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[新闻资讯] Kaspersky nct Beta 全系列汉化补丁(含更新列表)

发表于 2007-2-15 19:08:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
RT 补丁支持自动定位 Kaspersky 的安装目录以及自动破解 Beta Key 限制和调节界面字体~所有这些功能都是可选的~

build 更新列表:
19808 When external processes hang, it is possible for KIS to hang
20050 (Suggestion) Vista PDMv2: Control registry key deletions
20422 Vista64,PDM-RegGuard: Missing deletion alert on 64bit registry
20542 Incorrect task shows up in GUI when launching via ADM
20549 In AdminKit IE blocked registry notifications are not recieved
20591 Crash in NWSAP.sys when using together with a Novell client
20593 BSOD upon product startup
20809 Crashes when CFi ShellToys XP is installed
20305 ODS, GUI:RunAs settings is not correctly applied when the action is applied to all tasks
12070 Updater: Impossible to set an OS, for which updates are downloaded
20512 HELP_CMD: The main page is missing a link for a ROLLBACK option
20545 Remote install causes a missing rollback profile
20593 BSOD during product launch
20651 Updater group task does not appear in the tray context menu
20657 Application Integrity Control is not adjustable via AdminKit
20658 Missing detection alert about "Suspicious Activity" from RegMon
20659 Missing information about blocked actions in RegMonitor status
20679 Incorrect schedulling for scaning tasks if set via ADM
20696 Incorrect Anti-Spy behavior: Anti-Dialler when its own settings are blocked
20716 Impossible to install NetAgent all at once when WKS is installed with PDM
20729 CMD: parameter rollback does not create proper file
20734 CMD. parameter "ROLLBACK [/R[A]:<report_file>]" displays help about the start parameter
20793 CMD:From cmd (RTP) components are not started, when turned off in GUI
20794 9x: Upgrading on top of build 402 the connector becomes broken
20812 Anti-Hacker alerts about outbound UDP packet, even though allowed rules are created
20846 Memory leaks when analyzing script with WPAD
20848 Freezes of PDM starting up opera.exe
20868 ODS: Crash on build 615 with WinNT during overall MyComputer scanning
20887 NT4: Nangs during deinstall
20893 During deinstall dump files are collected
20644 SUPPORT: typo in the pop balloon
19971 In the window "Select object to scan" can't enter text after Radmin connection
20546 MC, PDM: false alarm "Mass Email sending" onto Outlook
20594 Imposible to repair product locally when installed via ADM
20649 Group task can' be stopped via command line
20712 Installer: BSOD trying to uninstall the product
20726 The parameter `source` is broken when updating via command line
20745 CMD: can't activate with a command line option (addkey)
20763 GUI behavior is not similar on different OS and while using keyboard and mouse
20806 Installer: The version 5 is not removed when during remote install in the upgrade mode
20534 Possible to create new "updater tasks" with empty update sources
20641 Antispam:missing toolbar in OE.
20661 Events from PDM subsystem components, are not detailed
20939 Anti-Spam: sub-directory list is not correctly formed under Vista32
20965 Crashed during auto testing of main functionality
20972 Crash upon startup, after product update
20973 Installer: Several files remain after deinstall
20976 Installer: Upgrade mode is broken
20989 Installer: Remote install upgrade is not working via GPO
20996 AntiSpam crashes after the update
20546 MC, PDM: false alarm "Mass Email Sending" on Outlook
20964 9x: Incorrect display of paths in Russian windows, of English build английской сборкой.
19241 GUI: The error message is not displayed if updating is started at the same time
20328 Anti-Hacker: network activity leaks when checksum of file changes
20955 appcrash OS after performing a remote install
20987 Crash in IE when wks build is installed
16696 TheBat! plugins are installed not for all acounts
20044 FS: need to remove a popup window
20329 Empty string during import of application rules for Anti-Hacker
20394 Anti-Hacker:incorrect preset path for windows media player
20689 PDMv2,RegGuard: The value of data is recorded in the logs, when deletion is performed
20814 Policy does NOT override local settings
20968 Policy settings are copied over from the alert of SSL
21070 AK 6.0.1396 + WKS 659: Crash of klnagent.exe installing WKS
18968 XP64, AD: In some cases A.D. is not perfoming correctly
19660 Installation does not clean up everything after itself
20489 Service is unloaded when trace logs on level 600 are enabled
20588 Impossible to upgrade to an earlier build in some cases
20659 Blocked detailed information is not reported from RegMonitor component
20717 AS: mixed up "Sensitivity Levels".
20862 Protection status is not correctly reflected when subsystem fail
20882 PDM,AIC: Common list of modules has more priority than Custom
20970 PIW: Possible to enable AIC in the Interactive Protection
20988 Pressing ("Scan") in the main window causes problems
21079 CMD: broken command "avp.com [ /? | HELP ]"
21081 CMD: application crash upon command "avp.com HELP"
21149 Crash when avp.com /? is executed
14657 Add New Scripts to "Programs and Documents"
20245 Missing OS restarts as suggested by PIW
20868 ODS: Crash on build 615 under WinNT when scanning the whole PC
20978 Vista 64: Freezes during remote deinstall
20995 XP64: freezes during stop-start cycles
21120 CMD(FS): Incorrect return codes for PAUSE, STOP (EM,BM,WM,ASPY,AH,AS)
21089 FS: GUI is not loaded after product install
21148 Crashes in mсou.dll when closing Outlook


345.13 KB, 下载次数: 344

发表于 2007-2-15 19:15:05 | 显示全部楼层
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[ 本帖最后由 no3q 于 2007-2-15 20:30 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-15 20:53:40 | 显示全部楼层
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