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[软件分享] Free USB Data Encryption with Rohos Mini Drive

发表于 2009-6-22 06:08:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Why You Need Data Encryption on USB DrivesUSB flash Drives are meant for portability. By their vary naturethey can be easily carried away by you, and if you lose them, then bysomebody else.
If you happen to carry sensitive and personal data on your USBdrives, then you can imagine how easy it is for somebody to get accessto that data, in case you lose a USB Drive. Consider using dataencryption tools for safeguarding your data in case of any enatuality.
Rohos Mini Drive - A Free USB Data Encryption ToolMany times data encryption sunds something geeky to an average user,and that is the reason precisely people do use it. But believe me, dataencryption is not so dificult. There are specialized tools, which makeyour life easier and allow you seamless usability. You may not even beknowing that your data is getting encryption before getting stored onyour drives.

Rohos Mini Drive is one such tool,specially designed to create hidden and encrypted partition on the USBflash drive memory. You work with the files on the hidden partitionwithout opening a special program.
Rohos Mini Drive program does not create real partition on the USBflash drive. Thus when you insert your USB drive into USB port only onedrive letter will appear in Windows. Second (secured) drive will appearonly after you active it by entering a password.
Main Features of Rohos Mini Drive include:
  • Creates a virtual encrypted partiton volume (disk) within a USB flash drive free space
  • Automatically detects your USB stick config and creates encrypted partition
  • Program does not require installation to work with encrypted partiton on a guest computer. You can start it right from USB drive
  • Encrypted partition is protected by password
  • Encryption is automatic and on-the-fly
  • Encryption algorithm: AES 256 bit key lenght. NIST approved.
  • Rohos Disk Browser to open encrypted partition without having Admin rights
  • Virtual Keyboard - to protect your encrypted disk password from a key logger
  • Autorun Folder. Saved program’s/file’s shortcut will automatically start/open up upon disk connection
  • The limit of encrypted partition size is 2 GB
Download Rohos Mini Drive
发表于 2009-6-22 10:48:11 | 显示全部楼层
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