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[经验分享] PeerGuardian 2.0 Beta 6c

发表于 2009-11-21 13:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
                PeerGuardian 2.0 Beta 6c        Phoenix Labs - 1.60MB (Open Source) -
PeerGuardian 2 is Phoenix Labs' premier IP blockerfor Windows. PeerGuardian 2 integrates support for multiple lists, listediting, automatic updates, and blocking all of IPv4 (TCP, UDP, ICMP,etc), making it the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy onP2P.PeerGuardian 2 is Open Source, meaning the program code isavailable online for anyone who wants it. Not only does this allow youto make modifications or even branch off into your own project, but itencourages peer review of the code making sure any bugs are eliminatedswiftly. Because PeerGuardian 2 is Open Source, you can rest assuredthere are no backdoors or spyware included.
Development of this title has been discontinued by the original authors, but has been continued by a new team under the name of PeerBlock.


Title:PeerGuardian 2.0 Beta 6c
File size:1.60MB (1,674,242 bytes)
Requirements:Windows 9x / 2000 / XP / 2003 / XP64
License:Open Source
Date added:February 15, 2007
Author:Phoenix Labs

MD5 Checksum:A0EFC4F9CA0BBC47610A951C650A20C4

Latest Version

Latest Version
PeerGuardian 2.0 Beta 6c

Old Versions
PeerGuardian 2.0 Beta 6b
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发表于 2009-11-21 13:27:27 | 显示全部楼层
PeerGuardian 2 是一款 OpenSource 的免費軟體。網路上使用者安裝安裝了防火牆就不再需要 PeerGuardian 2 了嗎?當然不是,因為一般的防火牆都是採取允許特定程式存取網路的方式來保護你的電腦,所以一旦你允許了某個 P2P 軟體進行網路存取,那麼防火牆就不再去理它接下來的行為了。這個時候你就需要 PeerGuardian 2 來作為輔助。

PeerGuardian 2 能夠匯入於網路上所搜索到的黑名單位址,將這些位址阻擋,而這些黑名單中包括了一些專門負責監控點對點分享行為是否觸法的的組織,所以可以排除監控。

以上簡介取自 Toget 。
发表于 2009-11-21 14:47:38 | 显示全部楼层
2007年,beta 6c。。。
发表于 2009-11-21 18:11:15 | 显示全部楼层
"major improvement since the original version 2 (2005)"

Pros: The 2.0.B6b has less bugs, and improved speed,and a really much better memory management.

Cons: sometimes the GUI stop responding, (nothing new here).
sometimes the driver stop communicating, and needs to be reinitialize, the driver fixer exe is no longer present in the package but can be obtain from an old version.
Summary: surprising the new version of peerGuardian will work best on xp, then vista, I did tried it in debug mod and it is best solution I know for a GUI IP filtering software.
recommendation: keep the exes and the dlls and the drvs from the old versions, just copy them to another folder. you may still use the driver fixer, cause it is sometimes needed.
发表于 2009-11-21 21:00:17 | 显示全部楼层
PeerGuardian过时很久了,现在要用peerblock,经常bt或emule 的可以试试。
发表于 2009-11-21 22:33:48 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-11-22 13:52:30 | 显示全部楼层
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