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[分享] 你能够信任免费的杀毒软件么(翻译完成,非谷歌)

发表于 2009-8-30 20:49:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Can You Trust Free Antivirus Software?

Lots of companies offer software that’s supposed to stop worms, viruses, and other malware for free. We tested nine such security programs to find the ones you can really depend on.

Free antivirus programs vary just as much as paid security programs do in the quality of their protection. And frugal computer users on the hunt for no-cost antivirus software--already faced with tons of options--will have even more to choose from when new free offerings from Microsoft and Panda join the programs currently available from Alwil (Avast), AVG, Avira, Comodo, and PC Tools.
To help you figure out which free antivirus app is right for you, we put packages from all of those companies through their paces. Our testing partner, AV-Test.org of Germany, employed its vast "zoo" of collected malware to test detection rates and scan speed. We then poked and prodded the apps to see which ones made stopping malware an effortless task, and which ones made it feel more like drudgery. For a summary of our findings, see our free antivirus software ranked chart. For our in-depth evaluations, see the individual reviews, linked in this story and in the chart.

Something--But Not Everything--For Nothing
While free antivirus programs give you some value, they don't have everything that a paid security application can offer.

For one thing, you won't have anyone to call if things go haywire, or if you need disinfection help in the event something does sneak past your PC's defenses. Most free apps give support only on online forums, though Avast offers e-mail support (and Microsoft plans to when Security Essentials launches); Avast users can submit online support tickets, too. AVG gives paid phone support, but the $50-per-call fee costs more than most paid antivirus apps.

Do-it-yourselfers can often find good advice at helpful sites like Wilders Security Forums, but even there you shouldn't expect to talk to anyone for help with a free antivirus app. (Unless you can bribe a techie friend, that is.)

Generally, free apps have less-frequent malware-signature updates than paid products do, which can leave a window of opportunity for brand-new baddies to evade detection. Most of the free apps we tried update their signature databases only once daily. Microsoft Security Essentials, however, will also check suspicious samples that don't match a particular installed signature, by running the sample against Microsoft's latest online signatures. And as long as you have an Internet connection, Panda Cloud Antivirus checks everything against Panda's servers, so it will always use the newest signatures. (If you don't have an Internet connection, the Panda program falls back on local caches.)

Some free utilities have fewer scanning options than paid apps from the same company do. For example, Avira's paid antivirus program will scan http traffic to catch Web-borne malware before it hits your hard drive, but the company's free AntiVir Personal version won't. And AVG's paid app ties in to IM programs for additional security, while its AVG 8.5 Free doesn't.

Finally, some free programs give you stuff you don't want. The AVG app and Comodo Internet Security both default to installing unnecessary search or social networking browser toolbars (you can opt out during program installation), and many free apps display ads urging you to buy the paid versions. Avira's daily pop-up ads are the most intrusive, but Avast, AVG, and PC Tools Antivirus Free Edition all display ads in some form as well.

In spite of all that, in choosing a no-cost antivirus utility, you can get decent protection and save yourself at minimum $30 every year, if you're willing to go without a few nonessentials. For many people, that isn't a bad trade-off.

Which Free Antivirus Software Is Best for You?When the results came in,Avira AntiVir Personalclaimed the top spot in our rankings. It excelled in the essential malware-detection tests and also boasted the top scan speed. We weren't big fans of its interface, but function matters more than form here. Even the shiniest security tool wouldn't be worth a darn if it couldn't keep a PC safe. As such, our detection, disinfection, and speed tests account for the lion's share of each app's final score.
Despite Avira's number one finish, some of the other free programs still merit consideration. For example, if you dislike Avira's daily pop-up ad, you might opt for Avast Antivirus Home Edition's Web traffic scanning and less-intrusive ads--but then you'll have to deal with an even worse interface. Meanwhile, AVG 8.5 Free is a good deal easier to use, but its protection lags a bit behind the other two programs'.
And then there's Microsoft Security Essentials, which uses the same antivirus engine as the company'scanceled OneCare paid suite. It isn't yet publicly available as of this writing, and won't be done until the end of the year. But since it promises to shake up the world of free antivirus, we ran tests on the current beta to give you an idea of how well the final version might work.
Rounding out your primary-care options are PC Tools Antivirus, Comodo Internet Security, and the new Panda Cloud Antivirus. Panda's use of online servers to analyze potential malware holds promise, and the app did better than any other in malware detection. Its unfinished-beta state and its unique approach, however, prevented us from giving it a full score and ranking. We did rank the PC Tools and Comodo apps, but both fell flat in detecting malware. PC Tools says that its program purposely leaves out antispyware protection and thus shouldn't be compared with other security apps; but when every other company has left distinctions such as "spyware" and "virus" behind in favor of keeping everything bad off your PC, the artificial separation of categories seems tired.
We also tried two free products that are designed to supplement existing security. PC Tools Threatfire proved a real winner with its excellent, proactive malware detection. It can capably spot a nasty intruder based solely on what the file tries to do on the computer, without the need for signatures. It can work in tandem with any of the free antivirus apps we tested. ClamWin Free Antivirus represents the open-source entry in the free-antivirus competition. It scans only when you tell it to, and it won't automatically run a safety check when you save or run a file. You could use it for a second-opinion scan as backup for your main antivirus tool--but its rock-bottom malware detection means you wouldn't get much extra protection from it.
Free Antivirus Software: Read Our Reviews

免费的防病毒程序的防护程度随着它所提供的付费软件质量的不同而变化。很多计算机用户寻找免费的防病毒软件-已面临很多的选择-从最近微软和熊猫新的免费产品,到早已经能够获得的Alwil (Avast), AVG, Avira, Comodo, and PC Tools.



一方面,如果情况失控,你不会给任何人电话,或者当一些东西偷偷的躲过你电脑的防御的时候,您需要的是杀毒。大多数免费软件只提供网上论坛的支持,尽管Avast提供电子邮件支持(微软已经计划当mse发行时推出电子邮件支持); Avast用户可以提交在线支持票。手机支付的AVG给予支持,但每个电话50美元花费的比绝大部分付费的反病毒程序多得多。

自己动手往往能在诸如怀德安全论坛有用的网站很好的意见,但即使在那里你也不要期望向某人求助关于免费的反病毒程序的问题。 (除非你能贿赂技术人员的朋友。)

一般来说,免费软件更新病毒库的频率要比付费的少,那样可能会让新的病毒逃过监测。大多数情况下免费的杀毒软件提供一天一次的升级服务。微软安全基础,也将检查可疑样本运行对微软的最新的病毒库样本,那些不符合特定的安装签名。只要您有Internet连接,熊猫防病毒检查和熊猫的服务器不符的内容,因此,它总是使用最新的病毒库。 (如果您没有Internet连接,熊猫的程序计划只能在本地缓存进行。)

一些免费的工具提供的扫描选项少于同一公司付费软件所提供的。例如,Avira公司的付费的反病毒程序在恶意软件破坏硬盘驱动之前扫描HTTP流量,但该公司的免费AntiVir个人版本将不会。avg的付费软件增加了安全的IM程序,而它的AVG 8.5免费没有。

最后,某些免费程序给你不想要的东西。Comodo的互联网安全和AVG都默认为安装不必要的搜查或社交网络浏览器工具栏(在安装过程中你可以不选择),还有很多的免费软件显示广告,要求你购买的付费版本。 Avira公司每天的弹出式广告是最让人感觉受到侵扰了,但AVG,avast和PC Tools AntiVirus免费版本都显示某种形式的广告。


结果出来了,AntiVir Personalclaimed在我们的排名位居榜首。它在恶意软件监测方面表现优异并且扫描速度也值得吹嘘。我们对于他的交互界面不是很感冒,但是功能要比界面重要。如果不能保证个人电脑的安全,就算是最耀眼最华丽的安全工具将不值得使用。因此,我们的检测,杀毒和速度测试占每个杀软最后得分的绝大部分。

尽管红伞拔得头筹,但是其他的也可以考虑。例如,如果你不喜欢每天弹出式的广告,您可以选择Avast防毒家庭版,具有网络流量扫描和少广告,但你必须要面对更加让人不能接受的界面。同时,免费的AVG 8.5也很容易应用,但其保护落后于前两个'。


摆在你面前的初级防护方案是PC Tools Antivirus, Comodo Internet Security,和新的Panda Cloud Antivirus. 有希望用在线服务器来分析潜在的恶意软件,并且这款软件在恶意软件监测方面要比其他表现得好。这个没有完成的测试版和他独特的方法,让我们不能够给出一个满分和排名。我们虽然列出了PC Tools and Comodo,但是它们在检测恶意软件方面都失败了。pc tools称其项目故意遗漏了反间谍软件保护,因袭不应该和其他安全软件相提并论,但是这时所有其他公司都区别诸如间谍软件和病毒为了让一切不好的东西远离你的电脑,这种人工的区分似乎让人厌倦。

我们还尝试了两款专门作为现有安全软件补充的免费产品。PC Tools Threatfire在恶意软件侦测方面表现优异。他可以依据文件的运行来判断是不是入侵者,不需要安全签名。他可以和任意的免费杀软一起工作。 ClamWin代表了开源软件进入免费杀软的竞争。他只在你要求他运行的时候才运行,而不会自动运行安全检查。你可以用它来做二次扫描,作为主杀软的参考。但是它的最初级的恶意软件监测意味着你不会获得多余的保护。

Free Antivirus Software: Read Our Reviews
Top Free Antivirus Software (chart)
Avira AntiVir Personal
Alwil Avast Antivirus Home Edition
AVG 8.5 Free
Microsoft Security Essentials
PC Tools Antivirus Free Edition
Comodo Internet Security
Panda Cloud Antivirus
PC Tools Threatfire
ClamWin Free Antivirus

[ 本帖最后由 snailom 于 2009-8-31 14:35 编辑 ]


参与人数 2人气 +2 收起 理由
NobleT + 1 辛苦了
asinasina + 1 翻译辛苦


发表于 2009-8-30 20:50:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-30 20:52:35 | 显示全部楼层




一方面,你不会有任何人通话,如果情况失控,或者如果您需要帮助消毒,当一个不过去你的电脑的防御偷袭。大多数免费软件只提供网上论坛的支持,尽管Avast提供电子邮件支持(微软已经计划将发射时安全基础); Avast用户可以提交在线支持票,也。手机支付的AVG给予支持,但50美元按次收费成本比绝大部分付费的反病毒程序更多。

不要自己动手往往能在诸如怀德安全论坛有用的网站很好的意见,但即使在那里你不要期望谈了一个免费的反病毒程序帮助的人。 (除非你能贿赂技术人员的朋友,那是。)

一般来说,免费软件并不太频繁的恶意软件签名更新的产品比付出的事情,那也可以留下的品牌机会的窗口,新的坏人,以逃避侦查。大多数情况下我们试图更新其签名数据库每天只有一次免费的应用程序。微软安全基础,但也将检查可疑样品运行对微软的最新的在线签字样本不符合特定的安装签名。只要您有Internet连接,熊猫防病毒检查云对熊猫的服务器内容,因此,它总是使用最新的签名。 (如果您没有Internet连接,在熊猫计划的回落对本地缓存。)

一些免费的工具少于同一公司支付应用扫描选项做。例如,Avira公司的付费的反病毒程序会扫描HTTP流量赶上网络传播的恶意软件,使其击中了你的硬盘驱动器,但该公司的免费AntiVir个人版本将不会。和AVG的支付应用的关系,为增加安全的IM程序,而它的AVG 8.5免费没有。

最后,某些免费程序给你的东西你不想要的。在应用程序和Comodo的AVG互联网安全都默认为安装不必要的搜查或社交网络浏览器工具栏(你可以退出程序安装过程中),和很多的免费软件显示广告,要求你购买的付费版本。 Avira公司的日常弹出式广告是最侵扰,但站住的AVG,和PC Tools AntiVirus免费版本都显示某种形式的广告。


哪些免费的防病毒软件是最适合你?当结果出来了,查杀AntiVir Personalclaimed在我们的排名榜首。它有着自己的基本恶意软件检测试验和还在吹嘘最高扫描速度。我们不是大风扇的接口,但功能比形成更多的问题在这里。即使是最光滑的安全工具将不值得一织补如果不能保持个人电脑的安全。因此,我们的检测,消毒和速度测试中占绝大部分的每个应用程序的最后得分份额。
尽管查杀头号完成,其他的免费程序,有些人仍然值得考虑。例如,如果你不喜欢查杀每天弹出式广告,您可以选择Avast防毒家庭版的网络流量进行扫描和少-侵入性的广告,但那么你必须处理更严重的接口。同时,免费的AVG 8.5是一个很好的处理更容易使用,但其保护落后的背后位的其他两个项目'。
排在前您的初级保健方案是PC工具防毒,魔岛互联网安全,而新的熊猫云防毒。熊猫的在线服务器用来分析潜在的恶意软件有希望,以及应用程序也比任何其他更好的恶意软件检测。未完成的-β国家及其独特的方法,但是,无法给它一个满分和排名我们。我们没有排名PC工具和Comodo应用程序,但都失败而告终,在检测恶意软件。 PC工具说,其核项目故意遗漏了反间谍软件保护,因此不应该与其它安全程序,但是当所有其他公司的区别,如“间谍软件”和“病毒”背后遗留在保持原有的一切从PC坏青睐,种人为的分离,似乎厌倦。
我们还试图用两种那些旨在补充现有的安全免费的产品。 PC工具Threatfire证明是以其卓越的,积极的恶意软件检测真正的赢家。它可以才华现场无需签名需要一个讨厌的入侵者根据是该文件尝试在计算机上做只。它可以协同工作与自由,我们测试的防病毒应用服务。 ClamWin免费杀毒代表着自由,防毒竞争的开源项目。它可以扫描只有当你告诉它,它不会自动运行的安全检查时,保存或运行一个文件。您可以使用第二,舆论扫描和您的主要反病毒工具备份它-但它的谷底恶意软件的检测手段你不会得到太多额外的保护它。
Avira AntiVir个人
免费的AVG 8.5
PC Tools AntiVirus免费版
发表于 2009-8-30 20:53:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-30 20:53:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-30 20:53:50 | 显示全部楼层

回复 3楼 wulinjun 的帖子

发表于 2009-8-30 20:54:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-30 20:55:16 | 显示全部楼层
有啥不能,曾经都使用过小a家庭版、小红伞免费版、avg 免费版、tf [:26:]
发表于 2009-8-30 21:00:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-8-30 21:01:25 | 显示全部楼层

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