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楼主: vyes

[讨论] 请解释下小红伞杀毒时几个选项的中文意思!

发表于 2007-3-13 13:02:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 曲中求 于 2007-3-12 20:43 发表
关于overwrite and delete与delete的区别:

When you delete a file (normally, the first option), the actual data isn't deleted, but only some references that point to the file. This is also true for when you delete a file from My Computer. That's why when you delete lots of files it only takes a couple of seconds.

当你选择"删除"一个文件(一般的讲,是你红伞询问窗口中的第一个选项),那个文件并没有真正的被删除. 而仅仅是删除了指向该文件的信息(references).其实,这与你选择"从我的电脑删除一个文件(译注:指windows系统中, 你删除文件,其实并没有真正删除)" 这就是为什么你能在短时间内删除很多文件的道理.

  When you do that, you usually can restore the deleted file with a special utility, like Avira Unerase.

当你进行了上述删除操作,常常能利用一种特殊软件,比如说Avira unerase,恢复这些被删除的数据.
  When you delete the file with Overwrite and delete, the actual data is overwritten with some other data (default pattern), as well as deleting the file like the first option. Therefore, you won't be able to recover the data after chosing this option.

当你用"overwrite and delete"操作删除该文件时,该数据被另一些数据所覆盖(默认模式下).不仅像第一种操作(delete)一样删除掉指向信息, 而且你不可能恢复这些数据.
  The conclusion is that you will usually need the normal delete option.

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