本帖最后由 sam.to 于 2010.8.21 15:26 编辑
9ceb538223cb171d3604adff4d67c5cb click.e$xe
b288b5cff4f8724b63f759000bf1581c click.exe2
563667bef0ab01abffbad4233a848147 click.ex_e
6a4715d5069be0adc4486c8a9a461512 duogua.ex+e
6e5888191b24a814097b0e46fb4f78c2 Qvodplayer.e&xe
4bb023e7749f10cfc3f341a37f3bbf5b Qvodplayer.e0xe
cb8d77527a47b7b13396d27cba242bc8 Qvodplayer.e;xe
c52511bc13824642fbf717bf5ccf4eca Qvodplayer.e@xe
ea6f5579938e1efadceef4d3983ca620 Qvodplayer.ex+e
1c084c3d27ca1f6fbfdaddc795e5bef5 Qvodplayer.ex5e
08b4fbe10508b2c537ef869d32347826 Qvodplayer.exe0
48880d46bb071b3ff173036e419e4988 Qvodplayer.exe3
2e6d7481af1c929b6ea3c95f048bdabe Qvodplayer.exe=
e7b0564939c61ac025023124e6424a70 Qvodplayer.exe_
0a0ca95b5677ec0baa8269499243fe00 Qvodplayer.ex^e
93ef8e354937e8e062d71abb2df8e9ea Qvodplayer.ex`e
6f971399e8b22e0e21b11d41c6a9ecfe Qvodplayer.e_xe
36c49fffd54defb8a20fa96b5dce37fe Qvodplayer.e{xe
to kl,ll,mcafee,comodo,avira
A listing of files contained inside archives alongside their results can be found below:
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 25854873 | click.e$xe | 86.77 KB | MALWARE | 25854874 | Qvodplayer.e&xe | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854875 | Qvodplayer.e;xe | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854876 | Qvodplayer.e@xe | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854877 | Qvodplayer.e_xe | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854878 | Qvodplayer.e{xe | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854879 | Qvodplayer.e0xe | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854880 | Qvodplayer.ex^e | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854881 | click.ex_e | 86.77 KB | MALWARE | 25854882 | Qvodplayer.ex`e | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854883 | duogua.ex+e | 84.21 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854884 | Qvodplayer.ex+e | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854885 | Qvodplayer.ex5e | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854886 | Qvodplayer.exe_ | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854887 | Qvodplayer.exe= | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854888 | Qvodplayer.exe0 | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25854889 | click.exe2 | 86.77 KB | MALWARE | 25854890 | Qvodplayer.exe3 | 88.77 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS |
Please find a detailed report concerning each individual sample below:
Filename | Result | click.e$xe | MALWARE |
The file 'click.e$xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agen.ehdi.1.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e&xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e&xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e;xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e;xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e@xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e@xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e_xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e_xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e{xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e{xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.e0xe | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.e0xe' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.ex^e | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.ex^e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | click.ex_e | MALWARE |
The file 'click.ex_e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agen.ehdi.1.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.ex`e | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.ex`e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | duogua.ex+e | MALWARE |
The file 'duogua.ex+e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Adload.P.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.Please note that Avira's proactive heuristic detection module AHeAD detected this threat up front without the latest VDF update as: HEUR/Malware.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.ex+e | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.ex+e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.ex5e | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.ex5e' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe_' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Adload.Q.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection will be added to our virus definition file (VDF) with one of the next updates.
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe= | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe=' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe0 | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe0' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | click.exe2 | MALWARE |
The file 'click.exe2' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Agen.ehdi.1.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Qvodplayer.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Qvodplayer.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/FraudPack.hub.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
click.e$xe - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.eihj,
click.exe2, click.ex_e - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.eihk,
duogua.ex+e - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.eihm,
Qvodplayer.e&xe, Qvodplayer.e0xe, Qvodplayer.e;xe, Qvodplayer.e@xe, Qvodplayer.ex+e, Qvodplayer.ex5e, Qvodplayer.exe0, Qvodplayer.exe3, Qvodplayer.exe=, Qvodplayer.exe_, Qvodplayer.ex^e, Qvodplayer.ex`e, Qvodplayer.e_xe, Qvodplayer.e{xe - Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Agent.eirc
New malicious software was found in these files. Detection will be included in the next update. Thank you for your help.
Please quote all when answering.
The answer is relevant to the latest bases from update sources.
Regards, Ivan Kargapoltsev.
Virus analyst , Kaspersky Lab.
Ph.: +7(095)797-8700
Fax.: +7 (495) 948-43-31
http://www.kaspersky.com http://www.viruslist.com
http://www.kaspersky.ru/virusscanner - online scan
http://www.kaspersky.com/helpdesk.html - technical support