的PC上运行最快的速度,甚至定期备份您的重要文件: 保护加使用防病毒和反间谍扫描仪,有管理的双向防火墙,集成反钓鱼技术,以保护您的计算机免受病毒,蠕虫,特洛伊木马,黑客,网络钓鱼和其他威胁。 它运行不断,但你可以扫描个人文件和文件夹中的病毒的需求只是通过右键单击它们。 您甚至可以扫描附件,您将收到通过Windows Live Messenger或MSN Messenger 。 性能加定期进行碎片整理您的硬盘,删除不必要的文件,您的计算机可能会堵塞,并有助于确保重要的安全更新安装微软的有效和及时。 备份和恢复定期拷贝你的重要文件和设置,以CD , DVD ,外部硬盘,网络驱动器,或其他数据存储设备。 即时帮助提供在线帮助,随时您需要它,每天24小时,一周7天。
Easy to use
Windows Live OneCare is always on, and constantly communicates the status of your PC's health in the notification area of your Windows taskbar:
A green icon means your status is Good. Protection Plus features like antivirus, antispyware, and anti-phishing are up to date, and your computer is not due for a tune-up or backup. Windows Live OneCare is running in the background, monitoring your system to prevent threats from viruses and spyware.
A yellow icon means your status is Fair. Usually this means you have an action to take, such as scheduling or running a tune-up or backup or downloading a noncritical update. A yellow icon means there is no immediate threat to your system, but you should take care of the action as soon as you can to return your system to green.
A red icon means your computer is At Risk. This can happen if, for example, Windows Live OneCare is unable to update Antivirus with the latest virus definitions because of a lost Internet connection, or if the Windows Live OneCare Firewall is turned off.
Windows Live OneCare是一贯的,不断沟通的地位电脑的健康通知区域中的Windows任务栏:
一个绿色的图标表示您的状态是好的。 保护另外的功能,例如反病毒,反间谍和反钓鱼是最新的,和您的计算机没有适当的调节或备份 。 Windows Live OneCare是在后台运行,监视您的系统,以防止威胁的病毒和间谍软件。
黄色图标表示您的地位是公平的。 通常这意味着你有一个要采取的动作,如调度或运行调节或备份或下载非关键更新。 黄色图标表示没有直接威胁到您的系统,但你应该照顾尽快采取行动,您可以返回您的系统绿色。
红色图标表示您的电脑正处于危险之中。 可能会发生这种情况,例如, Windows Live OneCare是无法更新防病毒与最新的病毒定义,因为失去了Internet连接,或者如果使用Windows Live OneCare 防火墙是关闭的。
Always on and automated
Continuously working against threats, Windows Live OneCare is always on, and works with Microsoft Update to help ensure your computer is up to date with the latest critical security releases from Microsoft. You can also use OneCare to simplify home network tasks such as printer sharing, and centralized backup, on up to three computers. Keep your PC safe, secure, and ‘green’ with Windows Live OneCare.
继续致力于打击的威胁, Windows Live OneCare是一贯的,并与微软的更新 ,以帮助确保您的计算机是最新的关键安全发布微软。 您也可以使用OneCare软件,以简化家庭网络的任务,如打印机共享和集中的备份,最多三台电脑。 保持您的PC安全,可靠,和'绿色'的使用Windows Live OneCare 。
Evolves to meet your needs
Windows Live OneCare provides automatic updates and service enhancements to subscribers the moment they're released. All PCs (up to three) within the OneCare circle of protection are kept current under the same subscription, giving you the latest technologies to protect your home network against emerging threats, and no worries about different antivirus software versions.
使用Windows Live OneCare提供自动更新,并加强服务的用户目前他们释放。 所有的PC (最多三个)在OneCare的循环,保持目前的保护下的同一批订户,给您最新的技术来保护您的家庭网络,对新出现的威胁,也没有担心不同的防病毒软件的版本。
[ 本帖最后由 ahu2422 于 2009-3-30 20:27 编辑 ] |