Collective Immunity by Immunet
Do you know anyone who has been infected by a computer virus? If youdo, its not surprising. Conservative estimates are that more than twomillion viruses will be created in 2009; thats 5400 every 24 hours.Most of the viruses created this year will be created by professional,organized criminals and designed to steal your financial data andpersonal information.
Market leading AntiVirus software is a powerful tool to have in yourdefense, but the largest brand names have a less than 45% percentchance of detecting new threats. These odds are worse than a coin toss.Care to bet your bank account on them?
Imagine for a moment that you could leverage the computers of yourfriends, family and a worldwide global community to harness theircollective security. Every time someone in this collective communityencounters a threat everyone else in the community gains protectionfrom that same threat in real time. You no longer have to rely on theisolated security of your current AntiVirus vendor. You will be able toprotect your friends and family while being better protected yourself.
Collective Immunity by Immunet makes this a reality. By providing afast and light layer of virus detection and linking everyone in aglobal community we harness a security sum that is far greater than itsindividual parts.
Collective Immunity gathers strength daily as the Immunet Communitygrows and best of all its FREE. Already have AntiVirus? Even better,install Immunet Protect alongside your existing product, and it willmake the Immunet community even stronger.
Collective Immunity by Immunet relies on three key advances to protect you better:
Community based protection
Cloud Computing
Collective Intelligence
Protect Your Community
With the explosion of social applicationslike Facebook and Twitter, each of us can now have our very own,ever-expanding social network. This online, social community includesfriends, family and business associates that we most often talk to,email, exchange pictures, and share links with. With all of thistraffic within each social network, it is no longer enough to protectyour own computer alone. You need to protect your social networkProtect Your Community. By shielding members of your social networkfrom threats, viruses and other malware, you greatly reduce the risk ofthreats making their way to your own computer.
Immunet Protect is the first securityapplication focused on protecting your community. Using cutting edgetechnology and leveraging the collective knowledge of the users in theImmunet Cloud, Immunet Protect defends you in real time againstthousands of new threats generated every day.
With Immunet Protect, you can seamlessly integrate with your contacts.An invitation system lets you automatically invite members of yoursocial network into the Immunet Protect community. You can see thecomplete list of members in your network and then decide who to invite.Getting your social network protected has never been easier.
The Power of Cloud Computing
Traditional AntiVirus products rely on thesame technologies and processes that they did twenty years ago. Thecompanies behind these products have labs around the world where theygather threats, examine them, and based on certain outcomes, push downlarge sets of detections to customers. 99% of these detections willnever be needed by you. This model worked well when it was designed inthe 1980s but the threat landscape has changed so dramatically in thelast 5 years that it bears no resemblance to the world that spurredthis strategy.
Detection delays in this traditional processaverage on the order of days, but can take as long as weeks. In thepast, threats numbered in the tens or the hundreds and had a lifetimeof many months. Today, the number of threats has risen to tens ofthousands per day, the majority of which evolve and change rapidly.Todays AntiVirus vendors fight an uphill battle and struggle to evolvein order to handle this influx of new threats.
Immunet Protect overcomes these challengesby using the power of cloud computing. Instead of a top-down,centralized and inefficient approach, Immunet uses a bottoms-uparchitecture by decentralizing much of this analysis and by movingthese detections to the cloud. As a result, you only use the detectionsthat you need. Your computer is always connected to the Immunet Cloud,providing you with real-time AntiVirus protection with a detection setthat is always up to date. No more delays, no more updates, and no morebloat. This is the power of cloud computing.
Collective Intelligence
Given the volume of threats today, itsproven that no single AntiVirus vendor is able to provide completeprotection. Each vendor is faced with a daunting number of threats tocontend with, each leveraging teams of analysts to produce thousands ofdetections every day. In addition, the increasing volume of targetedattacks all but guarantees that one vendor may never see the samethreats that have been seen by another; thus further fragmentingprotection. Competing vendors have no incentive to cooperate to makethings better.
Immunet Protect provides protection byharnessing the collective wisdom of the security products that youalready run, as well as knowledge on the applications installed acrossour entire user population. Simply put, Immunet Protect collectssecurity judgments on what is, and what is not safe from its community.These aggregated judgments are coalesced in the cloud, and, if they aresound, made available to the rest of the Immunet Community immediately.
You no longer have to rely on isolated security labs to find andresolve security threats. With the power of Collective Immunity, youcan benefit from the eyes and ears of the quickly growing population ofImmunet Protect users. Dont wait for other vendors to re-architecttheir products when you can use Immunet Protect today.
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[ 本帖最后由 andylau 于 2009-8-20 08:21 编辑 ] |