本帖最后由 107 于 2010.8.23 12:00 编辑
在日常使用过程中,往往要从VirtualBox的客户机(guest system)中使用主机(host system)里面的文件,那么通过共享文件夹的方式可以达成此目的。
在VirtualBox中安装好Windows XP后,先要安装工具包VBoxGuestAdditions.iso,这个映像文件位于VirtualBox的安装目录下,我的是在/usr/share/virtualbox目录下。在VirtualBox控制面板中点击“设置”,接着选“光驱”,加载映像。启动虚拟机进入XP后,安装辅助工具包。 接下来就是设置共享目录了。在VirtualBox先选择你的虚拟系统,接着“设置”,选“数据空间”,点击那个加号按钮,如下图:
接着启动进入客户机Windows XP,打开“我的电脑”,依次点击菜单栏“工具”-“映射网络驱动器”,驱动器盘符自选,文件夹填“\vboxsvrtmp”,tmp是我之前设置的“数据空间名称”,把tmp改成你刚才设置的“数据空间名称”即可,如下图:
好了,现在双击“网络驱动器”中的那个图标,即可读取、修改linux主机中的文件了 遇到的问题:
直接在XP共享文件夹中使用应用程序打开文件,修改后不能直接保存,如用Photoshop打开某图片并修改后,ctrl+s不能保存,提示该文件已经被锁定。 解决办法:
把共享文件夹中的文件复制到Windows XP的本地磁盘中,修改完成后,再复制回共享文件夹。
In view of such services Alipay Linux users to ignore our existence, no way, it had no choice but to use Linux on a Windows system, the VirtualBox virtualization. System is installed OK, in the course of daily use, often from the VirtualBox client (guest system) used in the host (host system) inside the file, then the shared folder through the ways to achieve this purpose. Here, I wrote a graphic tutorials, instructions for setting up process, you want to help. (Note: My host is Ubuntu Linux 8.04, client machine is Windows XP, VirtualBox version 2.2.4 [download]) in the VirtualBox installed in Windows XP, first install the kit VBoxGuestAdditions.iso, this image file is located in VirtualBox's installation directory, I was in the / usr / share / virtualbox directory. In the VirtualBox control panel, click "Settings", then select "CD-ROM", loading the image. Start the virtual machine into XP, the installation of ancillary tool kit. The next step is to set a shared directory. In the VirtualBox first select your virtual system, then "Settings", select "Data Space", click on that plus sign button, the following diagram |