Dr. Web Online Virus Check
Youupload your files from your browser and they are immediately scanned bythe latest version of Dr.Web® anti-virus with with the most recentvirus definitions loaded. The scan report is then returned to you.
http://online.us.drweb.com/Fortinet Virus Scanner
Ifyou discover a suspicious file on your machine, or suspect that aprogram you downloaded from the internet might be malicious you canscan it here. Enter the file name to be checked in the box and it willautomatically be uploaded from your computer to a dedicated serverwhere it will be scanned using FortiClient Antivirus. Only one file ofup to 1 MB can be checked at any one time.
http://www.fortiguardcenter.com/antivirus/virus_scanner.html |
Jotti (multi-scanner)
Jotti’sonline scanner has a bunch of security modules running such as: Avast,AVG, Arcabit, BitDefender, Panda, Kaspersky and F-Secure. The serviceis kinda overloaded, but it impressed us by it’s speed and accuracy.
http://virusscan.jotti.org/ |
Kaspersky File Scanner
Freeonline virus scan. If you discover a suspicious file on your machine,or suspect that a program you downloaded from the Internet might bemalicious, you can check the files here.
http://www.kaspersky.com/scanforvirus |
Norman Sandbox
Submitfile for SandBox analysis. Enter your email address and click"Browse..." to find the file analyzed by Norman SandBox InformationCenter. To submit the sample, click the "Upload" button.
http://www.norman.com/microsites/nsic/Submit/en-us |
PC Tools' Threat Expert (sandbox)
ThreatExpertis an advanced automated threat analysis system designed to analyze andreport the behavior of computer viruses, worms, trojans, adware,spyware, and other security-related risks in a fully automated mode. Inonly a few minutes ThreatExpert can process a sample and generate ahighly detailed threat report with the level of technical detail thatmatches or exceeds antivirus industry standards such as those normallyfound in online virus encyclopedias.
http://www.threatexpert.com/ |
Sunbelt CWSandbox
CWSandboxis an approach to automatically analyze malware which is based onbehavior analysis: malware samples are executed for a finite time in asimulated environment, where all system calls are closely monitored.From these observations, CWSandbox is able to automatically generate adetailed report which greatly simplifies the task of a malware analyst.
http://www.cwsandbox.org/ |
Virustotal (multi-scanner)
Virustotalis a service that analyzes suspicious files and facilitates the quickdetection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware detectedby antivirus engines.
http://www.virustotal.com/ | Total records: 8 |