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[讨论] Release Notes for McAfee Total Protection Beta 4.0【Beta Release 2-09/03/2009】

发表于 2009-9-13 21:34:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Fixed Issues

1With the new version of Parental Controls, McSvHost.exe should no longer crash. 
2We fixed the user interface issues in Parental Controls that occurred when you ran our Beta software on a non-English operating system. 
3With the new version of SiteAdvisor, Internet Explorer and Outlook 2007 no longer crash. 

随着SiteAdvisor的,Internet Explorer和Outlook 2007不再崩溃的新版本。

Known Issues
Your Anti-Spam toolbar can cause Outlook to crash after upgrading from Anti-Spam 10.0.15 to 11.0.0 on Windows XP or Vista (64-bit). 
As a temporary workaround, delete the extend.dat file in your Outlook folder:

a. On Windows XP, the file is in:

{drive}\%Userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

b. On Windows Vista, the file is in:


McAfee plans to resolve this issue in the near future.

Firefox® 1.0.x may crash when used with this McAfee Beta software. Please upgrade to Firefox 1.5 or later. 
On VMware® Workstation, if you have VMware Tools installed, and are running a Windows 7 image, the McAfee installation may not work. To fix this problem, remove VMware Tools, install McAfee Beta software, then reinstall VMware Tools. VMware will address this issue in a later version of VMware Workstation that's fully compatible with Windows 7. 
If you're running Windows 7 with IPv6 Teredo tunneling, McAfee Personal Firewall does not work properly with Windows 7 Firewall. 
Custom installation and uninstallation of specific programs in the software is not available in the Beta software at this time. You can only install or remove all programs at a time. 
After you remove McAfee Beta software, some registry keys and files may still be left on your PC. To fix this, please run McAfee Consumer Product Removal (MCPR) tool. For more information, please visit the McAfee Beta Lab website. 
Some icons in McAfee Home Network feature may appear blank. 
If you upgrade to the new Beta software, the history and log information from a previous Beta version is not kept. 
If you cancel an update while it's in progress, the McAfee Beta software may become unresponsive. To fix this, please restart your PC, then try updating again. 
Help is not available in this Beta release. Full online Help will be available in a future Beta release.
您的反垃圾邮件工具栏可能会导致Outlook崩溃升级后,反在Windows XP或Vista(64位)垃圾10.0.15至11.0.0。 

字母a.在Windows XP中,该文件是: 

(驱动)\为%USERPROFILE%\本地设置\应用数据\微软\ Outlook中 

湾在Windows Vista上,该文件是: 

(驱动)\%LOCALAPPDATA%\微软\ Outlook中 


火狐® 1.0.x可能会崩溃当这个McAfee测试软件的使用。请升级到Firefox 1.5或更高版本。 
在VMware ®工作站,如果您有VMware工具安装,运行Windows 7的形象,McAfee的安装可能无法工作。要解决此问题,删除VMware工具,安装McAfee测试软件,然后重新安装VMware工具。 VMware将处理的VMware工作站版本这个问题的完全兼容与Windows 7。 
如果您运行的IPv6 Teredo的视窗7隧道,McAfee个人防火墙不起作用与Windows正确7防火墙。 
如果您取消更新,而它在进步的,McAfee测试软件可能会变得没有反应。要解决此问题,请重新启动电脑,然后再次尝试更新。   哇咔咔 原来问题在这里

[ 本帖最后由 ilovethisgame 于 2009-9-13 21:35 编辑 ]
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