本帖最后由 sam.to 于 2011-2-6 17:58 编辑
89036d8e507c60624e4b0388f6b32f93 Ashampoo.Cover.Studio.MultiL.2010.2.2.0.Crack.40063.exe3
353c9045bb20a88f76e76870ac0e2fe0 Ashampoo.Cover.Studio.MultiL.2010.2.2.0.Keygen.40063.exe3
0972ed671db374d5356426df8073206a CyberLink.PowerProducer.Ultra.
1e144a2a93795ba7f3a7587f115c1150 CyberLink.PowerProducer.Ultra.
5867acd0b6adfb6f64661a73065db66c Driver.Genius.Pro.
45153c1bac60bc65aee898f1b9a38c02 Driver.Genius.Pro.
5b348862eefb4723be44eeed504bc4d1 Fibonacci.Lines.Analyzer.1.1.Crack.52106.exe3
3edba194f2b1bd7906699a6362002b6c Fibonacci.Lines.Analyzer.1.1.Keygen.52106.exe3
02faec46320bad91b0217a7aa5990416 FotoWorks.XL.10.1.1.Crack.40063.exe3
9e847549fdf2d18c409935fed554a796 FotoWorks.XL.10.1.1.Keygen.40063.exe3
f148f7355210246e36d948218fff1e43 MathType.6.7.Crack.40063.exe3
9eb63bb525f5184974514acb17982a3d MathType.6.7.Crack.52106.exe3
0014d42b1a5dfcd87c069f052327e1ac MathType.6.7.Keygen.40063.exe3
e2d262e308dc408bcd06509f5a2e94e0 MathType.6.7.Keygen.52106.exe3
93e13dd445108932382e9a03bff07084 Notepad...5.8.7.Crack.40063.exe3
407e79f1755a6bdffa0152b2f5d25f73 Notepad...5.8.7.Keygen.40063.exe3
ebec6d441217c6e9b55a58b86c91007d Red.Sweater.MarsEdit.3.1.5.Crack.40063.exe3
b95be25186638b05b3c21c0343ce71ac Red.Sweater.MarsEdit.3.1.5.Keygen.40063.exe3
946e8c98f88d4fa319e3e6a4a14e33be Satellite.TV.for.PC.2008.Crack.40063.exe3
264b85937bea0f5ad132bc5ad7c0c033 Satellite.TV.for.PC.2008.Keygen.40063.exe3
904ef388e4b43894856d8535d7811463 Uniblue.2011.Crack.40063.exe3
b843f409d5ae672e5c60c6fe4b8f307a Uniblue.2011.Keygen.40063.exe3
854a47274860a0c35b2e89a6c539e439 WinISO.5.3.Crack.40063.exe3
6b8736bb85aaa1a6e1794b9c17fbbbe1 WinISO.5.3.Keygen.40063.exe3
to kl,ll,mcafee,avira,clamwin
We received the following archive files:
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 26037207 | 765735-658.rar | 58.53 KB | OK | A listing of files contained inside archives alongside their results can be found below:
File ID | Filename | Size (Byte) | Result | 26037208 | Ashampoo.Cover.S...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037209 | Ashampoo.Cover.S...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037210 | CyberLink.PowerP...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037211 | CyberLink.PowerP...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037212 | Driver.Genius.Pr...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037213 | Driver.Genius.Pr...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037214 | Fibonacci.Lines....06.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037215 | Fibonacci.Lines....06.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037216 | FotoWorks.XL.10....63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037217 | FotoWorks.XL.10....63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037218 | MathType.6.7.Cra...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037219 | MathType.6.7.Cra...06.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037220 | MathType.6.7.Key...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037221 | MathType.6.7.Key...06.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037222 | Notepad...5.8.7....63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037223 | Notepad...5.8.7....63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037224 | Red.Sweater.Mars...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037225 | Red.Sweater.Mars...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037226 | Satellite.TV.for...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037227 | Satellite.TV.for...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037228 | Uniblue.2011.Cra...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037229 | Uniblue.2011.Key...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037230 | WinISO.5.3.Crack...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS | 26037231 | WinISO.5.3.Keyge...63.exe3 | 74 KB | UNDER ANALYSIS |
Please find a detailed report concerning each individual sample below: Filename | Result | Ashampoo.Cover.S...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Ashampoo.Cover.Studio.MultiL.2010.2.2.0.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.4.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Ashampoo.Cover.S...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Ashampoo.Cover.Studio.MultiL.2010.2.2.0.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.5.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | CyberLink.PowerP...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'CyberLink.PowerProducer.Ultra.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.6.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | CyberLink.PowerP...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'CyberLink.PowerProducer.Ultra.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.7.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Driver.Genius.Pr...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Driver.Genius.Pro.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.8.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Driver.Genius.Pr...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Driver.Genius.Pro.' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.9.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Fibonacci.Lines....06.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Fibonacci.Lines.Analyzer.1.1.Crack.52106.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.10.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Fibonacci.Lines....06.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Fibonacci.Lines.Analyzer.1.1.Keygen.52106.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.11.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | FotoWorks.XL.10....63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'FotoWorks.XL.10.1.1.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.12.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | FotoWorks.XL.10....63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'FotoWorks.XL.10.1.1.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.13.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | MathType.6.7.Cra...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'MathType.6.7.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.14.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | MathType.6.7.Cra...06.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'MathType.6.7.Crack.52106.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.15.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | MathType.6.7.Key...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'MathType.6.7.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.16.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | MathType.6.7.Key...06.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'MathType.6.7.Keygen.52106.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.17.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Notepad...5.8.7....63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Notepad...5.8.7.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.18.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Notepad...5.8.7....63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Notepad...5.8.7.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.19.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Red.Sweater.Mars...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Red.Sweater.MarsEdit.3.1.5.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.20.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Red.Sweater.Mars...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Red.Sweater.MarsEdit.3.1.5.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.21.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Satellite.TV.for...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Satellite.TV.for.PC.2008.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.22.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Satellite.TV.for...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Satellite.TV.for.PC.2008.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.23.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Uniblue.2011.Cra...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Uniblue.2011.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.24.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | Uniblue.2011.Key...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'Uniblue.2011.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.25.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | WinISO.5.3.Crack...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'WinISO.5.3.Crack.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.26.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version
Filename | Result | WinISO.5.3.Keyge...63.exe3 | MALWARE |
The file 'WinISO.5.3.Keygen.40063.exe3' has been determined to be 'MALWARE'.
Our analysts named the threat TR/Dldr.CodecPack.agsq.27.The term "TR/" denotes a trojan horse that is able to spy out data, to violate your privacy or carry out unwanted modifications to the system.Detection is added to our virus definition file (VDF) starting with version