本帖最后由 Quantum 于 2010-3-20 19:09 编辑
a-squared Anti-Malware(a2) 是一款来自欧洲奥地利,可以清理隐藏于计算机中的恶意程序的软件。它的界面简单清楚,操作容易,而且还可以随时通过在线更新最新的恶意软件资料,不怕被新出的恶意软件感染。
- 移除在你计算机中的恶意软件。
- 保护你免被网络木马攻击。
- 保护你免被蠕虫攻击 (蠕虫病毒)
- 保护你的拨号器免被改变。
- 保护免被间谍软件搜集个人资料。
- 保护计算机免被有害软件修改。
- 让你控制计算机中程序。
a-squared Anti-Malware
Anti-Virus, Anti-Trojan, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Worm and Anti-Dialer all in one. Contains the awarded dual-scanner to scan and clean infected computers as well as a background guard which blocks new infections signature- and behavior-based. Includes surf protection, auto-updates, HiJackFree, Commandline Scanner and update proxy for networks.
a-squared Anti-Malware:
- Added new tool for large network use: Anti-Malware Update Proxy 1.0
This is a tiny cache proxy server for Anti-Malware updates, made to speed up online updates in corporate/network use.
- Scanner freeze bug fixed.
a-squared Anti-Malware 4.5 更新
Version - 3/17/2010 - for Windows XP, 2003/2008 Server, Vista and 7, no Malware-IDS/Surf-Protection on x64
a-squared Free 4.5 更新
Version - 3/17/2010 - for Windows XP, 2003/2008 Server, Vista and 7, full functionality on x64
主页 - http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/antimalware/
大小: 84 MB
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