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[已解决] Kaspersky PURE(CRYSTAL) Beta 更新内容

发表于 2010-9-14 21:25:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 KasperskyIS 于 2010.9.15 20:38 编辑

101553 Backup: TaskCreationWizard: size of files by location
102221 Lic: Black List in build-in bases is not actual
103405 Backup: disabling of C:\ checkbox disables other locations
103898 KIS: repair pop-up after installation and start
104206 KIS: GUI: White title in green balloon is difficult to read
104212 KIS:Antivirus addin in outlook let outlook expirence a error.
104250 Updater: bases status is always "up-to-date"
104420 MW:SW: shortcomings in the interface
104910 Autotest: KIS: Anti Spam Plugin is not Build in
106006 KIS: AntiSpam & MailAV plugins don't work (Outlook 2007)
106028 Backup: SW: button "Start task" should start tasks one by one
106067 PM: Zebra Striping
97312 PC: Report. "Number of visits" does not equal.
101400 Backup: GUI: task deletion dialog
102533 KIS: SW - components can't be enabled by button from SW
103947 MW: critical errors in Secirity Wizard
104783 MW: SW: checkbox "Show hidden events" doesn't affect common MW status
105277 MW: Settings: Password Tab: shortcomings in the interface
105557 KIS: No Anti-Spam plugin in windows mail on X64 Vista
106142 MW: no statuses for components
106176 Lic: Loc: DE: no button name in license manager
106181 MW: Loc: DE: SW Backup status has no Button "Go to Backup"
106183 Backup: Loc: DE: no text in welcome message
106218 Backup: GUI: progress bar of backup task is not moving
106323 Backup: GUI: Category Editor: disable extensions
106381 Installer: PIW doesn't start
104533 Updater: restart service on request
104993 MW: GUI: main window appears and disappears very slow
105264 KIS: Application cannot start
106018 DUMP: avpgui!Contract<shared_ptr<...>,code_RequireViolationException,void>NotNu
106025 DUMP: qtcore4!postEvent_8DD2078C
106141 DUMP: basegui!_Tree<_Tmap_traits<basic_string<...>,0>>_Lbound_C88785D8
106212 DUMP: avpgui!OnBackPressed_95D35DE2
106215 DUMP: basegui!OnInit_F6CAE2E9
102567 KIS: GUI: "up to date" is written in red letters in My Update Center
103187 DUMP: qtgui4!insertAction_D2808430
98476 KIS:GUI:HOTKEY duplicates in the updater settings
98982 KIS: CMD: wrong header in help call
101400 Backup: GUI: task deletion dialog
102433 Backup: negative value of remaining size when clear storage
102608 Backup: GUI: main backup screen problems
103144 Backup: GUI: Asterisk is shown incorrectly - need GUI refresh
103657 Backup: GUI: Restore Utility: no window "Restoration is finished"
103815 Lic: PC tune up is not affected by license problems
103911 Lic: BBY: In-product-messaging: link on balloon is incorrect
104212 KIS:Antivirus addin in outlook let outlook expirence a error.
104463 MW: window 'My Computer Protection' not appear when click some area
104994 Installer:PC is enabled when install KTS using silent mode.
105273 DUMP: backup!_purecall_95543ECE
105445 Lic:License info in general status window is strange when install PM only.
105474 MW: GUI: SW - classic theme on XP
105574 Autotest: KIS: OAS deletes suspicious objects (all loc except Rus)
105684 MW: KTS Main Window - Can't switch to English
105968 PM: Button text is wrong.
105989 MW: GUI: Can't open Settings window from main window
106006 KIS: AntiSpam & MailAV plugins don't work (Outlook 2007)
106196 MC: computer list is reset every time, when product is reloaded
106339 Installer: condition of "Custom Installation" window changes when clicking Back
106385 DUMP: qtcore4!lock_BD0F3FC9
106428 DUMP: avpgui!OnClosing_348BF8F7
106487 Backup: "Restoration is finished" Window - number of files
98401 MW: GUI: hotkeys: some hotkeys duplicated or missing.
103804 Installer: doesn't require reboot after upgrade
104046 Help: user manual remarks
104788 MW: information in PC block
105338 MW: "Back" arrow is missing
105379 MW: Beta: "!!!Not for Sale!!!" should be added on Main Screen
105602 MW: Hotkeys in settings window
105944 Lic: Loc: French: Buy and Renew links are Russian
106126 DUMP: basegui!~CDialogItemImpl_FEB23A1A
106399 PM:LOC: Some information text on wrong language appears in the main window.
106539 DUMP: basegui!UpdateData_26DA832D
106544 forum: CRYSTAL build 85 can't be installed (MSI error #1603)
106551 Arabic: Installer: Wrong location of the KSN Agreement button
96135 Backup: Restore Utility under limited user account

101553 备份:任务创建向导:文件大小的位置
102221 授权:黑名单在数据库中不能实际应用
103405 备份:禁用C:\ 复选框和禁用其它位置
103898 KIS组件:修正在弹出安装界面后启动
104206 KIS组件:用户界面:在绿色气球中的白色标题难以阅读
104212 KIS组件:在 Outlook 中的反病毒插件让 Outlook 出现错误
104250 更新:数据库始终显示为“最新”
104420 MW:SW:界面中的问题
104910 自我测试:KIS组件:反垃圾邮件的插件不能创建106006 KIS组件:反垃圾邮件和邮件反病毒插件不工作(Outlook 2007)
106028 备份:SW:“启动任务”按钮应逐个启动任务
106067 密码管理:Zebra 分段
97312 家长控制:报告.“访问次数”不一样
101400 备份:用户界面:正在删除任务时的对话框(的问题)
102533 KIS组件:SW:-组件不能从SW按钮启用
103947 MW:在Secirity向导中的严重错误
104783 MW:SW:勾选“显示隐藏事件”不会影响一般SW的状态

发表于 2010-9-14 23:01:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-9-15 16:09:46 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-15 20:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3楼 wlx81702  的帖子

据俄罗斯官方论坛的人说,这个版本为 Kaspersky PURE(CRYSTAL) MP1,相当于KIS 2010 Pro MP1

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