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Emergency Task Manager

发表于 2009-5-10 22:42:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


The problem
Everyone who has used a computer regularly has experienced it from time to time. You are running some very intensive tasks, running several programs simultaneously and suddenly you find that your computer does not respond to you anymore. For some reason the computer is so busy that it does not respond to your actions anymore. Your clicks and key presses are handled much later or not at all, giving you no chance to interact with the system. Your system is hanging.

Sometimes it may help waiting until the storm is over. But if after several minutes you are still waiting, and you are an experienced user you are likely to press the key combination ALT+CTRL+DELETE which allows you to fire up the task manager to see which programs are taking up all the CPU time and systems resources. At this point you may be able to recover the system and get it in a responsive state again by terminating the offending processes. If this works, then all fine. But very often the system is so busy that even the task manager will not help you. It just does not get enough processor attention to be able to handle your clicks or key presses. At this point you are likely to give up and press the reset button of your machine for a reboot.

This is where AntiFreeze may help you out. AntiFreeze is a utility with a very small footprint, doing nothing but sitting in your system tray and waiting for you to press the hotkey combination (ALT+CTRL+WIN+HOME by default). You should use it only in emergency situations, consider it an alternative for the reset button.



Emergency Task Manager
When you concluded that Windows is hanging, you press the hotkey combination ALT+CTRL+WIN+HOME.  A green screen will come up. This is the emergency task manager utility. It is very similar to the standard Windows task manager (taskmgr.exe). At this point, AntiFreeze has suspended most of the running programs except those which are critical to keep Windows running. All programs which have been temporarily suspended are listed in a view.



Finding the culprit
AntiFreeze does not draw any conclusions. Instead it displays the amount of CPU time and memory consumed by all programs. The program which is responsible for locking up your computer is likely the program which has consumed most of the CPU time. If you think you found the program which is locking up your computer then select it in the list and click he button End Process. You can resume suspended programs by clicking the Resume button. As soon as you click Exit all the remaining suspended programs which are listed will be resumed automatically.
Note that while the Emergency Task Manager is active, most of the running programs have been suspended. This is why you are also not allowed to start the standard Windows Task Manager.

界面上会显示所有程序占用的CPU时间以及内存。您可以选中某个进程,点击左下方“End process"结束该进程,点击“Resume”恢复该进程。注意这种情况下您也不能启动标准任务管理器。

The Win Key
Optionally you can set AntiFreeze to not require the Win Key to be pressed (in case your keyboard does not have it). To enable this setting, run AntiFreeze with the /nowinkey command line parameter. Alternatively there is a registration file in your installation directory that you can run to disable the Win key to be pressed.

您可以通过添加命令行参数/nowinkey 运行AntiFreeze.exe来禁用热键(ALT+CTRL+WIN+HOME)。也可以导入其安装目录下的注册表文件doNotRequireWinKey.reg禁用。

Because the hotkey utility of AntiFreeze needs to loaded before a problem occurs, it configures itself to start up automatically when you login to Windows. If you wish to disable this behavior, make sure that AntiFreeze is not running (click the Exit button) and start AntiFreeze.exe with the /noautorun command line parameter. Note that this hotkey utility has a very small footprint, quietly sits in your system tray and does not do anything until you press the hotkey combination.


安装完成后它会随系统自动启动。您可以通过添加命令行参数 /noautorun 禁止其自动运行。

AntiFreeze requires a PC running one of the following operating systems:
Vista, x64 editions
XP Service Pack 2
XP Service Pack 2, x64 edition
Server 2003 Service Pack 2
Server 2003 Service Pack 2
x64 edition




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发表于 2009-5-10 22:45:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-10 22:50:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-5-10 22:53:22 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-5-10 22:54:20 | 显示全部楼层

调出它后会挂起大部分进程,选择“End process"结束该进程,点击“Resume”恢复该进程。

发表于 2009-5-10 23:10:48 | 显示全部楼层

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