IObit Security 360邀请评测,有奖金呀1000美刀,大哥们可以去看看。
Hello All,
IObit Security 360 (Homepage) is throwing down the gauntlet and we need your help! We are inviting our members, both IT professionals and amateur home users alike, to put us to the test! That's right! We want you to put your knowledge to work and test IObit Security 360 against ANY FREE or LIMITED USE anti-malware program to prove that we are the best!
In appreciation for reporting back your test results you will be placed in drawings for $1,000 USD, $25,000 USD (paid thru PayPal) and/or FREE 1 Year's license IObit Security 360 PRO AND Advanced System Care 3 PRO.
Here's how it works, you test the free version of IObit Security 360 against your choice of ANY FREE or LIMITED USEanti-malware program, send us a detailed, fair and objective report telling us the results and we will put you in a drawing. There will be a Bi-Weekly drawing, and Special Award drawings for the quality of report as well as freshness of ideas that will be drawn periodically. At the end of the testing there will be a drawing among the Bi-Weekly winners for the Best of the Best. In the spirit of objectivity and fairness YOU, our members, will have the chance to vote and help IObit determine who has the best report!
Special Award winners will receive: 1 yr. license for IObit Security 360 PRO and Advanced System Care 3 PRO
Bi-Weekly winners will receive: $1,000 USD (paid thru PayPal) and 1 yr license for IObit Security 360 PRO and Advanced System Care 3 PRO
Best of the Best winner will receive: $25,000 USD (paid thru PayPal)
Test begins on 2009-09-10 and continues for six months. Test reports can be posted here:
What we need from you:
1.Tests should compare IObit Security 360 to at least one FREE or LIMITED USE anti-malware (such as, Lavasoft Ad-aware Free, Spyware Doctor limited use or free edition, Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware limited use or free edition, SUPERAntispyware Free, Spybot to name a few).
2. Reports should include but are not limited to videos, screenshots, document introduction, data information, comparison sheets and so on.
3. All tests and reports should be conducted in a fair and objective manner, we are not looking for opinions. We are looking for critical feedback in order to improve our product.
4. Post your report on our forum.
5. Vote for the best report.
6. Win a prize!
Further details and requirements will be posted at a later date. We encourage everyone to participate and help IObit make the best free anti-malware program available on the Internet. We look forward to your contribution to this project and can't wait to hear your ideas.
Download IObit Security 360 for Testing
Submit Test Report
The IObit team
IObit安全360( 网页 )是全面出击来,我们需要你的帮助! 我们邀请我们的会员,在IT专业人士和业余家庭用户的青睐,把我们的考验! 没错! 我们希望你把你的知识和测试工作,对任何随意或限制使用杀伤IObit安全360恶意软件程序,以证明我们是最好的!
为了汇报测试你将画放在为1000美元,$ 25,000美元的成果表示赞赏(通过贝宝支付)和/或免费1年执照 IObit安全360专业和高级系统护理专业3。
以下是如何工作的,您对您的测试以任何自由或限制使用杀伤选择了IObit安全360免费版本,恶意程序,给我们一个详细的,公正和客观的报告告诉我们的结果,我们会在您的绘图。将每两周举行一次的绘画,及特别奖图纸的报告的质量以及思想保鲜将定期绘制。 在对测试最终的结果会是一个双间客厅的最佳最佳周刊赢家。 在客观,公正的精神,你,我们的成员,将有机会投票,帮助IObit确定谁是最好的报告!
特别奖获奖者将得到:1年。 许可证IObit安全360系统的专业和高级护理专业3
两周一次的获奖者将得到:$ 1000美元(通过贝宝支付)和1 IObit安全许可证360正接受系统的专业和高级护理专业3
在最佳年度最佳将得到:$ 25,000美元(通过PayPal付款)
试验开始于09年9月10日和6个月继续进行。 测试报告可以张贴在这里:
1.Tests应该比较IObit安全360至少一个随意或限制使用反恶意程序 (如公司Lavasoft广告明白自由,Spyware Doctor的有限使用或免费版,Malwarebytes'反恶意软件限制使用或免费版,SUPERAntispyware免费,Spybot蠕虫等等)。
2。 报告应包括但不限于视频,截图,文件介绍,数据信息,比较表等。
3。 所有测试和报告应在公平和客观的态度,我们不是为了寻求意见。我们关键的反馈信息,以改善我们的产品。
4。 您的报告后在我们的论坛。
5。 投票选出最佳的报告。
6。 得奖!
进一步的细节和要求,将会张贴于稍后的日期。 我们鼓励他们积极参与和帮助IObit作出最佳的免费的反恶意程序在互联网上公布。 我们期待着您的贡献,这个项目,不能等待听取您的想法。
[ 本帖最后由 luanbu1999 于 2009-9-13 10:48 编辑 ] |