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卡巴斯基2011 CF1 387beta更新日志

发表于 2010-6-29 01:12:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
100026 Forum: GUI: Wrong link to viruslist.com in EN localization
100029 SUPPORT: StartDriver: StartService(kl2) failed: 0x0000001F
100034 DUMP: service!variant_apply_visitor_impl<VariantVisitor<...>,variant_tconst>_CF
100064 $KeyDebug skin feature was broken
100115 All detections could be skipped only
86781 Restore detected files from Quarantine by KSN
90310 PDM (need to exclude verdicts from childs by WhiteList)
90994 ODS: Cant remove file from corrupted rar archive.
91909 installer:Last window appears twice at the end of installation process
94122 MasterCD: Wrong text about Rescue Disk
94642 RD Wizard: Wrong device name when write CD-R
94879 Still detected in QB for deleted files
94957 HIPs: GUI: Wrong description in alert of start other process
94993 Installer: some registry entries left after uninstallation
95070 forum:OAS:Incorrect information in alert
95390 copy of MSI object skipped and not skipped by iChecker
95391 no hint for buttons in application activity window
95445 Reports: cannot refresh immediately when view different records
95564 Do not displaying rootkit scan status in tray menu
95621 ODS:Scan through CMD has wrong return code
95812 Parental control -word usage
95814 Parental control- private data can not monitor Japanese
95869 Wrong exhibitive selected "user icon" when user load parental control settings.
95984 SUPPORT:NTFS Junction Point Mishandling - Long Scan Times in Vista and 7
96154 QB: cant add object to exclusions from QB if it was detected by OAS
96450 User can't precessed not-a-virus if automatically mode is enabled
96629 DUMP: klwtbbho!__OnPropertyChanged_7A8E746A
96908 SP1 installation do not start  if KIS 11-232 is working
97045 installer:product detects itself as virus or threat
97162 GUI. FR. There is no text in the message (License expires soon)
97404 AntiPhishing:The function of enabling Anti-phishing from main window is invalid.
97563 DUMP: pdm!DllGetClassObject_B6828765
97966 GUI: When components error, the "Failure information" is incorrect.
97988 OAS settings: Security level - High
98036 KIS, 橡铒篑赅屐 耱囵?漯嚅忮疣
98086 GUI: The databases release date in tray is different from Update tab.
98255 SB.SD:Click the Clear button when the SD is running lead a error.
98268 Help: there is no some detection type
98302 Wrong action for Password-protected-exe
98469 installer:Anti-spam database status changes dynamically during receiving emails
98471 forum: avp.exe continues to consume CPU time after update and then hangs
98521 ODS: Virus under document folder can't be detected by scaning Favorite link
98575 wrong security wizard action with "license validity period" event
98774 Infected registry key can't be deleted when scan environment variables
98824 QB: there is no "process" option in context menu for objects with infected stat
98885 KIS 2011: 橡铒篑赅屐 耱囵?漯嚅忮疣
98930 ODS report:skip in shellex report reason is empty
98948 楞疱汔鲨 UFE 耱囹桉蜩觇
98977 AntiSpam: The Bat! dumps when deleting AS plug-in.
99028 "PDM.driver installation" 礤 疣犷蜞弪 潆 耦玟囗?/桤戾礤龛 ImagePath
99063 Infected registry key can't be deleted when scan Shell files
99090 AntiSpam: "Empty" reason in report
99104 Help:Help link cannot open on Activate online window.
99150 SW.Invest: There is no information on process created <object>
99241 SW.Invest.,PDM: StartAlert, do not show date of creation of a file
99260 GUI: Hotkey (Alt+key) is not working for control in Settings
99299 DUMP: <unloaded_service.dll>_FA9D87CC
99364 Can't get COM-object for Antispam dialog
99386 DUMP: <unloaded_service.dll>_38D93094
99393 Service AVP.EXE crashes when unloading product. Then it restarts.
99447 HIPS: Display incorrect record in AAC list
99476 About file scan from command line.
99481 installer:It's impossible to change settings after upgrade to KIS11
99490 DUMP: avpgui!Assign_0FE99044
99529 HIPS:GUI: Popularity cleared after change group
99546 Facade: Add currupted key - invalid exit code
99609 ODS:D partition is not processed when scan my computer.
99650 Installer: More areas selected  when only use KLPASSWDAREA=[UNINST]
99671 QB: object terminated by PDM displays in "infected" group and becomes inactive
99680 AntiSpam: Training status changed in SW without training mails
99685 SB.SD: The sandbox is not started after clearing
99692 Installer: New passwd can not pick when upgrade from no passwd protection KIS9
99693 Lic: BBY: In product messaging - corrupted message in LicManager
99699 installer:wrong protection scope via parameter /pKLPASSWDAREA=[PARCTL]
99711 KAV 礤 恹忸滂螯? "Protected by Kaspersky Lab" 磬 铌礤 镳桠弪疋?
99730 Forum: Sandbox: Japanese users cannot type in Sandbox
99767 Lic: BBY: In-product-messaging: filter is wrong for unlimited subscription
99795 News Agent: BestBuy parameter filtering LicAddInfoScheme does not work
99810 PDM: Show PDM alert when next start with PDM event disable
99853 News Agent: BestBuy parameter filtering LicAddInfoStr does not work
99864 PDM: The alert windows which for intrusion into all processes wasn't stable
99867 Could not set only Removing the application in the password scope
99881 SW2.update: 镱耠?钺眍怆屙? SW 礤钺躅滂爨 镥疱玎沭箸赅 皴疴桉?
99892 湾?腩赅腓玎鲨?潆 觏铒铌 囗蜩-耧囔 镫嚆桧?潆 Outlook 2010
99900 roll up over kav 8-506 - old plugin in the Bat is incorrectly removed
99931 SUPPORT: KLAVA "Update task completion result: 'Not all components are updated"
99941 the process avp.exe (system account) start automatically after exit KIS
99959 Don't start after the reboot from the competitors detection stage-remove partly
99975 GUI: SW: active threat status on main window when threar was deleted manually
99998 forum: Web: Wrong web-alert title

发表于 2010-6-29 01:47:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 11:15:05 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 11:27:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 12:12:25 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 12:14:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 13:17:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 14:11:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 15:58:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-6-29 16:08:28 | 显示全部楼层
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