本帖最后由 sam.to 于 2010.8.3 18:39 编辑
03d46ac345aba7894d965ee0491ee579 click.exe2
21b2a1d84cb1182c30ccb6509a8e95fd Qvodplayer.exe_
2b924f64c0bc72763af8d0357b93f32e Qvodplayer.exe$
2f9d78829a2fa417537c0334d0a27ce5 Qvodplayer.e@xe
3fc03619ee97b50686a6bcaa89a092f5 click.ex1e
510e0355e210da290777c1983aea668a Qvodplayer.exe#
51c29d9d24c898a5fba55a9e721532c2 Qvodplayer.exe!
7732f7d42fdc0f08bf3def82ac0879c5 Qvodplayer.exe1
7f36321669224f55306a052eedd09d90 Qvodplayer.e1xe
9830eba7c303c02146ccc3e884051ea7 Qvodplayer.ex@e
b6bd9e8f092b1e92b94465a5c06cf657 Qvodplayer.exe%
bead2f8d7c8bde696aedf57c2fbefa73 Qvodplayer.exe0
cf56c6bed22ba64108ba5b894226f833 Qvodplayer.exe9
d87e298ab5b495ae4b06c1a4a3a8cb1c Qvodplayer.ex3e
e30da76da50469cb06c89e0a7598e37a Qvodplayer.exe7
A listing of files contained inside archives alongside their results can be found below:
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 25830541 | Qvodplayer.e@xe | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830542 | Qvodplayer.e1xe | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830543 | Qvodplayer.ex@e | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830544 | click.ex1e | 87.21 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830545 | Qvodplayer.ex3e | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830546 | Qvodplayer.exe! | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830547 | Qvodplayer.exe# | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830548 | Qvodplayer.exe$ | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830549 | Qvodplayer.exe% | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830550 | Qvodplayer.exe_ | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830551 | Qvodplayer.exe0 | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830552 | Qvodplayer.exe1 | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830553 | click.exe2 | 87.21 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830554 | Qvodplayer.exe7 | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25830555 | Qvodplayer.exe9 | 88.71 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS |
click.ex1e - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.edbj,
click.exe2 - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.edbk,
Qvodplayer.e1xe, Qvodplayer.exe%, Qvodplayer.exe0, Qvodplayer.exe7, Qvodplayer.exe9 - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.edbo,
Qvodplayer.e@xe, Qvodplayer.ex3e, Qvodplayer.ex@e, Qvodplayer.exe!, Qvodplayer.exe#, Qvodplayer.exe$, Qvodplayer.exe1, Qvodplayer.exe_ - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.edbn
New malicious software was found in these files. Detection will be included in the next update. Thank you for your help.
Please quote all when answering.
The answer is relevant to the latest bases from update sources.
Please quote all when answering.
Regards, Kirill Kruglov
Virus Analyst, Kaspersky Lab.
Please find a detailed report concerning each individual sample below:
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e@xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e@xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbn.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e1xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e1xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbo.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.ex@e | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.ex@e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Adload.ahg.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | click.ex1e | MALWARE |
The file 'click.ex1e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Click.B.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.ex3e | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.ex3e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe! | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe!' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe# | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe#' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe$ | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe$' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe% | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe%' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Adload.Q.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe_' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe0 | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe0' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe1 | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe1' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | click.exe2 | MALWARE |
The file 'click.exe2' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Click.A.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe7 | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe7' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe9 | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe9' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agent.edbm.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.