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[资讯] Release Notes for McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch 1

发表于 2010-6-20 10:52:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
About this release
Patch Release: June 16, 2010
Agent Extension Build:
Agent Patch Package For Windows Build:

McAfee recommends this release for all environments. This update should be applied at the earliest convenience. For more information, see KB article KB51560.

This document supplements the McAfee Agent 4.5 Readme file in the release package, and details fixes included in McAfee Agent 4.5 Patch releases.
This Patch contains a variety of improvements. McAfee has spent a significant amount of time finding, fixing, and testing the fixes in this release. Please review the Known and Resolved Issues lists for additional information on the individual issues.
Refer to online Knowledge Base article KB65953 at McAfee Knowledge Base for the most current information regarding this release.

Known issues
Known issues in this release of the software are described below:
1.  Issue: Software deployments fail from a local (non-ePO managed) repository, when the local repository has an
older catalog.z version. (Reference: 545950)
Resolution: McAfee Agent 4.5 Hotfix 545950 for Microsoft Windows is being developed for this issue. Please see
KB67977 for details.
2.  Issue: If you have two versions of the same content package in two repository branches, only one appears on the
Update Task screen, with no version number (Reference: 548892)

Resolved issues
1.  Issue: The McAfee Agent was vulnerable to the issue described in Security Bulletin SB10002, McAfee Security
Bulletin - ActiveX security issue in CMA and McAfee Agent. (Reference: 528597)
Resolution: The McAfee Agent upgrade process has been updated to implement the required registry modifications.
2.  Issue: The McAfee Agent failed to display the agent icon, show the agent status monitor, enforce policies, or run
tasks in environments enforcing reduced DCOM privileges. (Reference: 502250)
Resolution: The McAfee Agent now applies “connect” rather than “anonymous” as the required level of DCOM
security authentication.
3.  Issue: The McAfee Agent Policy \ Updates section did not allow the ability to install product patches from the
Previous or Evaluation Branch. (Reference: 392871)
Resolution: The Policy Section now includes Patches.
4.  Issue: The agent would read from the point product list in the registry and check whether NaPrdMgr.exe needed
to be restarted once a minute. This could prevent the computer from going into a low power state.
Resolution: The agent now only reads from the registry list when it detects a registry change and only checks
whether NaPrdMgr.exe needs a restart at policy enforcement time.
5.  Issue: The McAfee Agent 4.5 did not provide an embedded credential installation package options (Reference:
Resolution: A separate ePO check in package is provided with McAfee Agent Patch 1 that supports creation of
embedded credentials packages. An embedded credential installation package is now available. The embedded
credential package is separate from the General Use package. If you require the use of embedded credentials, please
download the MA450P1Win_EMBEDDED.zip from the McAfee download site or the McAfee ServicePortal.
NOTE: The packages are different to accommodate both customers that need embedded credentials and those that
do not. Using embedded credentials requires the compiled package size to increase several megabytes. This can be a
significant issue in some environments. This is the only difference between the two packages.
For Best Practice recommendations, see KB65538 - Important information on using Embedded Credentials
6.  Issue: Event ID 4354 would appear as a warning message in the Application Event log after installing MA 4.5
(Reference: 529456).
Resolution: This message no longer appears.
7.  Issue: When upgrading the McAfee Agent to version 4.5 from version 4.0, the message "New MAC address was
found...regenerating Agent ID." (Reference: 486102)
Resolution: This message no longer appears.
8.  Issue: When McAfee Agent 4.0 or 4.5 were installed, the VirusScan mirrorlog.txt no longer contained success or
failure messages (Reference: 491845).
Resolution: Logging functions have been restored to the mirrorlog.txt file.
9. Issue: If an Agent was configured to use an FTP or HTTP repository with credentials containing the characters '@',
'/', or ':', the Agent would fail to authenticate with the repository as if the username and passwords were incorrect.
(Reference: 491907)
Resolution: The Agent now supports any legal character combination for repository credentials.
10. Issue: Agent installation would sometimes fail if a site list had a very large number of sites. (Reference: 495083)
Resolution: The time out on the site list installation program has been increased to allow larger site lists.
11.  Issue: The Agent mistakenly identified some laptops as not portable when reporting system properties.(Reference: 524763)
Resolution: Portable computers are now identified properly.
12. Issue: On multiple monitor systems, the Agent dialog boxes would sometimes appear behind other open
applications on the desktop.(Reference: 489716)
Resolution: Agent windows are now always visible when opened.
13. Issue: The Agent tray icon did not reappear if the explorer.exe process crashed and was restarted.(Reference:
Resolution: The Agent icon is now automatically restarted in this case.
14. Issue:  While adding a site in the repository list through a point product UI, there was a memory leak in the
McAfee Agent application.(Reference: 543855)
Resolution: There is no longer a memory leak.
15. Issue: When the McAfee Agent failed to connect to ePolicy Orchestrator the server rejected the connection during
a McAfee Agent “Wakeup with Full Properties” request, the McAfee Agent would only send incremental properties the
next time properties were uploaded. (Reference:528590)
Resolution: McAfee Agent “Wakeup with Full Properties” requests are now retried until successfully sent to the
ePolicy Orchestrator server.
16. Issue: When directed to use a language other than the system default through the “UseLanguage” feature, the
reported language remained the system default language.
Resolution: The McAfee Agent now properly reports the language in use.
17. Issue:  The /upgrade agent installer switch updated the agent binaries, but did not remove or upgrade obsolete
data from previous installs.(Reference: 528592)
Resolution: /upgrade switch now properly alters both the agent binaries and data as appropriate.
18. Issue:  If certain system folders (e.g., Documents, Desktop, or Start Menu) were located on a network drive, the
install would fail. The upgrade process was checking for the existence of the My Favorites and Fonts folders. If they
were not present, the upgrade failed. (Reference: 528595)
Resolution:  The install will no longer fail in this circumstance.
19. Issue: It was incorrectly possible to schedule an Update Task with the Engine selected but no DAT.(Reference:
Resolution: You must now select the update DATs when updating the Engine.
20. Issue: The error message "Failed to OpenProcess. Error code 57" would appear in the agent log on 64-bit
Windows when no user was logged on. This message was incorrect because no error actually occurred.                 
Resolution: The message no longer appears.
21. Issue:  When the Update process failed to download a requested file and failed over to a subsequent repository,
a DAT or Engine update could fail. (Reference: 528587)
Resolution: The Update process now allows DAT or Engine updating to complete when failing over to a subsequent
22. Issue: The McAfee Agent did not support the ePolicy Orchestrator Duplicate List feature. (Reference: 528599)
Resolution: The McAfee Agent now supports the ePolicy Orchestrator Duplicate List feature.
23.  Issue: The McAfee Agent installation process would fail when the current user's user name contained non-ASCII
(ex. Japanese) characters. (Reference: 528582)
Resolution:  The McAfee Agent installation process now allows user names to contain non-ASCII characters.
24. Issue: When policy enforcement occurred while the repository was being sorted, the McAfee Agent would leak
virtual memory. (Reference: 528594)
Resolution: The McAfee Agent no longer leaks memory when enforcing policies during a repository sort.
25. Issue: The McAfee Agent did not allow deployment tasks to be postponed. (Reference: 528589)Resolution: The McAfee Agent now allows deployment tasks to be postponed.
26. Issue: Damaged or missing McAfee Agent Policy and Task values would create Unexpected Exceptions when
displayed in the ePolicy Orchestrator console. (Reference: 528578)
Resolution: When the ePolicy Orchestrator console displays McAfee Agent Policies or Tasks it now replaces damaged
or missing values with appropriate default values.
27. Issue: If the agent failed over to a second repository during an update, a second update dialog was displayed
after the initial dialog. (Reference:528586)
Resolution: The agent now only shows one dialog per update.
28. Issue: Use of the /ForceUninstall parameter on Windows 7 may result in a reboot prompt. (Reference: 528581)
Resolution: The reboot prompt no longer appears in this scenario.
29. Issue: The Agent could deploy software to Windows 7 systems even if the software's supported platform list did
not include Windows 7.(Reference: 529485)
Resolution: In this case the Agent now properly reports a product conflict and does not deploy the software.
30.  Issue: Tasks created using previous versions of the Agent Extension were not run on Windows 7
machines.(Reference: 523299)
Resolution: The Agent Extension will automatically upgrade existing Windows tasks to also support Windows 7.
31. Issue: If you allowed user postponement of a Deployment or Update task, the postpone dialog would appear at
the beginning of task execution, before the task determined if any deployment or update was actually
necessary.(Reference: 525196)
Resolution: The dialog now only appears after the task determines that a download or installation is required. There
is also a new text box on the Deployment and Update task screens in the ePolicy Orchestrator console that allows you
to enter explanatory text to display in the update dialog box shown on the client.
32.  Issue: When agent unloaded a plugin it would not call the plugin’s exit routine. (Reference: 547679)
Resolution: Now, the agent calls the exit routine of the plugin.
32. Issue: If a download of large files such as DATs from a SuperAgent was slow due to a slow connection, the files
would be locked when the ePO server tried to delete them on replication, so they would never get
Resolution: SuperAgents now allow files to be deleted even when it is downloading them at the same time.
33.  Issue:  In the McAfee Agent extension if you added a Local repository policy, saved it, then changed it to be a
UNC repository, the relative path of the Local repository would still be preserved. The agent would add it to the UNC
path, resulting in an invalid UNC path.(Reference: 520485)
Resolution: When you add or change a UNC repository policy, it now always clears the relative path.
34. Issue:  For low privilege users or the Guest account, if the 'Show Agent Tray Icon' policy was enabled, a new
non-functional Agent icon appeared and a new UdaterUI.exe process was launched at every policy
enforcement.(Reference: 513048)
Resolution: The Agent tray icon processes do not run for users with privilege less than that of a normal user
35.  Issue:  The agent installer would not install if the supplied SiteList.xml file contained an SPIPE site that was
disabled.(Reference: 507137)
Resolution: The agent installer now installs even if the SPIPE site is disabled.
36. Issue:  When upgrading the agent to MA 4.5 or reinstalling MA 4.5 a new lpcRT_<unique string> would be
created in the agent install directory, but the original directory would not be removed.(Reference: 489375)
Resolution: The lpcRT_ directory from the previous version is now removed.
37.  Issue: For low privilege users or the Guest account, while the Agent tray icon process is running, any USB or
other removable drive did not appear in Windows Explorer when plugged in.(Reference: 518694)
Resolution: The Agent tray icon processes do not run for users with privilege less than that of a normal useraccount.
38.  Issue: "The McShield service hung during startup" (system event 7022) would sometimes appear in the Windows
event log during startup when McAfee Agent 4.5 and VirusScan Enterprise 8.7 were installed.(Reference: 542703)
Resolution: This event should now appear less frequently



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