Portable Antivirus for USB SecurityWith the advancements in technology, the storage space in USB FlashDrives and Pen Drives is getting larger and larger, and it hastremendously increased their usability. Coupled with their miniaturesize, convenience of use and availability of lots of useful PortableApplications, they have become a convenient way to carry your dataalongwith yourself, without ever bothering to carry your entire laptop.
But, this poses a great threat to the security of your data. You maybe using different computers to insert your USB drives and may not notbe able to control what security software and measures that computer isusing.
In such a case, it is extremely important that you yourself provideadequate security to your own USB drive. And this requirement ishappily fulfilled by Portable Antiviruses.
How Portable Antivirus Software Protect Your Portable DrivesMost of the Portable Antivirus Programs are the stripped version oftheir comprehensive security suite applications. They are generallyavailable free for download and use and are lightweight applications tofir easily in the memory space provided by your portable drives.
Another advantage of using a Portable Antivirus is that they standless chances of getting modified and corrupted by newer viruses, whichare not detected by the security software permanently installed in yourcomputer. This specially happens if you are not quick to download andinstall the latest virus definitions for your security software.
Mx One – A Useful Portable Security SoftwareMx One is one such Free Portable Antivirus, designed toprotect the removable storage devices like USB sticks (also known aspendrives), iPod ™, mp3, mp4, memoirs M2, SD, microSD, and many moredevices in an efficient and completely free.

Features of Mx One Antivirus for USB Drives
A useful tool for your PC Security.
[Download Mx One Portable Antivirus]
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