原帖由 mmm123321 于 2009-4-4 05:25 AM 发表
LZ最大特點是找個大框框把東西放裏面,然後開罵!罵的你找不出是社麼東西!(雖然我們都知道在罵 X星渣獅 但是也要給LZ保密哦)
然後有找些莫名其妙的東西發表感概 (很多殺軟估計LZ沒裝超過24小時,就裝上全盤掃描下就卸載了)
最後LZ連 什麼是殺軟 什麼是 HIPS 什麼是防火牆都搞不懂(帶殺毒功能的就是殺軟,百度也有啊)
your comment is just abit disappointing, if the informaiton is inaccurate, then help him to correct them....plus his statement was not like:....."LZ最大特點是找個大框框把東西放裏面,然後開罵!"..........
to jjjiii
.....when you have tooooo many inaccurate comment/statement together it will just simply catch someone's nerve...and they will be more than 100%
then they will start : at you since they feel.............. lastly they will right on your face........
so please forgive them ...they dont mean to do that
原帖由 皮蛋稀饭 于 2009-4-4 02:50 AM 发表
其实经常来卡饭的, 也没几个新手(新手也是相对的),大家都有自己的辨别能力,也谈不上什么被误导,我们因该尊重他的劳动成果, 多些原创 论坛才会有活力,总不会希望看到每天就那么些人在发帖, 问一些比如"某某杀软是不是 ...
that sounds quite realistic to me
其实经常来卡饭的, 也没几个新手(新手也是相对的),大家都有自己的辨别能力,也谈不上什么被误导,
to jjjiii again
p.s. after all i like your comment about RX |