用户名: PCTIS Beta
注册码: B9C0-20F2-1970-606D-6E5E-411B-6084-83CD-6B2A-8F52
What's New
IMPROVED! Built on a modular architecture which utilizes a diverse range of technologies that detect, block and remove threats attempting to compromise your PC.
NEW! ThreatFire™ Behavioral Intelligence features next-generation technology to block new threats faster than traditional signature methods.
IMPROVED! Advanced rootkit detection technology identifies and removes hidden threats from your PC.
NEW! Multi-layered browsing protection against web-based attacks, including phishing attempts, rogueware scare tactics and silent drive-by downloads, using a combination of reactive blacklists and proactive dynamic content analysis technologies.
- IMPROVED! Site Guard blocks you from visiting potentially unsafe or phishing websites and from downloading threats through your browser, IM or email.
- Cookie Guard automatically removes potentially malicious tracking and advertising cookies.
- NEW! Browser Guard stops 'drive-by' downloads of fake AV or malicious files from compromised or exploit websites.
Constant real-time IntelliGuard™ protection prevents known and new malware threats before they can install and cause any harm to your PC. IntelliGuard™ monitors for malicious activity involving spyware processes, viral activity, tracking cookies, suspicious ActiveX objects, browser hijackers, keyloggers, trojans and more.
Intelli-Scan™ swiftly hunts and kills active spyware threats - utilizes patent-pending spider scanning technology to quickly identify and remove threats.
IMPROVED! Automated Firewall to defend against cybercriminals seeking to gain access to your PC. It analyses network traffic and makes intelligent automatic decisions for you to reduce annoying alerts.
IMPROVED! Advanced spam filtering utilizes intuitive behavioral technology to detect spam and effectively block phishing, unsolicited and malware emails.
NEW! Includes AntiSpam toolbars for popular email clients including Microsoft® Outlook® and Mozilla® Thunderbird®.
Precision Technology for minimal performance impact
NEW! State Awareness Modes intuitively detect how you are using your PC and adjust to minimize performance impact and reduce interruptions.
- Game Mode automatically detects your PC switching into full-screen mode for games, movies or presentations and ensures an uninterrupted experience.
- Idle Mode automatically runs resource intensive tasks when your PC is not in use.
- Laptop Mode postpones power-intensive tasks until your laptop is plugged in, extending battery life.
第一时间·独家·PC Tools Internet Security 2010·抢先介绍·New!
http://bbs.kafan.cn/thread-573658-1-1.html |