本帖最后由 zdshsls 于 2010-6-2 11:45 编辑
PANDA GLOBAL PROTECTION 2011 BETA The new Panda Global Protection 2011 is the most complete product, with everything you need to protect your computer and information. It protects you from viruses, spyware, rootkits, hackers, online fraud, identity theft and all other Internet threats. The anti-spam engine will keep your inbox free from junk mail while the Parental Control feature will keep your family safe when using the Internet. You can also back up important files (documents, music, photos, etc.) to a CD/DVD or online and restore them in case of accidental loss or damage. And thanks to the most innovative and new detection technologies and improved Collective Intelligence, the solution is now much faster than previous versions.
By clicking on DOWNLOAD, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and accept the terms of the Legal notice, Privacy policy and License Agreement.
PANDA GLOBAL PROTECTION 2011 BETA MAIN FEATURESPanda Global Protection 2011 beta includes the following main product features:
More security, more protection
- More protection: antivirus that protects from known and unknown attacks/threats.
- Panda USB Vaccine protects your USB drives
- Firewall with WiFi security that blocks intruders and hackers, even in your wireless network.
- Confidential information filter: protects your personal information.
- Anti-spam. IMPROVED!
- Protection against Spyware (spy software), Phishing (online fraud), Rootkits (hidden technique) and Banking Trojans. IMPROVED!
- Parental Control. IMPROVED!
- Intelligent updates for a real time protection. NEW!
- Web Filter that allows you to safely surf through the Internet. NEW!
- Domestic Network Manager. NEW!
More speed and more simplicity
- Technologies based on the “Cloud” and the Intelligent Scan Manager improves performance on your PC.
- Multimedia/Gaming mode. NEW!
- User interface. NEW!
More complete than ever
- Backup & Restore.
- 2GB Online Backup. IMPROVED!
- Panda Recovery, system restore NEW!
- Remote access to your PC: BeAnywhere. NEW!
- PC optimization with Tune-up
- File encryption NEW!
- File Shredding NEW!
- Virtual Keyboard. NEW!
- Virtual browser. BONUS!
For more information, please click here.
BETA PROGRAM PROCEDURETo take part in the Panda Global Protection 2011 Beta program, download the installation file from the Beta area or just click here.
We also offer you additional information about product installation, detected bugs and the minimum functionality tests recommended by Panda Security.
- Check the technical requirements needs to perform a correct product installation.
- Information about the installation of the product on your computer in order to start the testing process.
- List of known bugs. Find out the known issues of the Beta version detected in tests of our QA department.
- Tests recommended by Panda Security to ensure a correct product run in your specific working environment.
- Report of suggestions and incidents detected in your work with the Beta version.
- Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP 32 bit, Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit.
- Processor: 300 MHz. or faster
- RAM: 128 MB without TruPrevent, 512 MB with TruPrevent (1GB recommended).
- Hard Disk Drive: 275 MB of free space.
- Internet Explorer 6.0
INSTALATION AND START-UP GUIDE OF PANDA GLOBAL PROTECTION 2011To see all the information of the installation and start-up guide of the product click here.
LIST OF KNOWN BUGSTo see the bugs already detected in our product quality tests and those which we are now working on to fix in the new version of the program, click here.
LIST OF RECOMMENDED TESTSYou can see the recommended tests here.
REPORTING SUGGESTIONS AND INCIDENTSTo report any incident or suggestions about the program send an email to beta@pandasecurity.com
Remember that to manage your incidents or suggestions, we need you to send us the following data:
- Operating system and language.
- Incident description.
- Detailed description of how to reproduce the incident.
By clicking on DOWNLOAD, you are acknowledging that you have read, understood and accept the terms of the Legal notice, Privacy policy and License Agreement.
熊猫全球保护 2011年测试版主要功能
熊猫全球保护 2011年测试包括以下的主要产品功能:
更高的安全性、 更多的保护
更多的保护: 保护免受已知和未知的攻击/威胁的病毒。
熊猫 USB 疫苗保护您的 USB 驱动器防火墙阻止入侵者和黑客的攻击,甚至在无线网络中的 WiFi 安全性。
机密信息筛选器: 保护您的个人信息。
反垃圾邮件。 改进 !
针对间谍软件 (间谍软件)、 网络钓鱼 (网络诈骗)、 rootkit (隐藏技术) 和银行特洛伊木马的保护。 改进 !
家长控制。 改进 !
实时保护智能更新。 新增功能!
web 筛选器使您可以安全地在网上冲浪。 新增功能!
国内网络管理器。 新增功能!
多媒体/游戏模式。 新增功能!
用户界面。 新增功能!
2 GB 联机备份。 改进 !
熊猫恢复,系统还原 NEW!
您的计算机的远程访问: BeAnywhere。 新增功能!
PC 优化与 Tune-up 文件加密新 !
虚拟键盘。 新增功能!
虚拟浏览器。 奖金 !
参与熊猫全球保护 2011 Beta 程序,从 Beta 区域下载安装文件或只需单击此处。
我们还为您提供有关产品安装、 检测到的错误和熊猫安全所建议的最小功能测试的其他信息。
已知错误的列表。 了解我们的 QA 部门试验中检测到 Beta 版本的已知问题。
报告建议和检测到你的工作与 Beta 版本中的事件。
支持的操作系统: Windows XP 32 位 Windows Vista 32 位和 64 位 Windows 7 32 位和 64 位。
处理器: 300 MHz.或更快的内存: 128 MB 无 TruPrevent、 TruPrevent (建议使用 1gb) 具有 512 MB。
硬盘: 275 MB 的可用空间。
Internet Explorer 6.0 安装及开炉指南的熊猫全球保护 2011
若要报告任何事件或建议有关程序发送电子邮件至 beta@pandasecurity.com