本帖最后由 perfectchris 于 2010.7.26 13:52 编辑
As promised, this 1st challenge is here: 1st-challenge.exe. To solve it, you have to create one valid license key for 999 users of this program.
The license key has to be sent to pandachallenge at pandasecurity dot com before next Monday at 17:00 (GMT+2). To avoid any problem with the mail filters, any attachment has to be compressed (zip or rar) with password (panda). Remember that there is no need to register, just download the file and enjoy!
The 1st one to send a valid license key will be the winner of the iPad. Good luck all!
题目主要内容个人翻译:先下载上文中的1st-challenge.exe可执行程序,再分析它并创建一个具有999用户数量的有效授权密钥。(by perfectchris)
Here you have the second challenge, this is more complex and therefore the prize is an iPad with 3G and 64Gb, the most exensive one, just to compensate for the difficulty
In order to solve it, you have to create one valid license key for the game.
The license key has to be sent to pandachallenge at pandasecurity dot com before next Monday at 17:00 (GMT+2). To avoid any problem with the mail filters, any attachment has to be compressed (zip or rar) with password (panda). Remember that there is no need to register, just download the file and enjoy!
The 1st one to send the correct solution will be the winner of the 64Gb 3G iPad. Good luck to all!
Note: this challenge is quite more complex than the previous one, so it may be difficult to get the solution in time. If we don’t receive any valid license, the winner will be the one who succeeds in unpacking completely and functionally the executable of the challenge. In this case you’ll have to explain how you’ve solved it.
The solution and winner will be announced next Tuesday.
个人简述:考察对于crack的研究力度,推荐论坛中crack高手尝试解题。 题目主要内容个人翻译:先下载上文中的 the game可执行程序,再 分析它并创建一个有效授权密钥。 注:官方申明第二轮明显比第一轮难度大得多,如果没有任何一个人正确提交的话,胜利者将会是第一个报告CRACK过程的人(无所谓正确与否) (by perfectchris)