本帖最后由 sam.to 于 2010-11-29 20:06 编辑
5a89dfd6c8431d494445a19f20997a7e Auto.Hide.IP.
b3bf98e053e51c4265b30bcd1fa88367 Auto.Hide.IP.
3a6d24360e3a39bf868b256f3b20a153 BatchPhoto.Pro.2.6.2.Crack.40063.exe3
1faece82030aa3c95f8fe3f591cf1712 BatchPhoto.Pro.2.6.2.Keygen.40063.exe3
d30a47a03b0e250ece7342a245c90715 Hard.Drive.Mechanic.1.0.Crack.40063.exe3
ae5f810a77b020b222de3d4e913fe7f9 Hard.Drive.Mechanic.1.0.Keygen.40063.exe3
e8210477b6b3d77980633def2d34007e Magic.Music.Editor.
3347847c3904c6e8622923cc0c0f220d Magic.Music.Editor.
378ff0b38ef10bc189a6b3b97265b703 Microsoft.Office.Pro.2010.Crack.40063.exe3
2507638560973ee7251cd2a50213220b Microsoft.Office.Pro.2010.Keygen.40063.exe3
73d27fec3229660c996480087cb355c3 Nero.burning.rom.10.3.Crack.40063.exe3
de4578bef02dca97a0e9a9a9307db66a Nero.burning.rom.10.3.Keygen.40063.exe3
434022b241cfbd7ad6b02f0860400540 Rainlendar.Pro.2.6.Crack.40063.exe3
53756fe3eb1bbb060efc7e83e87c6613 Rainlendar.Pro.2.6.Keygen.40063.exe3
0b155214661024a1932941d10f8b072b Seven.Remix.XP.
4ac3bd6f66e609703c221dc42e9d9021 Seven.Remix.XP.
d72799ef9d5e4a0fbc61df603bceb543 Skype.5.0.5.Crack.40063.exe3
e1c6e388445de3d06f52ba579a12785f Skype.5.0.5.Keygen.40063.exe3
1a27cbe5454150deaf408198242f3f5e Speed.MP3.Downloader.
6c883f0e10ebade445d8761e150a7987 Speed.MP3.Downloader.
d0c46cccf5c8c61e58b68929e8535ea7 VLC.Player.VideoLAN.1.1.5.Crack.40063.exe3
b9032e9a7f88c98c358ddc8c7ba5efbd VLC.Player.VideoLAN.1.1.5.Keygen.40063.exe3
801a95952382509f2166e03dd75773a4 Windows.Blinds.6..Theme.Pack.100.Crack.40063.exe3
45c06197a070643183bae265cea6e63d Windows.Blinds.6..Theme.Pack.100.Keygen.40063.exe3
to kl,ll,mcafee,avira
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 25965328 | 765735-495.rar | 80.97 KB | OK | A listing of files contained inside archives alongside their results can be found below:
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 25965329 | Auto.Hide.IP.5.1...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965330 | Auto.Hide.IP.5.1...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965331 | BatchPhoto.Pro.2...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965332 | BatchPhoto.Pro.2...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965333 | Hard.Drive.Mecha...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965334 | Hard.Drive.Mecha...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965335 | Magic.Music.Edit...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965336 | Magic.Music.Edit...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965337 | Microsoft.Office...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965338 | Microsoft.Office...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965339 | Nero.burning.rom...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965340 | Nero.burning.rom...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965341 | Rainlendar.Pro.2...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965342 | Rainlendar.Pro.2...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965343 | Seven.Remix.XP.2...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965344 | Seven.Remix.XP.2...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965345 | Skype.5.0.5.Crac...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965346 | Skype.5.0.5.Keyg...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965347 | Speed.MP3.Downlo...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965348 | Speed.MP3.Downlo...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965349 | VLC.Player.Video...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965350 | VLC.Player.Video...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965351 | Windows.Blinds.6...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 25965352 | Windows.Blinds.6...63.exe3 | 82 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS |
Please find a detailed report concerning each individual sample below:
Filename | Result | Auto.Hide.IP.5.1...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Auto.Hide.IP.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Auto.Hide.IP.5.1...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Auto.Hide.IP.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | BatchPhoto.Pro.2...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'BatchPhoto.Pro.2.6.2.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | BatchPhoto.Pro.2...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'BatchPhoto.Pro.2.6.2.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Hard.Drive.Mecha...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Hard.Drive.Mechanic.1.0.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Hard.Drive.Mecha...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Hard.Drive.Mechanic.1.0.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Magic.Music.Edit...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Magic.Music.Editor.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Magic.Music.Edit...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Magic.Music.Editor.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Microsoft.Office...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Microsoft.Office.Pro.2010.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Microsoft.Office...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Microsoft.Office.Pro.2010.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Nero.burning.rom...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Nero.burning.rom.10.3.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Nero.burning.rom...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Nero.burning.rom.10.3.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Rainlendar.Pro.2...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Rainlendar.Pro.2.6.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Rainlendar.Pro.2...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Rainlendar.Pro.2.6.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Seven.Remix.XP.2...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Seven.Remix.XP.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Seven.Remix.XP.2...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Seven.Remix.XP.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Skype.5.0.5.Crac...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Skype.5.0.5.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Skype.5.0.5.Keyg...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Skype.5.0.5.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Speed.MP3.Downlo...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Speed.MP3.Downloader.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Speed.MP3.Downlo...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Speed.MP3.Downloader.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | VLC.Player.Video...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'VLC.Player.VideoLAN.1.1.5.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | VLC.Player.Video...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'VLC.Player.VideoLAN.1.1.5.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Windows.Blinds.6...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Windows.Blinds.6..Theme.Pack.100.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Windows.Blinds.6...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Windows.Blinds.6..Theme.Pack.100.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.Renos.MJ.554.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version