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[文章转载] 4个使FTP(SFTP) 安全的加密 软件

发表于 2009-7-7 16:17:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

What is Secured FTP?Secured FTP, is the process of transfer of files from one system tothe other, through a secured protocol. It is different from simple FTP,File Transfer Protocol because here both the data and commands areexchanged in a secured and encrypted connectivity, generally providedwith the SSH (Secured Shell) Protocol.
Are SFTP Clients different from normal FTP Clients?Since the data is being exchange through a completely differentprotocol, you need compatible systems at both ends. You cannot use anormal FTP at at the client side with a SFTP server and vice versa. Itis a different story that many FTP clients allow to use themselves inboth modes, both Secured FTP Mode as well Normal FTP Mode.

Which are Best Free Secured FTP (SFTP) Clients Available Today?There are lots of available Secured FTP (SFTP) Clients. But many ofthem require to to pay some fees to pay. Some others are only Free toTrial. Some other Secured FTP Clients, which were Free to use, havediscontinued their development. Here we present you four of the bestFreeware Secured FTP Clients, which are still running and continuingtheir development.

FireFTP:FireFTP is a free, open source, cross-platform FTP client for MozillaFirefox in the form of an add-on. It supports FTP, FTPS, and SFTP.FireFTP is charityware and runs on platforms that Firefox supports.[Related: FireFTP | Firefox addon for safe FTP].
FireFTP supports caching directory listings, and it can also do acomparison between a local directory tree and the remote one. It canconnect via proxy servers and it is able to automatically reconnectafter disconnection.

Core FTP:Core FTP is a secure FTP client for Windows, developed by CoreFTP.com.Core FTP is a traditional FTP client with local files displayed on theleft, remote files on the right. Features include FTP, SSL/TLS, SFTPvia SSH, and HTTP/HTTPS support.
FileZilla: FileZilla is a free, open source, cross-platform FTP client. Binariesare available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It supports FTP, SFTP,and FTPS (FTP over SSL/TLS). Hugely Popular FileZilla is the 5th mostpopular download of all time from SourceForge.net.
Some of the cool features of FileZilla include Site Manager; which allows a user to create a list of FTP sites along with their connection data, Message log; which displays the console-type output showing the commands sent by FileZilla and the remote server’s responses, File and folder view; allowing display of message log and Transfer queues.

WinSCP:WinSCP, an acronym for Windows Secure Copy is an open source SFTP andFTP client for Microsoft Windows. Beyond its main functgon of FileTransfer, WinSCP offers basic file manager and file synchronizationfunctionality. The best part with WinSCP is that it can also acttransparently as a remote editor. When the user clicks on a (text) filein the remote file manager, it transfers the file to the local machineand opens it in the integrated editor

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[ 本帖最后由 binbinges 于 2009-7-7 16:19 编辑 ]
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