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[已解决] VWware Workstation 6.5.3 官方发布

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The EQs
发表于 2009-8-22 06:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
安装好了,试了下,终于解决windows7下windows XP的NAT无法上网问题。。还以为要等7才能好。。。。没想到这么快就好了。。。。。
发表于 2009-8-22 06:55:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-22 08:04:46 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 98° 于 2009-8-21 14:37 发表
VWware Workstation 6.5.3 官方发布 2009年08月21日发布

What's New
Workstation 6.5.3 is a maintenance release that resolves some known issues. With this release of VMware Workstation, new support has been added.
Support for New Guest Operating Systems
VMware provides new support for the following guest operating system on Workstation 6.5.3:
■Ubuntu 9.04 is fully supported.

Known Issues
Following are the known issues for Workstation 6.5.3:
■While attempting to drag and drop a file to or from an Ubuntu 9.0.4 guest while in Unity mode some unusual behaviors have been reported, including failures to move files, screen refresh issues, and the inability to exit from Unity mode.
■Drag and drop or copy and paste operations from a Windows XP guest to a 64-bit Ubuntu 9.04 host might produce the following error message: Error while copying.
■When performing a drag and drop operation from the latest version of a Windows guest to a Ubuntu 9.0.4 host in Unity mode, an error message appears: The source and destination file names are the same. After cancelling the error message, you can drop the file successfully.
■You will receive an error message after cancelling a drag and drop operation from the latest Windows guest to an Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop host.
■If a guest is powered off while a drag and drop operation from a guest to a Linux host is in progress, drag and drop will not work after the guest is restarted. To workaround this issue, restart the host.
■Easy Install does not work for 32-bit and 64-bit FreeBSD 7.1 guests.
■Enabling Assistive Technology on a 64-bit SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.1 host prevents the Workstation from starting.
■When converting Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003, the Server License Information selected in the Conversion Wizard is not used, as a result, the default licensing mode is used in the guest.
■On an Ubuntu 9.04 host, launching a Java application in a virtual machine that uses the Workstation Eclipse debugger plug-in, might cause Eclipse to crash.
■VMX hangs in an ATI fglrx driver on an Ubuntu 9.04 host.

Resolved Issues
Following are the resolved issues in Workstation 6.5.3:

Security Fixes
■New: Third party library libpng updated to 1.2.35. Several flaws were discovered in the way the third-party libpng library handled uninitialized pointers. An attacker could create a PNG image file in such a way, that when loaded by an application linked to libpng, it could cause the application to crash or execute arbitrary code at the privilege level of the user running the application. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (cve.mitre.org) has assigned the name CVE-2009-0040 to this issue.
■On Linux hosts, Workstation will not exit normally if the Workspace preference Remember opened virtual machines between sessions is not selected.
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■Sometimes the VMwareUser.exe process on a Windows guest uses 100 percent of the CPU after a drag and drop operation because the operation has not been terminated properly.
■The Etoken encryption USB device from Alladin Systems is not recognized in the preboot environment for a Windows XP virtual machine.
■Workstation virtual machines that were converted from ESX virtual machines might fail if the display is set to 8-bit color.
■After installing and configuring VMware Tools on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, the sound does not work after restarting the guest.
■On a Windows XP Service Pack 2 guest, the Hardware Wizard stops responding when installing Logitech QuickCAm Pro 9000.
■Add enhanced SVGA and mouse drivers to support X.Org server version 1.6.
■WLK DiskStress test fails with data corruption error on LSI Logic virtual device.
■Moving files between shared folders or mapped drives in Windows guests that point to the same directory on the host, cause the files to disappear.
■Pressing any keys while grabbing (for example, Ctrl+g) or ungrabbing become stuck on an Ubuntu 9.04 host.
■On an Ubuntu 9.04 host clicking Tab > Home in a guest makes the Workstation user interface disappear, including the current windows and windows for all other open virtual machines.
■On Windows hosts, videos that are recorded while toggling between full screen mode and standard screen mode fail to play in Windows and VLC media players.
■Workstation has been updated to power on the latest Microsoft Virtual PC files (.vhd). VMware recommends that you create a copy or linked clone of the image. If you do not create a copy, you cannot run the original virtual machine in VPC after running it in Workstation, because the virtual hardware layer has been modified.
■Performance is slow when opening a Shared Folder for the first time in a Workstation Windows guest.
■Drag and drop stops working when color depth is set to 16-bit on a Workstation guest.
■When moving a virtual machine from a later version of Workstation to a 6.5.x version of Workstation, the taskbar icon indicates that a more current version of VMware Tools is available and that VMware Tools should be updated.
■On Linux hosts, when you capture a screen shot to the clipboard by clicking VM > Capture Screen, and paste the image into an image editor, the image colors do not display correctly.
■NAT networking does not work on the latest Windows operating systems.
■If VMware Workstation is installed using administrative installation on a 64-bit Windows host, you cannot use Map or Disconnect Virtual Disks. If you attempt to use these features, the following message appears: Failed to initialize library for mounting and unmounting virtual disks.
■Installing an Ubuntu 8.10 guest from a CD using Easy Install causes the Workstation to hang. ■VMware Tools does not compile correctly on Ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04.
■After uninstalling VMware Tools from an Ubuntu 8.10 guest, restart the guest to re-establish the netwok connection.
■When upgrading VMware Tools on Ubuntu 9.04, the upgrade fails and a message appears indicating that the modules are already installed. ■Default suspend and resume scripts do not activate or deactivate the network interfaces correctly in a 32-bit Ubuntu 9.04 guests. --> --> -->
■Capturing multiple screen shots on an Ubuntu 9.0.4 host, using either the Capture Screen command or the Ctrl+Alt+Print key combination, causes the user interface to become unresponsive.

VMware公司提供新的支持下列客户作业系统工作站6.5.3 :
■ Ubuntu的9.04是完全支持。

以下是已知的问题工作站6.5.3 :
■拖放或复制和粘贴操作从Windows XP客户以64位Ubuntu的9.04东道国可能会产生以下错误信息: Error而复制。
■易于安装不适用于32位和64位客人的FreeBSD 7.1 。
■启用辅助技术在64位的SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10月1日举办防止工作站启动。
■转换时Windows 2000或Windows Server 2003中,服务器许可证信息中选择转换向导是没有使用,因此,默认授权模式中使用的客户。
■ VMX挂在了ATI fglrx驱动的Ubuntu的9.04东道国。

以下是解决问题的工作站6.5.3 :

■新:第三方库libpng一起编译更新为1.2.35 。几个安全漏洞被发现的方式第三方libpng一起编译图书馆处理初始化的指针。黑客可以创建一个PNG图像文件的方式,当加载的应用程序链接到libpng一起编译,它可能导致应用程序崩溃或执行任意代码的权限级别的用户运行该应用程序。常见漏洞项目通用漏洞披露( cve.mitre.org )已指定的名称商用车展览会- 2009 - 0040这个问题。
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■在eToken简易登录系统加密技术的USB设备从阿拉丁系统无法识别的先启动的环境,在Windows XP虚拟机。
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■在安装和配置VMware的工具在Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 ,声音不工作后重新启动客户。
■在Windows XP Service Pack 2的客户,在硬件向导停止响应当安装罗技快看专业版9000 。
■地址增强的SVGA和鼠标驱动程序来支持十,组织服务器版本1.6 。
■ WLK DiskStress测试失败腐败与数据误差对LSI逻辑虚拟设备。
■按任何键,同时抢夺(例如,按Ctrl + g )或停留在ungrabbing成为一个Ubuntu的9.04东道国。
■工作站已更新为电源最新的Microsoft虚拟机文件( 。 vhd ) 。 VMware公司建议您创建一个克隆复制或联系的形象。如果你没有创建一个副本,您不能运行原来在VPC虚拟机后,在工作站上运行,因为虚拟硬件层已被修改。
■安装Ubuntu的8月10号客户从CD安装使用容易导致工作站挂起。 ■ VMware的工具不会正确地在Ubuntu编译10月8日和9月4日。
■升级时的VMware工具在Ubuntu 9.04 ,升级失败,会出现讯息表明模块已安装。 ■暂停和恢复默认脚本不激活或停用正确的网络接口的32位Ubuntu的9.04客人。 - “ - ” - “
■捕捉多个截图上Ubuntu的9.0.4主机,使用的显示屏幕的命令或按Ctrl + Alt +打印键组合,导致用户界面停止响应。

[ 本帖最后由 qihuakai 于 2009-8-22 08:06 编辑 ]
发表于 2009-8-22 11:31:39 | 显示全部楼层
■Workstation has been updated to power on the latest Microsoft Virtual PC files (.vhd). VMware recommends that you create a copy or linked clone of the image. If you do not create a copy, you cannot run the original virtual machine in VPC after running it in Workstation, because the virtual hardware layer has been modified.
发表于 2009-8-22 13:33:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-22 16:11:38 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 The EQs 于 2009-8-22 06:03 发表
安装好了,试了下,终于解决windows7下windows XP的NAT无法上网问题。。还以为要等7才能好。。。。没想到这么快就好了。。。。。

发表于 2009-8-22 16:16:41 | 显示全部楼层
刚试了win7和win2008 R2都可以用NAT上网~
发表于 2009-8-22 18:43:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-23 16:26:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-24 11:01:16 | 显示全部楼层
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