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[资讯] File infectors – part 2[文件传染 - 第2部分】

发表于 2010-1-10 20:45:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 szp1688 于 2010-1-11 09:17 编辑

Hello in 2010. I would like to wish you all the best in this year and I hope that our upcoming v5 will be your good fella starting from this January. Let me resume the previous article “Buggy file infectors” -  as the release date for v5 is getting closer and closer, I think it would be good to inform you what to expect regarding the file infectors cleaning. Version 4.x was sometimes criticised due to its lower ability to cure most recent file infector families (more on this will be written later in this text). Good news for you – v5 will perform better.

Ok, it’s time to get deeper into the topic (but not so deep to get stuck in technical details). First – we should clarify the situation around v4.x – version 4 already has a cleaning engine. This engine is able to clean certain virus families – mostly the families that were quite successful in spreading (high ITW rank) and some families that were very dangerous and created a high risk for victim computers. You’ve maybe noticed, that infections are getting more complex as time goes on. Recent virus families need advanced technologies to get rid of them and here’s the first limitation of the v4 cleaner – it’s not available within the boot-time scan (nor in the linux version). There’s also a need to emulate very tricky code to be able to walk through the virus bodies and the minimalistic emulator engine in v4 was not able to reflect all these aspects. But – this doesn’t mean that v4 is completely toothless – it is able to clean e.g. Win32:Parite (which is an evergreen between virus families). Your question probably is – what will v5 do better?
Version 5 contains a new emulation engine (in fact, it contains two new emulation engines  – one is faster, one is more handy and compatible). This emulation engine is the core of the new cleaning engine, that’s available also in the boot-time scan. It also has the ability to walk through the polymorphic code of modern file infectors. Now we know that v5 has new weapons. But how are they used? Avast is now strong at cleaning Win32:Alman, Win32:Cekar, Win32:DunDun, Win32:Expiro and other ITW threats. Sounds promising, right? But there’s always some threshold that will remain effectively uncurable. It’s necessary to simply accept that fact. Some virus families have such a big impact on your system that there’s no way back. Especially when we talk about Win32:Virut (Win32:Vitro) and Win32:Sality – they are very destructive (many wrongly infected files can’t be cured and the system would be left in a corrupted state). You should always keep in mind that once you have been attacked by these virus families, your computer is seriously compromised and can’t be trustworthy anymore (even after curing with various arbitrary tools). There’s no guarantee to fully disinfect such complex viruses and even when you’re able to cure all the files, the trust level is significantly decreased. Why?
There are basically two ways of signing files. System files are usually signed through catalogues, 3rd party files are usually signed with authenticode certificates (in-place certificates issued by VeriSign etc.). Most file infectors invalidate these certificates and the cleaning routine can’t do any better once the certificate is corrupted (cleaned files can’t match their signatures anymore, because we can’t take them to their original state). Are you sure that you can trust the unsigned binaries after the system disinfection? Not fully, right? The only way to be certain is to reinstall your system, but do you want to hear such advice? I don’t think so, that’s the reason why we always try to keep the trust level at some reasonable value. When we’re able to get rid of the infection – we do so (some examples were mentioned above). In case we’re not able to fully disinfect the system (e.g. in the case of Virut and Sality), we’re advising you to periodically backup your system and recover the data when needed.
You can see some tools claiming they’re able to clean even the most complex infections, but believe me, there’s no guarantee to restore the system to its original state. A cleaned file (in my opinion) means a file that has no malicious functionality and does not contain any (even inactive) traces of the infection. My daily practice offers me many files cleaned from the Virut infection with some 3rd party tools, but they still contain significant parts of the infection and are thus detected by our engine. Cleaned files should not be detected by any engine. Second, the problem with wrongly infected files was already mentioned, that’s a sufficient reason to ignore Win32:Mabezat in my opinion (its corruption ratio is soooo high).
So, what to expect from v5 after reading these concerns? It will always try to fully disinfect your system and it offers a wider variety of disinfection methods than v4. Always remember that no AV is the Holy Grail and some infections need special care. Feel free to visit our forums when you’re facing an infection but you’re not sure what to do and how.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-10 20:45:56 | 显示全部楼层
Hello in 2010. I would like to wish you all the best in this year and I hope that our upcoming v5 wi ...
szp1688 发表于 2010-1-10 20:45


2010年您好。我谨祝愿大家在这一年中最美好的,我希望我们即将推出的第5版将是您的好小伙子,从今年1月开始。让我恢复以前的文章“马车文件感染者” - 作为V5的发布日期越来越密切,我想这是好通知你所期待的有关文件感染者清洗。 4.x版本有时被批评,因为它能够降低治疗的最新文件传染家庭(在这将是本书编写以后更多)。好消息告诉你 - 第5版更好的表现。

好吧,它的时间去深入探讨这个话题(但不如此之深的陷在技术细节)。首先 - 我们要澄清围绕v4.x的情况 - 第4版已经有一个清洁的发动机。该引擎可以清除某些病毒的家庭 - 家庭,大多是相当传播(高ITW的排名),有些家庭是非常危险的,并为受害者的电脑,高风险的成功。你也许注意到,这感染也越来越复杂随着时间的推移。最近病毒家庭需要的先进技术,以摆脱他们,这里的的V4的清洁第一个限制 - 这不是在启动时扫描可用(也不在Linux版本)。还有一个需要学习非常狡猾的代码能够穿过病毒机构和在第4版简约仿真引擎无法反映所有这些方面。但是 - 这并不意味着V4是完全无牙 - 它能够清除,例如Win32其他名称:Parite(这是一个家庭之间的病毒常绿)。你的问题可能是 - 什么V5中做得更好呢?

第5版包含一个新的仿真引擎(实际上,它包含了两个新的仿真引擎 - 一个是快,一个是最方便和兼容)。这种仿真引擎是新的清洁发动机的核心,这可以在启动时扫描。它也有能力走过现代文件的感染者多态代码。现在我们知道,第5版的新武器。但他们怎样使用的? Avast是目前强劲清洗Win32其他名称:阿尔曼,Win32其他名称:Cekar,Win32其他名称:DunDun,Win32其他名称:Expiro在内的和其他ITW的威胁。听起来前途,对不对?但总是有一些门槛,将继续有效地uncurable。因此有必要简单地接受这一事实。有些病毒家族有这样一个在您的系统产生重大影响,有没有办法回来。尤其是当我们谈论Win32其他名称:Virut(Win32其他名称:体外)和Win32:Sality - 他们是非常具有破坏性的(很多错误,受感染的文件不能被治愈,该系统将在一个已损坏的状态)。你应该始终牢记,一旦被攻击,这些病毒的家庭,您的计算机受到严重损害,不能再信赖(甚至在各种任意工具固化)。也不能保证完全消毒等复杂的病毒,甚至当你能治疗的所有文件,信任程度大大降低。为什么?

基本上有两种方式签署文件。系统文件通常通过签署目录,第三方文件通常与(在颁发证书,验证码的地方VeriSign公司签署的证明等)。大多数文件传染废止这些证书和日常清洁不能更好一旦任何证书已损坏(清理文件不能满足他们的签名了,因为我们不能带他们到原来的状态)。你肯定可以信任消毒后的系统二进制文件的符号?不充分,对不对?唯一的办法肯定是要重新安装系统,但你想不想听到这样的建议?我不这么认为,这就是为什么我们总是试图保持在合理的价值的信任级别。当我们能够摆脱感染 - 我们这样做的(一些例子是上面提到的)。如果我们不能完全消毒系统(在Virut和Sality情况下),我们建议您定期备份和恢复您的系统时所需的数据。


发表于 2010-1-10 20:57:09 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-10 21:05:55 | 显示全部楼层
enyawestlife 发表于 2010-1-10 20:57
发表于 2010-1-10 21:29:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-1-10 21:39:55 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-11 09:18:37 | 显示全部楼层
后部分说的是一些病毒破坏的文件,即使病毒被清除文件的完整程度也是很低,将无法跟原来一样。如果这个文件 ...
jzty2 发表于 2010-1-10 21:39

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