New product releases for Windows
The latest product versions for Windows will be published next week.
The latest versions of VirusBuster Personal, Professional, VirusBuster for Windows Servers and VirusBuster Central Management Solution will contain the following major changes besides several minor fixes:
•New, version 5 anti-malware engine: the new engine uses the version 12 virus definition files and contains the VirusBuster Engine Rapid Update technology, which provides the opportuntiy to update the anti-malware engine through virus definition updates. Customers will receive further developments of the anti-malware engine which aim to improve performance and the level of protection through simple daily definiton updates seamlessly, without the need to perform a product update.
•Full support for Windows 7: currently available product versions already support the latest Windows operating system, but the new product packages include changes, which further improve user experience on Windows 7 and enable full management of Windows 7 computers in corporate environments with VirusBuster Central Management Solution.
•VirusBuster Central Management Solution's update tasks now run as scheduled tasks, independently from user login.
•The MMC interface of VirusBuster for Windows Servers and VirusBuster CMS may only be started by an administrator or any user which was specified during installation.
•Virus scans can be performed while running the operating system in Safe mode.
We would like to inform our customers, that the version 10 virus definition files, which are used in our publicly available product version at the moment will only be updated until the 30th of June, 2010. After this date, only the version 12 virus database will be supported which is included in the product packages which will be published next week. We would like to ask all customers that if automatic updates are turned off, please update your products before this date. Products perform automatic updates by default, which enables them to provide the highest level of protection, therefore if you did not turn off automatic updates, no actions are needed.
新的引擎(5.X) 新版本的特征码(12.XX.XX)~或许会增强检测率吧,一些都尽请期待新版本发布后,卡饭的测试区成绩吧。 |