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[分享] ★★★ F-Prot 2010如何?最近很多人关心她,我找了资料,关心的人请进!★★★

发表于 2010-8-3 09:48:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 梁宏达 于 2010.8.3 10:49 编辑


F-Prot Antivirus
is a pretty bare-bones antivirus software that when it comes right down to it, isn’t worth it. The software lacks the features that make other antivirus software great, and doesn’t hold up to the high standard of protection needed for modern threats. We definitely recommend looking at one of the more comprehensive security software packages on our
list of the best antivirus software.
F-Prot 反病毒软件是一款功能极少的防毒软件。她只提供基本的防护,当今互联网的威胁日益严重,因此她不堪大用。我们强烈建议你选择其他更全面的安全防护工具,这里有一个列表供大家参考:list

Scope of Protection:
F-Prot Antivirus isn’t a complete security solution, and doesn’t protect from all malware. The software does protect from viruses, worms, Trojans, and other malware. And while the program scans for spyware, adware, keyloggers, backdoors, and rootkits (to some extent), they admit that for complete spyware/adware protection, you need another, more dedicated software.

F-Prot 反病毒不是一个完整的安全解决方案,她仅能扫描病毒、如中、木马等。对间谍软件、流氓软件、后门、rootkit、键盘记录器 等众多恶意软件没有防御能力,如果你希望得到全面的防守需要使用其他的专门软件。

We can’t speak too highly of the relative protection level from F-Prot Antivirus either. On the one hand, the software has passed the VirusBulletin 100% test, proving they can protect from known in-the-wild viruses. But the test also illustrated the comparative weakness of F-Prot with advanced security, with the software only showing 48% accuracy for reactive and proactive scanning technology. In our own tests, F-Prot found a handful of false positives (the software detected “malware” files that really were fine).

我们不能说她的能力一文不值,因为她通过了VB 百分百测试(传说人们并不看好这个测试,嘲笑他是20世纪的落后测试,所以啊,NOD32每次都通过这个测试,其实并不能说明他牛鼻,因为这个测试根本没有可信度!这只是我的看法!)他的主动防御和反应灵敏程度都不高48%,还有就是在我们的测试中,她查杀了我们的好多好多安全的软件。(误报率比较高)

Ease of Installation:
Installing and setting up F-Prot Antivirus is straightforward and easy, and will look familiar to anyone who has installed any software on a Windows computer. The complete installation does require a system restart, after which F-Prot automatically checks for the most recent updates.F-Prot isn’t a system hog, but we did see a noticeable slowdown when it was running in-depth scans.

这个杀毒软件安装起来还是很方便的,安装完了需要重启并更新病毒库(我重启之后更新老半天都不行,冰岛太慢了,是不是被和谐了),F-Prot 占用系统资源特别少,但是深度扫描的时候特别慢,原因就是开启了 启发式扫描。

Ease of Use:
F-Prot isn’t hard to use, but there’s nothing really great about it either. The interface is simple (almost too simple), and while not difficult, doesn’t really add any usability benefit. Users should be able to set up scheduled scans or run manual scans on various PC components. Luckily, the software is designed to run by itself (with automatic scans and updates) for the most part.

F-Prot 用起来很轻松,没有比他更轻松的了。界面简单到不行,一点也不难看。用户可以设定计划扫描,她总是能够自动更新程序和病毒库,(我真怀疑,有多自动啊,那么慢)

F-Prot Antivirus features proactive heuristic detection to protect from previously unknown threats. The software also has password protected settings, and integrated email scanning (for both inbound and outbound messages and attachments). Unfortunately, the web-based protection is limited to the Internet Explorer browser.One nice feature that F-Prot offers is the multi-user licensing. One license of F-Prot Antivirus is good for up to 5 home computers.

她有一个严重到不行的优势,那就是启发式扫描 可以查到你从来没见过的病毒。这个软件如果你陶一份的钱,她给你5份的回扣,等于是买一送四,听起来实惠(商家都为了挣钱,亏本她才不干呢,里头肯定有道道,小心为上啊!)


F-Prot’s antivirus software includes automatic updates that are designed to be faster and lighter (because they are delivered on a regular basis). Proxy server users can also setup for automatic updates.


Help & Support:
F-Prot’s online support center features a knowledgebase and forum. You can submit a suspicious file to the company to look at, or send a specific question by submitting a ticket.

http://www.f-prot.com/company/) 官网首页:http://www.f-prot.com/

We can’t recommend F-Prot Antivirus, especially when there are so many better antivirus programs available. The protection level is sub-par, and the interface could definitely use an update. For better protection, consider one of our better antivirus alternatives, or avira personal, avast! home edition, avg free edition and so on.

我们建议你不要使用 F-Prot 杀毒软件,尤其是还有那么多免费的杀毒软件可供选择(谁用谁知道,有免费不用用什么收费的啊)。另外提供其他杀毒给个参考大家:小红伞个人版、avast!家庭免费版、avg免费版等等。



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米饭卡 + 1 版区有你更精彩: )


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