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[已解决] Kaspersky Anti-Virus & Internet Security 2010 Beta

发表于 2009-9-12 11:12:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 is a comprehensive data protectiontool, which provides not only anti-virus protection but also protectionagainst spam and network attacks. The application's components alsoenable users to protect their computers against currently unknownthreats and phishing, and to restrict users' access to the Internet.The multifaceted protection covers all channels for data transfer andexchange. All components can be flexibly configured, allowing users totailor Kaspersky Internet Security to their specific needs.

New in protection:
* Improved HIPS (Host-based Intrusion Prevention System) technologyassigns a danger rating to unknown programs. The Application Controlcomponent uses HIPS to define rules for new and already knownapplications, which may restrict their access to the file and operatingsystems.
* Innovative Sandbox technology has been implemented, which usesvirtualization to create a secure environment for program execution.New software can be tested in this environment, which isolates the hostoperating system from all changes. There is no limit to the number ofInternet browsers and other applications which can run simultaneouslyin a sandbox.
* Increased use of Kaspersky Security Network considerably decreasesthe threat response time, due to information received from other users.The service aims to minimize the time necessary to detect andneutralize new types of threats. When a user starts a program, theservice checks it against white lists and Urgent Detection System listson Kaspersky Lab's servers.
* The protection of personal user data has been extended and enhanced.For instance, Kaspersky Internet Security automatically preventsinadvertent users from accessing known phishing web sites, and blockskeylogger programs, which are designed to steal passwords and accesscodes.
* The new Script Emulator analyzes the behavior of scripts, to assesstheir potential harmfulness. It simulates the operation of the JavaScript and Visual Basic Script engines, which are supported by defaultin Microsoft Internet Explorer and are built in to Microsoft Windows.
* The new IM Anti-Virus component ensures the safe operation of mostinstant messaging applications. The component scans messages for thepresence of malicious objects.
* Improvements to the Virtual keyboard component provide safer entry ofpersonal information, by protecting data from being intercepted byspyware and preventing screenshot capture.
* Significant improvements to the Anti-Spam component now provide twomethods for detecting spam: exact and expert. Exact methods applystrict filtering criteria to a message, which determine unambiguouslywhether or not a message is spam. Expert methods investigate emailmessages that have passed strict filtering criteria. As such messagescannot be unambiguously considered spam, the component calculates theprobability that they are spam.
* Components of Kaspersky Internet Security can be temporarilydisabled, to improve computer performance. This can be useful duringthe use of resource-hungry applications such as network games.
* Monitoring access to phishing websites and protection againstphishing attacks are performed by scanning links in messages and on webpages, and also by using the database of phishing addresses when anattempt to access websites is detected. You can check whether a webaddress is included in the phishing database, using the Web Anti-Virus,IM Anti-Virus or Anti-Spam component.
* Improvements have been made to all the application's existingcomponents, including the Firewall, Parental Control, and Anti-Spamcomponents, and particularly the Heuristic analyzer.
* The anti-virus kernel of Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 has beensignificantly improved, to provide more efficient malware detection.The application shows higher performance on Windows Vista operatingsystems, as compared to previous versions of Kaspersky InternetSecurity.
* Kaspersky Internet Security includes the URL scanning module managedby Web Anti-Virus. This module scans links on the web page, comparingthe website addresses against its database of suspicious and phishingwebsites. This module is provided for Microsoft Internet Explorer andMozilla Firefox browsers as a plug-in.
* The update procedure has been improved. Kaspersky Internet Security'sdatabases are now updated not only according to their schedule, butalso when new security threats appear.
* The creation of Rescue Disks has been improved. The service should beused when the infection reaches a level at which the computer cannot bedisinfected using either anti-virus applications, or malware removalutilities such as Kaspersky AVPTool. The improved Rescue Disks providemore efficient disinfection because malware programs do not gaincontrol when the operating system is being loaded.

New in the application interface:
* The application interface has been completely redesigned, to makeKaspersky Internet Security significantly more accessible to first-timeusers.
* Kaspersky Internet Security features an automatic mode in which theapplication automatically makes optimal decisions, so avoidingexcessive requests to the user.

Google 翻譯:

*新的脚本仿真分析了脚本的行为,以评估其潜在的危害。它模拟的Java脚本和Visual Basic脚本引擎,这是支持在Microsoft Internet Explorer中的默认,并内置微软Windows操作。
*反病毒卡巴斯基互联网安全2010内核已经得到显着改善,以提供更有效的恶意软件检测。应用表明,更高的性能,在Windows Vista操作系统,相比之下,卡巴斯基互联网安全的早期版本。
*卡巴斯基互联网安全的URL,包括通过网络扫描反病毒管理模块。这个模块扫描网页上的链接,对其进行比较可疑的钓鱼网站数据库中的网站地址。该模块提供的Microsoft Internet Explorer和Mozilla Firefox的一个插件的浏览器单元。


发表于 2009-9-12 12:06:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-12 23:48:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-13 01:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-13 03:23:18 | 显示全部楼层
后面的英文不就是卡巴帮助里的吗? 直接把中文帮的复制过来就可以了
发表于 2009-9-13 07:58:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-13 08:36:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-16 20:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-16 21:33:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-9-16 22:05:34 | 显示全部楼层
不知道这个版本沙盘功能支持win7吗 以前的不能用
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