86372 WebAV: STREAM scan failed
89844 Updater: After update with changed base, bases applied need product reload
90400 DUMP: procmon!~cEventHandlersRef_5AAE1915
92161 avp.exe could not be unloaded
92288 GUI: The size of button in "Application Activety" are different.
92637 OAS: iChecker does not work for doc, ppt, xls, chm, msi, rar, arj
92862 installer: promo page doesn't appear when product is not activated
92922 Can not start the Product at the end of installation
93024 11-176: HIPSGui: Main Application Control window does not correspond to design
93317 ODS: Not skip signed SYS files
93378 PDM:Ger: Incorrect alert for keylogger behavior.
93399 GUI: Network monitor
93438 SW.Investigator: there is no Information on history of activity of process
93439 SW.RollBack, PDM: On 181 build RollBack does not work for PDM
93563 GUI. Warning status. There is no activity threads.
93641 FW: Can't edit the rule or application
93700 GUI: No scan progress window
93797 QB:need re-open the QB windown to check all the changes: add, restore, clear...
93831 SW2 failed to start
93933 GUI: MW: Protection Center
93937 Firewall: can't apply settings for created rule
94056 OAS: not detect virus when scan entirely locked files on flash drive
94160 help & WebAV: variable in URL advisor topic.
94165 SW.BSS, OSx64: After BSS detect the product is not unloaded
94173 Service hangs on exit
94229 GUI: Instruction for Opera browser is missing in SSL Wizard
94296 DUMP: pdm2rt!lock_19618848
94309 Dumps couldn't be written
94324 cannot restore test tool aklt3 from backup
94327 11-194:PDM. P2P activity process doesn't freeze right.
94330 11-194:SW. Rollback didn't work off complete.
94375 11-198 PDM: Cannot terminate drv_copy_to_driver.exe for hidden driver install
94395 Smart mode does not work
94450 Localization: çàãîëîâêè ñòîëáöîâ â News Agent íå ëîêàëèçîâàíû
94456 GUI: Large font.The button icon is not clear in Applications Activity Windows.
94457 11-198 PDM: Cannot detect KDDISPATCH for Keylogger
94463 GUI: Fr loc: there is no discription on "tools" tab at main window
94530 PC: Can't catch and block personal data uesd Firefox
94539 PC: if used Firefox, PC can't catch any data can't block violation data
94540 GUI:The report schedule window content is overlong
94544 GUI:GER: Missing the name of checkbox for WebAV Settings
94589 OAS:Should be 'Delete' not 'Delete if disinfection fails' when just : Delete
94649 DUMP: service!Free_3B9F7140
94651 Network: After installing KIS, list "Network port" is empty by default .
94694 11-204eng:PDM. BSoD when using test for keylloger - KDSPLICE.
94708 GUI: DE loc: there is no discriotion for System Watcher on main window
94712 GUI: (German) Some text are missing in settings of German localization
94730 ODS: Virus detected be postponed when use ODS to scan
89784 GUI:Notification.The notification setting can't be opened with the balloon
91393 ODS: run mode settings for Object scan
92072 QB: OLE objects restores wrong from QB
92088 Master CD: Wrong volume label
92646 TZ: trusted app. cant create "do not inherit restrictions of the parent process"
92986 Lic.Klopp.dat. There is no message about violations of the license agreement
93024 11-176: HIPSGui: Main Application Control window does not correspond to design
93250 100% CPU usage by avp.exe service (ERR klifpp klif::EventFileIo::Read failed)
93487 SB.SB,OB: Google Chrome not opens after chosing action in suggestion
93658 PC: Some blocked message can't be add in report
93660 OAS: allert to the not found file
93721 GUI:SW. Cannot Resume paused
93754 Firewall: zero values in the traffic section in the application rules settings
93951 11-187: HIPSGui filter buttons isnt working
93995 ODS: Settings of "Disinfect only" can't be kept
94043 AP: poor performance on start (HeurAp engine)
94050 Web AV:GEO: One Domain record can have two status in list
94115 HKLM\\Software\\KL\\LicStorage should be moved under \\protected
94118 GUI: Parental Control: Settings window can not be moved
94222 forum:PC:GUI:Group names is absent
94246 GreenZone: No safe browser is being open in Google Chrome.
94276 DUMP: prloader!heapFree_65FC395A
94283 KAV hang after several tests
94287 PDM: the rename host file behavior cannot be detected.
94345 KSN: DNL-ñòàòèñòèêà. Íåêîððåêòíàÿ èíèöèàëèçàöèÿ çíà÷åíèé ïîëÿ Type
94386 Installer: Save activation data option is disable when uninstall.
94389 [update TIM2-27.04] Íå ïîëíîñòüþ âûëå÷èëè All_In_One.reg
94419 Parental control -settings tab and report tab
94435 DUMP: rescdmgr!InstallBootLoader_83C75E14
94523 11-201 PDM: No alert for app startup which terminated last time
94543 DUMP: klifpp!Find_727294FE
94558 GUI. 2011 and Taskbar Options
94578 QB: complex objects in QB have unk: 5 status
94583 GUI: QB: green filter in QB become blue
94586 DUMP: kas_loader!KASDataBaseFree_E1EA4904
94590 DUMP: kasflt!Alloc_5AEFEA73
94607 DUMP: avpgui_A1583F17
94656 installer:migration to KAV11 with a unexpected stop
94690 DUMP: avpgui!CheckForModularUpgradeByProductType_2127AE1A
94706 installer: process is wrong at the end of removing iHateSpam-V5
94711 Help: (French) Help doesn't appears for Safe Desktop & Online Banking
94726 11-204:PDM. Didn't detect keylogger - KD4 activity.
94732 GUI: Layout error in "parental control"
94739 GUI: Overlap in "control running the application"
94762 ODS:schedul have some problem.
94767 application name displayed 2 times on hips alert
94768 GUI. BSS. Settings. Settings are not disabled
94779 incorrect HIPS alert on start other process
94789 11-204:PDM. Does not detected "OS kernal modification" activity.
94790 GUI: in field Security Wizard position just 42 symbol
94809 Web-AV: Web pages can not be opened while web-av rurned on
66654 KSN: DNL-ñòàòèñòèêà. Íåêîððåêòíàÿ èíèöèàëèçàöèÿ çíà÷åíèé ïîëÿ Type
87201 FW / HIPS: Custom application rule auto reset
90016 GUI: FrLoc: MessageBox "system error 2" when IE offline
91347 GUI: virtual keyboard in KAV should not be
91885 GUI: Overlap in Email notification settings
93099 SW.BSS, Reports: Status - unk:5
93930 SW.BSS, Q&B, 190build: unk1
94127 QB: unknown status (unk:5, unk:22)
94509 11-199:PDM. Create strange registry key after "Block" operation
94632 11-201eng:PDM. Doesn't detect worm-like activity.
94825 GUI: after installin product incorrect GUI
83166 Firewall: Block network traffic cannot work
88335 Licensing: KAV/KIS with "Blacklist Exploit" can use blocked keys |