但你的第二个问题错了,你那张图明显的写着search shield,不是Active Surf-Shield
Active Surf-Shield确实报警窗口都写着web shield alert。因为我装的是独立版的linkscanner,也试过AVG free版集成的linkscanner,这两个版本都不可能有其他的网页防护组件
我猜到你可能会这样说,但是Active Surf-Shield写着就是search shield,我自己也疑惑过,但官方网站写的很明白的。active surf-sheild如果报警,那么这个恶意网址已经进入linkscanner的那个网址库了。然后就会弹出这个提示。阻止你浏览网站内容,相当于firefox或者谷歌的恶意网址提示,如果还是要进入点击click here可以进入这个网址。
search shield的图片是这样的,跟active surf-shield不同
还有你把search shield、Active Surf-Shield 都关掉,只要开着web shield就会弹出你给出的截图。跟linkscanner完全没有关系。
至于你说的free版或者单独linkscanner版没有web shield,这两个版本我没有用过,但我很奇怪怎么会弹出web shield的报警框。照道理说这两个版本没有集成web shield组件,怎么会弹出web shield报警框。
AVG Active Surf-Shield
This powerful protection will block malicious content of any webpage you try to open, and prevent it from being downloaded to your computer. With this feature enabled, clicking a link or typing in a URL to a dangerous site will automatically block you from opening the web page thus protecting you from inadvertently being infected. It is important to remember that exploited web pages can infect your computer simply by visiting the affected site, for this reason when you request a dangerous webpage containing exploits or other serious threats, the AVG Security Toolbar will not allow your browser to display it.
If you do encounter a malicious web site, the AVG Security Toolbar will warn you with a screen similar to:
If you still wish to visit the infected page, a link to the page is available on this screen, but continuing to these pages is not recommended.
AVG Search-Shield
When you do a search with the AVG Search-Shield featured enabled, all search results returned from the most popular search engines: Yahoo!, Google, MSN, etc. are evaluated for dangerous or suspicious links. By checking these links and marking the bad links, the AVG Security Toolbar warns you before you click on dangerous or suspicious links, so you can ensure you only go to safe websites.
While a link is being evaluated on the search results page, you will see a rotating AVG icon and question mark next to the link. (Please note that when using Yahoo! search, this rotating icon will not be shown.) When the evaluation is complete, the respective informative icon will be displayed:
| The linked page is safe.
Please note that when using the Yahoo! search engine, this icon is not displayed! | | The linked page does not contain threats but is somewhat suspicious (questionable in origin or motive, therefore not recommended for e-shopping etc.). | | The linked page can be either safe itself, but containing further links to positively dangerous pages; or suspicious in code, though not directly employing any threats at the moment. | | The linked page contains active threats! For your own safety, you will not be allowed to visit this page. | | The linked page is not accessible, and so could not be scanned. |
Please note that when using the Yahoo! search, only the suspicious or dangerous links will be marked. All unmarked links on the Yahoo! search results pages have been checked and found to be perfectly safe.
Hovering over an individual rating icon will display details about the particular link in question:
Information include additional details of the threat (if any), the IP address of the link and when the page was scanned by AVG.
[ 本帖最后由 aerbeisi 于 2009-5-9 21:37 编辑 ] |