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[技术原创] PCT家族Spyware Doctor (TOP1反间谍程式,8月27日重磅更新至205完美破解可升级)

发表于 2007-3-12 17:35:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一部分 S.D简单介绍
第二部分 S.D的特性
第三部分 Spyware Doctor最新版本更新内容
第四部分 Spyware Doctor图形界面介绍
第五部分 Spyware Doctor v5.0.1.205的相关下载和说明

第一部分 S.D简单介绍

Best Spyware Protection. Used by Millions World Wide.

Spyware Doctor has been downloaded over 75 Million times; with a million more downloads every week. Millions of people worldwide use Spyware Doctor to protect their identity and PC security.

Spyware Doctor has consistently been awarded Editors' Choice, by leading PC magazines and testing laboratories around the world, including United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany and Australia. All current versions of Spyware Doctor have won Editors' Choice awards from PC Magazine in United States. In addition, after leading the market in 2005, Spyware Doctor was awarded the prestigious Best of the Year at the end of 2005.
S.D屡获“编辑选择”的殊荣,同时备受包括美国、英国、瑞典、德国、澳大利亚等国在全世界具有重大影响力的计算机杂志和测试实验室的青睐.现行版本的S.D已经在美国获得了“PC Magazine”颁发的“编辑选择”奖,此外,2005年同类产品市场一直领跑的S.D,在年末还将“年度最佳”收入囊中。

Spyware Doctor continues to be awarded the highest honors by many of the worlds leading PC publications such as PC Pro, PC Plus, PC Authority, PC Utilities, PC Advisor, PC Choice, Microdatorn, PC Answers Magazine plus number of reputable 5-star ratings including CNET's Download.com and Tucows.
S.D持续被世界各地的旗帜性PC出版物,如PC Pro,PC Plus,PC Authority,PC Utilities,PC Advisor, PC Choice, Microdatorn, PC Answers Magazine以及不胜枚举的包括CNET's Download.com 和Tucows在内的五星级下载网站授予最高的荣誉。

Note : If you are choosing Anti-Spyware make sure you choose one that is proven and has genuine awards from one or more world leading research labs such a PC Magazine, PC World, CNET, PC Pro Magazine, PC Authority, PC Answers and other trusted labs. More importantly do not use ratings from unknown review websites, as often these are designed to mislead you into purchase of affiliated, inferior or rogue product.
提示:如果您正在寻找一款合适的反间谍软件,请确保你选择的产品是经过认证同时还荣获来自一家或多家世界级研究实验室,比如PC Magazine, PC World, CNET, PC Pro Magazine, PC Authority, PC Answers或其他值得信赖的实验室的真实奖项。尤其重要的是不要使用不知名的网站(提供的产品),因为这些软件常常会误导您去购买附加性的,劣质的或流氓欺诈性的产品。

Detects, removes and blocks all types of Spyware.

Did you know that numerous programs tested against Spyware Doctor detected only small fraction of Spyware and completely removed an even smaller amount? Also most of them were unable to effectively block Spyware in real time from being installed on users PC in the first place.

Spyware Doctor has the most advanced update feature that continually improves its Spyware fighting capabilities on daily basis. As Spyware gets more complex to avoid detection by AntiSpyware programs Spyware Doctor responds with new technology to stay one step ahead.

Easiest to Use

Spyware Doctor is advanced technology designed specially for people, not experts. That is one reason why it won the People's Choice Award in 2005 and 2006. It is automatically configured out of the box to give you optimal protection with limited interaction so all you need to do is install it for immediate and ongoing protection.

Spyware Doctor's advanced OnGuard technology only alerts users on a true Spyware detection. This is significant because you should not be interrupted by cryptic questions every time you install software, add a site to your favorites or change your PC settings. Such messages can be confusing and lead to undesirable outcomes such as inoperable programs, lost favorites or even Spyware being allowed to install on the system. We've done the research so you don't have to.

[ 本帖最后由 daryl 于 2007-8-27 12:50 编辑 ]


参与人数 2经验 +13 收起 理由
bidianyang + 5 版区有你更精彩: )
小邪邪 + 8 原创内容


 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-12 17:35:27 | 显示全部楼层
第二部分 S.D的特性

Spyware Doctor Features

1)Detects and removes malware infections including spyware, adware, browser hijackers, Trojans, keyloggers, dialers and tracking cookies

Spyware Doctor utilizes a sophisticated database of malware infections to detect and remove malware from your computer. The database currently incorporates over 50,000 signatures. Multiple databases are released each week, assisting you to keep your system free of new infections.

2)Frequent Smart Updates to detect and guard against new infections as well as adding enhancements to Spyware Doctor

Run the Smart Update tool to receive the latest malware infection database updates as well as improvements to Spyware Doctor's functionality and Help documentation. By running Smart Update regularly, you can help keep your system free of new infections.

3)Rootkit scanning

Spyware Doctor is fully capable of detecting and removing hidden processes associated with complex threats and rootkits. Such threats are otherwise difficult to remove by conventional means since they may be hidden to the operating system.

4)Spider Scanning Technology (patent pending)

The innovative, patent-pending Spider Scanning Technology promises to significantly reduce scanning time (in some cases up to 25%1) and produce more threat detections. Spider scanning works intelligently by using a combination of signature and behavioral scanning techniques to quickly and effectively identify spyware threats.

5)ADS detection & removal capability

Alternate Data Stream (ADS) scanning allows Spyware Doctor to detect threats that attach themselves to ordinary, harmless files through an ADS. When this occurs, the item of spyware is hidden and the harmless file appears unchanged to the user. Spyware Doctor can detect and remove these types of nasty threats which hide themselves in ADSs.

6)Malicious KL (Kernel Level) Process killer

Kernel Level (KL) Process killer technology detects, kills & removes malicious processes that operate at the Windows Kernel level. This enables Spyware Doctor the ability to stop troublesome processes from running, which either hide themselves or attempt to restart upon termination.

7)A wide range of other sophisticated scanning tools including:

A Hosts Scanner, which scans the Windows Hosts file for any mappings that may have been altered as a result of malware activities.

A Browser Defaults, Favorites and ZoneMap Scanner, which determines if malware has altered your browser home page, favorites or has added any malicious sites to your Trusted Sites list.

A Startup Scanner, which removes references to malicious programs that run at startup in the registry and Windows startup files, as well as malicious files in Windows startup locations.

State-of-the-art scanning engines, including file scan, memory scan, registry scan, browser helper objects scan, cookie scan and much more.

8)The OnGuard feature, designed for continual protection against malware infections and associated activities on your computer

A patent pending Keylogger Guard tool, which uses behavioral detection as opposed to signature-dependent methods to detect and block keylogger activities on your computer.

Newly released and custom written keyloggers designed for specific attacks, will not normally be blocked by conventional signature detection methods. Using our new behavioral detection Spyware Doctor can prevent these keyloggers from recording keystrokes and causing damage much sooner than keylogger blockers based on signature-dependent methods.

An effective Browser Guard, which scans and removes unwanted Browser Extensions in addition to Browser Helper Objects.

Unlike Browser Objects, which are constantly active and running while your browser is open, Browser Extensions can be activated manually through your browser, for example, through a button which has been added to your toolbar. Browser Extensions can open up a specific web page or run a program. Browser Guard now also monitors for changes to Internet Explorer start and default pages and if they are set to a malicious site, they are reset back to default settings.

A powerful Immunizer tool to keep your browsing safe.

The Immunizer function protects your computer against ActiveX-based infections by preventing them from being installed on your system.

An easy-to-use Popup Blocker.

Popup Blocker is designed to stop annoying popup windows appearing as you browse the Internet. Currently, Internet Explorer is the only browser integrated with Popup Blocker. Other browsers are planned for future releases, based on demand. Popup Blocker will only function when OnGuard protection is active. To temporarily disable Popup Blocker, hold the [CTRL] key down while clicking on the URL that generates the popup.

A Scheduler, to allow scheduling of a Quick Scan, Full Scan or Smart Update at specified times and intervals.

Spyware Doctor incorporates a Scheduler as part of its OnGuard set of tools. This tool may be used to schedule Quick Scans, Full Scans or Smart Updates at specified times and intervals. These actions can be conducted in the background and also set to begin only when your CPU usage is below a specified level.

A Site Guard tool (Anti-Phishing).

Site Guard (Anti-Phishing) prevents your browser from going to web sites that either install malware onto your computer or masquerade as legitimate businesses or eCommerce sites, which could steal your personal information. Examples of this could be a site that looks like your online bank with the same or similar URL that prompts the user to input their login information in order to steal their savings.

A Process Guard tool, which prevents known malicious processes from running on your computer.

Malicious processes can run upon the execution of a known malicious executable file.

A Startup Guard tool, which checks for and removes malicious files that attempt to run automatically on your system when Windows starts up.

Startup Guard scans the areas of your system capable of affecting files running at Windows startup: the Windows Startup folder, "Run" sections of the Windows Registry, Windows bootable files and the Windows Shared Tasks Scheduler.

9)Ability to quarantine and restore items that have been detected

Spyware Doctor allows you to remove malware infections from your system that have been detected in a scan, or quarantine them into a contained area. The majority of infections that have been quarantined can be restored at a later time for example. You can customize Spyware Doctor to either remove or quarantine malware items fixed in a scan.

[ 本帖最后由 daryl 于 2007-8-15 08:27 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-12 17:36:07 | 显示全部楼层
第三部分:Spyware Doctor最新版本的更新内容

What's new in this release?

1)New Instant Messenger (IM) Guard Tool

A new OnGuard real-time protection tool, IM Guard, protects users of Instant Messaging applications such as MSN Messenger from access to any potentially malicious URLs received. Such URLs can lead to phishing sites or sites which attempt to exploit your web browser.

2)New Ability to remove challenging new threats designed to elude elimination

Some recent malware infections are installed as drivers which protect themselves from removal and along with other installed drivers, are protected from deletion by the operating system. However, Spyware Doctor has the capability of removing these malicious driver threats. Spyware Doctor is also capable of removing threats that attempt to shut down the Spyware Doctor application itself.

3)New Enhanced Ignore List with added security features

The Ignore List is used to prevent Spyware Doctor from detecting specific items that you wish to keep. However, some recent threats have been found to add themselves to the Ignore List in an attempt to compromise Spyware Doctor’s detection capabilities. Therefore, the security of the Ignore List has been enhanced and integrity checks implemented to prevent such threats from attempting to compromise Spyware Doctor’s effectiveness.

4)New Enhancements to scanning tools

Spyware Doctor includes significant enhancements to its scanning tools. The Disk Scanner tool has the ability to detect and remove threats that attempt to avoid detection by using alternative character formatting. The Browser Activity Scanner is now also able to detect potentially malicious cookies stored by Mozilla Firefox web browser.
S.D对它的扫描工具进行了关键性的改进。硬盘扫描工具能够侦测并移除那些利用改变字符编排形式躲避侦测的威胁;浏览器活动扫描器现在也可以检测存放在Mozilla Firefox浏览器中的潜在恶性cookies。

5)New A System Restore point feature

Spyware Doctor provides the option of creating a Windows System Restore point prior to threat removal. This works as a supplementary feature to Spyware Doctor's own Quarantine and Restore features.

[ 本帖最后由 daryl 于 2007-3-27 22:17 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-12 17:36:37 | 显示全部楼层

第四部分:Spyware Doctor图形界面介绍


[ 本帖最后由 daryl 于 2007-8-15 08:28 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-12 17:37:15 | 显示全部楼层
第五部分:最新版本Spyware Doctor v5.0.1.205的相关下载和v5.0.5.259的说明


下面说资源占用,首先说下我机器的配置:P41.6 W处理器(第一代P4),256M DDR266内存(第一代DDR),40G希捷酷鱼7200硬盘怎么样,机器够老的吧。。。














关于最新的SD5.0.5.259的若干说明这个版本是SD目前最新的版本了,PC Tools在发布这个版本前先发了个5.0.5.258的测试版,但是因为技术原因,很快就收回并在官网上重新换回205版本,不过当时看到的5.0.5.258的原始安装包的体积比205版本多了有10M,根据经验推断258或259版本的病毒库又有了大幅的扩容。259正式发布后,出人意料的是,安装程序的体积竟然只有区区14M,几乎和4.0时代差不多,更不要说我之前看到的36M的258安装包的体积了。安装了259后更加让人大吃一惊的是病毒库容量竟然跌落到4.0时代的水平,从205的60多万下滑到18万,百思不得其解,于是发信询问了PC Tools的工程师,答复是由于259采用了新的内核技术和新的封装技术,所以安装包的体积大幅的减少,至于病毒库容量急剧减少的问题,回答是,注册用户在正常安装259后,可以通过在线更新下载到完整的病毒库,也就是说原来安装包中包含的部分数据转嫁到在线执行。一个感觉,太狠了。找遍了所有的破解,可以破解注册,可以升级数据库版本,甚至可以升级新更新的病毒库,但是那个工程师所说的完整的病毒库一直搞不定,259的病毒库容量一直维持在18万左右。。。



特别提示:SDv5.0.5.259发布后,PC Tools官方替换了上一个205的版本,所以大家现在在官网上下不到205的安装程序了,提供一个链接下载http://www.5jsoft.com/down.php/1041221/sdsetup.exe


[ 本帖最后由 daryl 于 2007-8-28 16:36 编辑 ]


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发表于 2007-3-12 18:03:47 | 显示全部楼层
该数据库现已搜集了超过50000的特征码 ,你不是开玩笑吧,AVG都65W了,这个难道又是Trojan Hunter第二,一个浪得虚名的东东 [:11:]
发表于 2007-3-12 18:04:57 | 显示全部楼层
5W间谍库的话还是太小了,偶情愿用卡巴或者红伞,人家杀间谍也是一流的(spy , AD一类的),5W数据库的话还不够塞牙缝的,5555,估计是一个浪得虚名的东西,再说到国内会不会水土不服啊,my123这种东西应该不管的吧

[ 本帖最后由 绅博周幸 于 2007-3-12 18:06 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-3-12 18:08:55 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-12 18:27:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 绅博周幸 于 2007-3-12 18:04 发表
  5W间谍库的话还是太小了,偶情愿用卡巴或者红伞,人家杀间谍也是一流的(spy , AD一类的),5W数据库的话还不够塞牙缝的,5555,估计是一个浪得虚名的东西,再说到国内会不会水土不服啊,my123这种东西应该不管的吧  

  首先这不是纯正的杀毒软件,这只是个反间谍程式,不能用一般的病毒库的规模衡量其间谍特征库的容量,就杀毒而言,PCT有自己独立的杀毒软件PC TOOLS ANTIVIRUS;其次,卡巴或红伞的间谍库规模是多少?这位朋友具体数字列一下(不是病毒库),第三,现在的S.D不是主要靠间谍特征库吃饭的,更多的是靠行为分析判断技术进行捕捉,所以间谍库容量不大没有什么大不了的,何况每周其间谍库容量在成倍更新。~~~所以,不明白所谓”浪得虚名“的依据是什么?

[ 本帖最后由 daryl 于 2007-3-12 19:13 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-12 18:41:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 favorblue 于 2007-3-12 18:08 发表

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