本帖最后由 sam.to 于 2010-11-15 16:43 编辑
c7248480d58409bef48ddd08d68295ea 3herosoft.DVD.to.WMV.Converter.
6a09583740c6467c991712d64e970d7c 3herosoft.DVD.to.WMV.Converter.
5ad4b46b8fae511fe39a2cace39fe944 Giant.Matrix.Memory.Washer.
2d01307f3e727a17463ffa41e4ab7e1c Giant.Matrix.Memory.Washer.
2b5611eb48282322e5772a33af507c6a Hitman.Pro.
ec23505103766731353bd0feb5557508 Hitman.Pro.
229c7b28a1dd67bb6a01cce366aae5bc KeyScrambler.Premium.
3f82d1bc7430b1c2c581c3835586f199 KeyScrambler.Premium.
1da0cac2365e20d8baf56b2bc52e409c QuickTime.Pro.version.
bf9f02f0e17fc4350ca0d123e39dbb74 QuickTime.Pro.version.
12aa53a28048a99bc87d3dc7fd3a07ca Splash.PRO.1.2.2.Crack.40063.exe_
c7861662756606828084f4007598c57b Splash.PRO.1.2.2.Keygen.40063.exe_
8d50d1ab6ca3b2aec6b092562505fd45 Total.Video.Converter.
57e3111c70cdad39030467ee02a348f6 Total.Video.Converter.
to kl,ll,mcafee,comodo,avira
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 25950487 | 765735-437.rar | 85.52 KB | OK | A listing of files contained inside archives alongside their results can be found below:
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 25950488 | 3herosoft.DVD.to...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950489 | 3herosoft.DVD.to...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950490 | Giant.Matrix.Mem...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950491 | Giant.Matrix.Mem...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950492 | Hitman.Pro.3.5.6...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950493 | Hitman.Pro.3.5.6...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950494 | KeyScrambler.Pre...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950495 | KeyScrambler.Pre...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950496 | QuickTime.Pro.ve...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950497 | QuickTime.Pro.ve...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950498 | Splash.PRO.1.2.2...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950499 | Splash.PRO.1.2.2...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950500 | Total.Video.Conv...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25950501 | Total.Video.Conv...63.exe_ | 140 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS |
Please find a detailed report concerning each individual sample below: Filename | Result | 3herosoft.DVD.to...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file '3herosoft.DVD.to.WMV.Converter.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | 3herosoft.DVD.to...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file '3herosoft.DVD.to.WMV.Converter.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Giant.Matrix.Mem...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Giant.Matrix.Memory.Washer.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Giant.Matrix.Mem...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Giant.Matrix.Memory.Washer.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Hitman.Pro.3.5.6...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Hitman.Pro.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Hitman.Pro.3.5.6...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Hitman.Pro.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | KeyScrambler.Pre...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'KeyScrambler.Premium.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | KeyScrambler.Pre...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'KeyScrambler.Premium.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | QuickTime.Pro.ve...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'QuickTime.Pro.version.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | QuickTime.Pro.ve...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'QuickTime.Pro.version.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Splash.PRO.1.2.2...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Splash.PRO.1.2.2.Crack.40063.exe_' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Splash.PRO.1.2.2...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Splash.PRO.1.2.2.Keygen.40063.exe_' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Total.Video.Conv...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Total.Video.Converter.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Total.Video.Conv...63.exe_ | MALWARE |
The file 'Total.Video.Converter.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Kazy.3226.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version