我看了一下,不会搞, 有高手去研究一下吗 转自 http://hi.baidu.com/laman2008/blog/item/6861fb9410adfd41d0135e28.html
KIS 2010 for 6 months free key
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010for 6 months from polish magazine chip!!
KIS2010-774433 as pomo code [免费代码KIS2010-774433]
1 go here
http://fastproxy.pl/ 使用波兰在线代理
then copy this link
[url=http://dereferer.ws/?http://www.kasp...p/kis2010.html]http://dereferer.ws/?http://www.kasp...p/kis2010.html[/url] 打开地址
2: Look at the image P1 (check image carefully, it will help you more than the text written here) and fill the form with your informations. Use KIS2010-774433 as pomo code(KOD Z MAGAZYNU)here and paste in the text box made to enter Captch code.This time, there are some changes in it. Few days ago, it was ok to write English alphabets instead of Polish alphabets but now you have to write Polish alphabets. English alphabets are no more acceptable. There is one thing, if you are asked to enter simple English alphabet, do not try to fill with Polish alphabet.
So, Polish alphabets in caps are: A, Ą, B, C, Ć, D, E, Ę, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, Ł, M, N, Ń, O, Ó, P, R, S, Ś, T, U, W, Y, Z, Ź, Ż.
Polish alphabets in small are: a, ą, b, c, ć, d, e, ę, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, ł, m, n, ń, o, ó, p, r, s, ś, t, u, w, y, z, ź, ż.
So, when you will see alphabet which is not on your QWERT keyboard, simply copy from here and paste in the text box made to enter Captch code. Now open Google Translator [url=http://dereferer.ws/?http://translate.google.com/translate_t#(copy]http://dereferer.ws/?http://translat...nslate_t#(copy[/url] and paste in new browser window) and translate the text (red circled) to English. This text will tell you which letters are needed to be enterd.
(this foto is from another promo!!! !its only for wiev)
Remeber! use small letters without any space among these three small letters. If you can not type the letter, digits equal to Polish words are given here: 1 = pierwszy, 2 = drugi, 3 = trzeci, 4 = czwarty, 5 = piąty, 6 = szósty, 7 = siódmy, 8 = ósmy, 9 = dziewiąty,10 = dziesiąty,11=jedenast,12=dwunasty,13=trzynasty,14= czternasty Find these words in captca code and type the digits in captca code text field (Captcha Code is case sensetive). After filling the form, press button labeled "Zarejestruj" and a new webpage in same browser window will open telling you in Polish that your license will be email to you.
3: Within some time, you will receive your free commercial license of Kaspersky IS2010. You can use this license on Kaspersky IS 2010 with any language. Ok! you have done.
Do not miss this chance. You will be protected for 6 months with a full valid commercial license.
Update 1: You guys may do a mistake by writing Poland instead of Polska in address. So, write Polska instead of Poland in address. Address format may be like this:
Street Building House no.,
Postal code, City,
Postal code format is xx-xxx.