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[已解决] Frequently Asked Questions For New Testers (新手指南)

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发表于 2007-3-20 13:14:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1) What is the difference between KAV and KIS?(KAV和KIS间简要区别)

File-Antivirus KAV and KIS
Mail-Antivirus KAV and KIS
Web-Antivirus KAV and KIS
Proactive Defense KAV and KIS
Anti-Spy KIS only
Anti-Hacker KIS only
Аnti-Spam KIS only

2) How come there are two avp.exe processes in Task Manager? (为什么任务栏中有2个avp.exe进程)
Thatis normal. One belongs to the actual service(实际的病毒监控服务), while the other one isthe graphical component(另一个进程只是程序图形界面支持,非功能支持). NOTE: File Server edition starts with 2 twosystem proccesses by default to provide additional load balancingfunctionality.

3) Where do I download the latest version? (最新版下载地址)
All the latest versions are uploaded to Kaspersky Labs FTP Server here:
The activation codes are in the same folders (试用激活码也在相同的文件夹内)
nb=Without Bases (Lighter Version, if previous builds were installed) (不带病毒库的纯安装文件)
fr/en/de/ru=Localization Languages (本地化语言文件)
kis/kav/fs/wks=Product designation (产品名称)
ap=Admin Kit Plugin (管理员插件套件)

3a) What are different editions? (各版本间简要区别)
KAV - Basic Antivirus (基本的反病毒功能)
KIS - Full Security Suite (安区套装,反病毒+网络防火墙)
FS - Edition for File Servers (the only one that works on Windows 2003) (服务器版,KBB系列中唯一的工作于Windows 2003的版本)
WKS - Edition for Workations (Special edition, which can be controlled via AdminKit) (工作站版,是特殊版,可以通过管理员套件集中控制)

3b) Which build is really for me? (目前可用的最新稳定版本)
Support is the section called "Protection for Home Users" (家庭用户)
Build = MP2 Release of KIS/KAV 6.0 (Stable)(旧版Bug修复的版本, MP2)
Build = MP1 Release of KIS/KAV 6.0 (Stable) (旧版Bug修复的版本, MP1)
Build = Technical Release of WKS 6.0 (Stable) (相对于其旧版有技术更新的版本)
Note: Any builds higher than MP2 are new betas and are not recomended for mass public usage. (目前任何高于MP2的版本官方不推荐在复杂的公共环境使用,如网吧、公司等)

Ifyou wish to help ongoing development, less stable and more prone tosystem crashes, however contains experimental features. Requiresspecial beta activation keys, which can be found on the official FTPserver.
Note: The latest builds can always be found on the ftp server. (最新版都上传到了官方FTP上)

3c) What does MP1 or MP2 mean? (MP1 和MP2 什么意思)
MP1is also known as Maintanence Pack. It will include additional featuresand product enhancements. When released, it will be a separate install.Usually it is free for all existing users, provided the key file hasnot expired yet.
(MP1版包括了新增加的功能和原有功能的强化。 如果已经安装MP1前的版本,安装MP1 时要卸载原来的版本,并且旧版的Key 仍然可以用)

3d) How do activate the beta product? (如何激活测试版)
Youwill need to utilize special activation codes, which are located on theFTP server in the file called "BetaCodes.txt". The activation happendsvia an Activation Wizard, using that particular keycode. Ensure thatthe correct code is used, for the product type you are attempting toactivate.
NOTE: If for some reason there is a server problem, you can download the keyfile by going to the following website:
(需要在官方FTP上下载"BetaCodes.txt",里面包含有激活码,注意选择正确的激活码。 如果网络验证有问题,可以直接到上面的网址中下载key 文件)

4)Where do I post my bugs? (Bugs上报。呵呵,非病毒上报。不翻译了,自己看吧
Pleasejoin us in reporting real product bugs in the appropriate thread, whichis usually created by one of our forum members. When posting, ensurethat you are running the latest version. (can be checked with an FTPserver) It is important to post specific test cases, so other memberscan either confirm or deny the presence of a bug. Please remember it isvery hard to reproduce something, if detailed steps are not posted.When detailing a problem a screenshot is quite often helpful. Do notforget to attach your trace 500 logs. Simply posting "it does not work"will not push the issue forward. If you have a configurational problem,press "New Topic" button instead. Bug threads are reserved forreporting bugs only. You can discuss your experiences in the buildthread.

5) Product crashes, blue screens etc. (冲突和蓝屏等问题)
KasperskyDevelopers are very much interested in memory dumps(内存溢出). What you need todo is check your C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ApplicationData\Kaspersky Lab (Windows Vista Logo) for any files with DMPextensions. Please pack them up with WinRar or WinZip and upload here:
ID: kav2006dump
Password: zpJRMUmvpJUdKnYq
Getting the Complete Memory Dump in case of BSOD
(将 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ApplicationData\Kaspersky Lab中后缀名为DMP的文件压缩后上传到FTP。)

6) What is the new feature set for MP2? (官方MP2新特性介绍)

7) Would there be complete x64-bit and Windows Vista compatibility? (64位和Vista适用版本)
Absolutely. Please install MP2 release, also known as build (MP2)
(推荐6.0.2.614 (MP2))

8) MP2 Release Known Issues MP2版已知的问题)
1.     Disinfection of e-mail databases in PST format attached to a message is not supported. (不支持邮件中被感染 的PST格式的附件查毒)
2.Problems may occur during Anti-Spam processing of certain messageheaders containing Japanese hieroglyphs if header checks are enabled.  (对于如以日文等象形文字开头的信件,反垃圾文件功能监控存在问题)
3.After work in the advanced disinfection mode to prevent an activeinfection links to deleted infected files may remain in the registry insome cases. (某些情况下,在用高级的查杀模式查杀被感染的文件后,相关的注册键值仍留在了注册表中)
4. Application of defined settings in Microsoft InternetExplorer functions incorrectly if different proxy servers are specifiedfor various protocols.  (如果使用不同协议的代理服务器时,IE中相关功能自定义模块会不正确)
5.     Scanning of VBA macros: monitoring of APIFUNCTION macro execution is disabled. (扫描VBA宏时,对扩展宏的监控功能失效)
6.In some cases message subject in the preview window of Microsoft OfficeOutlook does not change when the message is open and it containsdetected spam. (某些情况下,在微软OfficeOutlook中打开含有被侦测到有垃圾内容的邮件,邮件主题预览窗口将假死)
发表于 2007-3-20 13:24:13 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-20 13:43:56 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 wangjay1980 于 2007-3-20 13:46 编辑 ]
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