楼主: 墨池

[转帖] 实践交流:McAfee麦咖啡官方卸载工具_彻底卸载Mcafee

发表于 2010-6-24 11:42:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 pittyopen 于 2010.6.24 11:48 编辑

然后先到C:\Program Files里看看有 ...
72380656 发表于 2010.6.22 16:08


1.在McAfee 控制台上停用所有服务
7.运行McAfee 专用卸载工具;
8.按照 14楼 方法检查注册表。

发表于 2010-6-24 12:12:44 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 10:40:25 | 显示全部楼层
回复 20楼 依然微笑  的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 10:41:38 | 显示全部楼层
回复 21楼 pittyopen  的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-25 10:42:24 | 显示全部楼层
handanflying 发表于 2010.6.24 12:12

发表于 2010-6-25 17:50:53 | 显示全部楼层
Manual removal procedure for VirusScan Enterprise (VSE) 8.7i

STEP 1 - Remove Common Management Agent (CMA) reference for VirusScan Enterprise.
        1. Click Start, Run.
        2. Type: <CMA install folder>\FRMINST.exe /REMOVE=Updater /PRODUCT=Viruscan8700 and press ENTER.

Example: "C:\Program Files\McAfee\Common Framework\frminst.exe" /remove=updater /product=Viruscan8700

NOTE: The default location for the CMA installation folder is: C:\Program Files\McAfee\Common Framework.

STEP 2 - Unregister with Checkpoint
        1. Click Start, Run.
        2. Type &nbsp;<VirusScan install folder>\PIREG.EXE /d <VirusScan install folder>\MCAVSCV.DLL and press ENTER.

Example: "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\PIREG.EXE" /d "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\MCAVSCV.DLL"

NOTE: The default location for the VirusScan installation folder is: C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise.

STEP 3 - Remove the Anti-Spyware Module (if installed)
        1. Click Start, Run.
        2. Type&nbsp; <VirusScan install folder>\CSSCAN.exe /UninstallMAS and press ENTER.

Example:&nbsp; "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\CSSCAN.EXE" /UninstallMAS

STEP 4 - Remove Lotus Scanner
        1. Click Start, Run.
        2. Type: <VirusScan install folder>\NCDAEMON.exe -remove and press ENTER.

Example: "C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise\NCDAEMON.exe" -remove

STEP 5 - Delete Registry Keys - Part 1
        1. Click Start, Run, type regedit and press ENTER.
        2. Navigate to each of the following keys, right-click each key, and select Delete:
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\30ECB7411F0CF9C41875A6986B2D9D37&nbsp;
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UpgradeCodes\9FF15957780018945A6265BC95AD719D]
                ○ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\30ECB7411F0CF9C41875A6986B2D9D37]
                ○ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Features\30ECB7411F0CF9C41875A6986B2D9D37]
                ○ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\UpgradeCodes\9FF15957780018945A6265BC95AD719D]

STEP 6 - Unload vsplugin.dll (if ePolicy Orchestrator Agent is installed)
        1. Navigate to the following registry location:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\Application Plugins\ViruScan8700]

        2. Right-click the key ViruScan8700.
        3. Select New, DWORD Value.
        4. Rename the New Value #1 value to Plugin Flag and press Enter.
        5. Right-click Plugin Flag and select Modify
        6. In the Value Data field type 8 and click OK.

STEP 7 - Stop VirusScan Services
IMPORTANT: Your system will be unprotected after this step. For security, you may wish to continue working while disconnected from the network.
From the VirusScan Console disable Access Protection.
        1. Click Start, Programs, Mcafee,&nbsp;VirusScan Console.
        2. Right-click Access Protection, and select Disable.
        3. Close the VirusScan Console.
        4. Click Start, Run, type NET STOP McShield and press ENTER.
        5. Click Start, Run, type NET STOP McTaskManager and press ENTER.

STEP 8 - Delete Registry Keys - Part 2
To search the Windows Registry for and delete instances of 30ECB7411F0CF9C41875A6986B2D9D37:
        1. Click Start, Run, type regedit and press ENTER.
        2. Select Edit, Find, type 30ECB7411F0CF9C41875A6986B2D9D37 and click Find Next.
        3. Right-click any matching key found and select Delete.

NOTE: Delete the parent key if there are no other values in the key.

See the Related Information section for a full listing of all registry values that should be located and removed in this way.
STEP 9 - Delete VirusScan Services
        1. Navigate to and select the following registry key:


        2. Right-click the key and select New, DWORDValue.
        3. Rename the New Value #1 value to DeleteFlag and press ENTER.
        4. Right-click DeleteFlag and select Modify
        5. In the Value Data field type 1.
        6. Create another new DWORD value named VSEFlag and change the Value Data to 1.
        7. Navigate to the following registry location:

        8. Create a DWORD value named DeleteFlag with a value of 1.
        9. Create a DWORD value named VSEFlag with a value of 1.
        10. Navigate to the following registry location:

        11. Create a DWORD value named DeleteFlag with a value of 1.
        12. Create a DWORD value named VSEFlag with a value of 1.
        13. Navigate to the following registry location:

        14. Create a DWORD value named DeleteFlag with a value of 1.
        15. Create a DWORD value named VSEFlag with a value of 1.

STEP 10 - Uninstall VirusScan Drivers
        1. Select Start, Run, type cmd and press ENTER.
        2. Navigate to the VirusScan installation folder.

Example: cd "c:\program files\mcafee\virusscan enterprise"
        3. Type: mfehidin.exe -u mfeavfk.sys mfeapfk.sys mfebopk.sys&nbsp;mferkdet.sys and press ENTER.

STEP 11 - Unregister DLLs
        1. Select Start, Run, type cmd and press Enter.
        2. Navigate to the VirusScan installation folder.

Example: cd "c:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise"

NOTE: By default, the VirusScan install folder is: C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise.
        3. Type each of the following commands and press ENTER after each:
                ○ regsvr32.exe /u SCRIPTSN.dll
                ○ regsvr32.exe /u x64\SCRIPTSN.dll (for 64-bit systems only)
                ○ regsvr32.exe /u VSUPDATE.dll

STEP 12 - Delete Registry Keys - Part 3
        1. Click Start, Run, type regedit and press ENTER.
        2. Navigate to each of the following registry keys, right-click each key, and select Delete:

                ○ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{cda2863e-2497-4c49-9b89-06840e070a87}]
                ○ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\VirusScan]
                ○ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\VirusScan]
                ○ [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\VirusScan]
                ○ [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\McAfee\DesktopProtection]
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\McAfee\AVEngine]
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\McAfee\DesktopProtection]
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\McAfee\VSCore]
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\Application Plugins\VIRUSCAN8700]
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Network Associates\ePolicy Orchestrator\Application Plugins\VIRUSCAN8700]
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{147BCE03-C0F1-4C9F-8157-6A89B6D2D973}]
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run], ShStatEXE
                ○ [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Eventlog\Application\McLogEvent]&nbsp;

        3. Restart your computer.

STEP 13 - Delete Files/Folders
        1. Delete each of the following program folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\McAfee
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Network Associates\Engine
C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Engine
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\DesktopProtection
C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan Enterprise

        2. Delete each of the following folders if empty:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee
C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee
C:\Program Files\McAfee
STEP 13 - Locate and delete the appropriate MSI file(s)
        1. Navigate to C:\Windows\Installer\<random name>.msi
        2. Right-click each file, select Properties and Summary to view the application it belongs to.
        3. If the summary states VirusScan, delete the file.

STEP 14 - Reset Microsoft Outlook Add-in Manager (if Microsoft Outlook is installed)
This step instructs Microsoft Outlook to rebuild the EXTEND.DAT for the next user to open Outlook, removing references to the VirusScan Email Scan add-in.
        1. Click Start, Run, type regedit and click OK.
        2. Navigate to and select the following registry location:


        3. Right-click the Extensions key and select New, String Value.
        4. Rename the new value to Outlook Setup Extension and press ENTER.
        5. Right-click Outlook Setup Extension and select Modify
        6. In the Value Data field, type 4.0;Outxxx.dll;7;00000000000000;0000000;OutXXX and press ENTER.

STEP 15 - Remove hidden drivers
        1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, System.
        2. Click Hardware,&nbsp;Device Manager.
        3. Click View and select Show hidden Devices.
        4. Under Non-Plug and Play Drivers, locate McAfee Inc. and&nbsp;double-click the first entry and select&nbsp; Driver.
        5. If the sevice name equals mfetdik, click OK and press Del.
        6. Click OK when asked:

Warning: You are about to uninstall this device from your system.


Click Yes when asked:

Do you want to restart your computer now?

After the computer restart the TDI driver will be removed.

发表于 2010-6-25 18:31:52 | 显示全部楼层
handanflying 发表于 2010.6.24 12:12

     McAfee 卸载工具是通用的,在英文官网上找不到,但在英文官网的论坛上倒是有下载,推测现在的卸载工具是英文官网论坛上提供的,还好用,偶要卸载就会用它。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-26 15:21:40 | 显示全部楼层
回复 26楼 dinpor  的帖子

 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-26 15:23:17 | 显示全部楼层
回复 27楼 pittyopen  的帖子

发表于 2010-6-27 03:03:11 | 显示全部楼层
如何使用 McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool (MCPR.exe) 卸载或重新安装支持的 McAfee Consumer 产品
摘要:本文介绍如何使用 McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool 删除并重新安装 McAfee Consumer 产品。只有在通过“添加/删除程序”删除 McAfee 产品后,才应使用此选项。

相关套件: 相关产品: 相关操作系统:
Total Protection
Internet Security Suite
PC Protection Plus
VirusScan Plus
Wireless Protection

Data Backup
Personal Firewall
Privacy Service
Wireless Protection

Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows Vista

注:此工具(之前称为 MCPR2.EXE)与 Microsoft Windows 98/ME 不兼容。

运行 McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool (MCPR.exe) 可删除所有的 2005、2006、2007、2008 和 2009 版 McAfee Consumer 产品。

重要说明:如果计算机制造商预先安装了 McAfee 产品,请务必先激活 McAfee 订阅,然后再执行卸载。通过 CD 或下载重新安装只会安装 McAfee Consumer 应用程序,但可能无法恢复已支付的订阅期限信息。

步骤 1 - 使用 Windows“控制面板”中的“添加/删除程序”卸载 McAfee Consumer 产品
Windows 2000/XP
3.选择“McAfee SecurityCenter”产品。
Windows Vista
3.选择“McAfee SecurityCenter”产品。
步骤 2 - 下载并运行 MCPR.exe

http://download.mcafee.com/produ ... rt_patches/MCPR.exe

4.确保所有 McAfee 窗口均已关闭。
5.双击 MCPR.exe 运行删除工具。

注:Windows Vista 用户必须右键单击 MCPR.exe,然后选择“用管理员帐户运行”。

6.收到“CleanUp Successful”(清除成功)消息后,请重新启动计算机。

只有重新启动系统后,才会完全删除 McAfee 产品。
如果显示“Cleanup Unsuccessful”(未成功清除)消息,请按照下列步骤查看并保存 MCPR 日志文件,以供技术支持人员分析。

1.在“Cleanup Unsuccessful”(未成功清除)通知对话框中单击“View Logs”(查看日志)。
2.故障排除日志随即在记事本窗口中打开。依次单击“文件”和“另存为”,将文件保存到桌面。对文件 MCPR_date.txt 进行命名(例如:MCPR_Jan10_08.txt)。
3.与 McAfee 技术支持联系,并将该日志文件提供给技术人员以进行故障排除。
从计算机上删除所有 McAfee 产品后,继续执行步骤 3。

步骤 3 - 重新安装 McAfee 产品
注:请参考在购买 McAfee Consumer 产品时合作伙伴提供的说明,或通过下面的合作伙伴链接重新安装。

•如果您的软件直接购自 McAfee,请访问 https://cn.mcafee.com/root/login.asp?ErrCode=PLEASE_LOGIN,然后登录并下载软件。

•DELL 用户请访问 https://cn.mcafee.com/root/login.asp?affid=105

•Gateway 用户请访问 https://cn.mcafee.com/root/login.asp?affid=370

•eMachines 用户请访问 https://cn.mcafee.com/root/login.asp?affid=365

•MSN 用户请访问 https://cn.mcafee.com/root/login.asp?affid=420

您需要登录后才可以回帖 登录 | 快速注册


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