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[新闻资讯] Kaspersky 全系列汉化补丁

发表于 2007-5-6 20:41:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
RT 本次语言文件改动同样巨大。。。由于时间的关系未作仔细测试。如果您发现了任何问题请更贴报告。

帖出官方的 Changelog~有兴趣的朋友看一下:
24138 NT4, WkS: BSOD, PC with a chipset 815E with integrated video cards test case
12079 GUI: Impossible to move user updater sources lower than predefined
23265 The context menu is missing from the "Reports" button on the main window
23388 Parental control does not block the sites using meta keywords.
23473 The progress is not displayed in percentages when updating
23672 Link to help file is broken
23677 Incorrect help section open up when clicking on the settings
23685 Impossible to activate with a code in some special cases
23799 Incorrect link "License Renewal"
23896 Broken parental cotnrol hueristics
23906 "Delay" button is not grayed out after one of the threats is resolved
23938 Parental control does not work through a proxy server
23976 The text overflows the header in the activation window
23979 ODS,OAS: The change on hueristics levels does not adjust iSwift and iChecker
23989 ThreatWizard Link "Postpone" - Do not show any notifications about this threat".
24070 Hangs when trying to open report window after collection scan
24093 Parental control message is not localized properly
24103 Extra white spaces in the report windows
24125 After installing the product the options "Change/Repair" are not available
24128 GUI: Dialog of "Suspending Protection" appears under active alerts
24131 The help is not properly called from the main window in some cases
24132 There is no proper help linking for the "Activation" tab
24135 GUI: Clicking on "Details" from the balloon of activation incorrect window appears
24141 GUI: closing a window by pressin an X does not work
24153 SW: Incorrect number of threats being shown in the wizard
23853 User is not notified about "Exceeding the available License Limit"
23892 GUI: Duplication of links "Reports and Data Files"
23894 Extra (invisible) link in the main window dialog
24149 Vista: In the task bar UAC appears and flashes (during install)
24133 Option isn't available for selection "Do not use proxy server for local adresses"
24200 beta-tester: crash of GUI
24168 Impossible to invoke upgrade procedure
24191 Updater: By default Kaspersky servers are not checked
23906 The Postpone button is not grayed out after the problem is resolved in threat wizard
24121 Impossible to create RD on Vista
24170 Status "Your Computer is Protected" flashes when all susbsystems are stopped
24180 SW: Threat does nto appear "Application Auto-Start Disabled"
24196 SW: Threat "Protection Disabled" does not appear in the threat wizard
23660 Need new identificators for the main windows
23832 7.xx does not import data, which 6.xx created during uninstall phase
24186 Mail AV: New threat ballon appears, for *.png files
24219 GUI: buggy windows in PIW
23335 In the main window of Anti-Spy there is no statistics about data
23924 Incorrect help topic clicking on "Help" from the activation window
24077 Incorrect display of status after the broken scan task execution
24117 Window parental control after stopping it
24140 GUI: Highlighting the component "Firewall" the window is not displayed
24221 GUI, OAS: Option "Suspend Protection if More than" collides with an entry field
24222 GUI: The link "Details..." does not work when updater started (main window)
16770 PDM: Starting browser with parameters has more priority than trusted application
23388 Parental control does not block sites by meta keywords.
23679 Parental control settings the help is not working
23837 Slowdowns trying to download files onto the running PC
23852 On vista 64bit the Self-Defense importing happends in 5-10 seconds
23896 Parental control has broken hueristics
24095 Slow loading when parental control is enabled
24098 Vista: Self-Defense does not release before product unload
24150 Errors in parental control reports trying to surft a website
24214 GUI, Activ.Threat: The alert contains incorrect buttons
23814 Exclusion rules do not work for some PDM subsystem components
23991 Threat wizard reports "All Threats Removed" even though some postponed
24123 Eror in description about disabling profiles for Child and Parent
24139 Possible to make current profile inactive => Blocks all the sites
24158 Context menu section do not work in parental control
24161 The data is missing in parental control database for some subcategories
24173 Help: help does not open from the profile configuration settings
24185 SW: extra symbol in windows title
24201 Installing parental control, causes it not to work
24207 Parental Controls tries to use GET method on pages on Parent profile
24245 GUI: "All correct" - in the updater task status
20254 The help is not detailed about command line
22799 (SOS) Extra setting - Copy updates for all components
22426 Updater: Suggestion to remove the checkbox about FTP modes
23663 Anti-spam: incorrect verdict when there are many BlackWords.
23902 GUI: during install the component text does not properly fit
24101 Problems during auto regression tests starting with build 56
24225 Incorrect activation verdict when adding a new key
24243 Proxy server must be switched off by default
24266 GUI: The tittle Rollback to previous version" is broken
24178 Repair: is not successful when Klif registry key is removed
24233 Instead of signature dates, the product install date is displayed
20969 AIC: the hashes of our product is not recalculated for AIC after the patch
10374 Self-Defence: Block of starting of version 6 by editing registry permission keys
23874 Updater: does not authorize on the proxy server
24155 Incorrect encoding used in the NewsAgent
24179 Repair: the plugin of the The Bat! is not restored properly
24192 Updater: Wpad.dat is downloaded from the local update sources
24203 Crash trying to unload KIS
24208 SW: threat does not appear "Need a reboot after desinfection"
24211 Changing profile from Child to Parent should not display an alert
24213 Button change profile to "Child" must switch without extra windows
24234 Resizing the dialog does not cause scrollbars to appear on the HTML control
24251 SW: the threat counter is not increasing when one subsystem is stopped
24272 Changing the proxy server takes the hueristics from the cache
24287 Module diffs.dll is not signed by the digital signature
24301 Installing just Firewall the scrchpg.dll is still being installed
16578 Updater: incorrect import settings of IE, if different proxy settings are installed...
23975 Online activation returns error code 12057
24183 Mail AV: attachments are not renamed properly
24289 Incorrect behavior when suspending components through the context menu
24290 Incorrect localization Blocking network traffic
24293 en: incorrect PIW text in the Firewall window
24296 Firewall: GUI: need to adjust textboxes to look uniform for components
24309 fr: text in the updater window
24310 fr: text inside the ThreatWizard
24316 In the report the option "Save as.." does not work
24321 fr: text overflowed the window (see attach)
24273 Parental control can be bypassed using a "User-Agent"
24285 The field "Action" is missing from the context
24343 After installing causes 90-100% load
19271 Updater: retranslation task execution is logged incorrect
21736 ODS: Memory scan if the file is named as system, causes it to skip processing
19779 AH: Detects multiple duplicate networks
24147 Firewall reports do not show the blocked hosts
24278 The corners on the balloons are not drawn correctly
24301 Installing just Firewall, the PopupBlocker does not work
24315 Activation server does not correctly handle USER id and password
24349 Possible to change NTFS permissions All Users\Application Data\kaspersky lab\avp7
23147 If in the profile settings the password field is blank the password will remain
23701 невозможность отката баз после первого обновления.
24205 GUI bug trying to change parental controls profiles
24237 Resizing the dialog causes proportions not be recalculated
24304 Broken scrpchpg.dll under 64х for IE
24347 Proxy server authorization request when the PC is running
24361 Parental control blocks domains of the first level in the request URL
24374 Broken connection when an attack is detected
24383 Same as above (different test case)
24387 Balloon not from parental control still appears
24389 Incorrect error message about hueristic emulator analyzer
24391 Incorrect message type when connecting to a server
24399 The exception rules for ssl are still in use after their deletion
23584 Ballon appears for a split seconds when changing the profiles
23624 Main window display on first open (see an attach)
24162 Active Buttons: Change, Delete, when temprorary intervals of access is empty
24171 Incorrect display of slider settings on the parental controls
24199 Strange text on the parental control settings window tab
24216 Express install: Need to remove import of settings from 5.xx during PIW
24219 GUI: buggy looking windows in PIW
24246 Same as above (different case)
24295 GUI: The right corner of the tittle is not drawn properly
24335 Incorrect encoding of Security Wizard display
24346 The text overflows the button (see an attach)
24360 Impossibly slow turning of parental controls
24368 Incorrect encoding of the product after the product update..
24405 Crash recieving an email with TheBat...
24406 Button "Add..." in the dialog adding to exception or trusted zone
24407 Disabling the checkbox "Disable Filtration System" impossible to turn it back on
24411 KAH reports on the "Banners" tab the bloacked list is displayed


641.87 KB, 下载次数: 219


参与人数 1经验 +8 收起 理由
剑指七星 + 8 速度挺快的,辛苦了!


发表于 2007-5-6 20:43:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-6 20:53:51 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2007-5-6 21:02:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-6 21:06:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-6 21:13:28 | 显示全部楼层
MM辛苦了 刚在新世纪还没看到转到这就有了,赞
发表于 2007-5-6 21:23:59 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-6 21:28:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-6 21:36:24 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-6 21:49:49 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 zerosu6652 于 2007-5-6 21:50 编辑 ]
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