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在zerosu6652(90) 基础上的96绿色汉化,附更新列表

发表于 2007-5-12 08:25:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
呵呵,只是在zerosu6652(90) 基础上改了几个字而已........

http://ru2h.kaspersky-labs.com  比国内的升级先......

Changlog for builds 91-96:

19828 Updater: ~90% CPU spikes while updating signatures
21736 ODS: Memory scan: in some rare cases the file is not processed if reserved names are in use
23611 Firewall: incorrect field name in the report packet fields
24277 Exclusion for Firefox is broken
24299 Order and naming of the Anti-Spy component in the installer
24307 fr: incorrect naming of registry keys in the PDM >> Details
24403 Missing a window for proxy server authentication
24479 Incorrect message in the reports of the Parental Control under 403 code
24482 Incorrect localization of WebAV (Blocking eicar. Eicar - is not a script...)
24487 In the main window of Parental Control the text does not fit properly
24513 Incorrect encoding in the German build alerts
24526 Missing authorization window on the server
24528 fr: incorrect symbol localization in windows
24536 Parental Control blocks all web-browser pages
24541 Incorrect Anti-Hacker settings localization in German build...
24082 Mixup with alert buttons on PDM and action recorded in the logs
24475 Buggy Firewall settings on the German build
24492 Impossible to create RD
24538 Crash in Windows Live Messenger when the product is installed...
24545 The string of text does not fit in Anti-Spy settings (germain build)
23934 Firewall: always need to create a rule for remote IP
24216 Express install: Need to remove settings import notification from v5.xx from PIW
24224 Error trying to create an RD
24347 Proxy authorization message box, when working on the PC
24483 PDM: Alerts as "Internet Brouser Control" for Word application
24582 Scaning objects apply for all scanning tasks
24586 Connecting via an IP Parental Control blocks the connection
17851 Vista_LOGO_ case_23
24355 The blocking timer is reset after the reboot
24436 (Express install) PIW overrides the imported settings
24472 Buggy GUI of Anti-Hacker in german build
24477 SW: The threat "signatures are too old" contains yellow status
24513 Incorrect encoding in the alert messages on german build
24534 Anti-spam: crashes during "Training Wizard" application
24588 The report window is distorted when minimized/maximized
24598 PIW does not launch on Vista
24602 Incorrect hueristics behavior of Parental Control
18216 Vista x64: problems adding applications to trusted zone
24226 The scan of most frequently launched programs does not launch from the context menu
24485 The rule 'Signatures' works good, but 'Hueristics' not that bad
24583 Text not aligned to the dialog window
24591 Crashed during service stopping, while deinstall is active
24594 Authentification is only prompted once
24595 Missing filteration of access using bases when using an IP instead of domain
24597 The text does not fit Popup blocker settings in german build
24611 Anti-spam: dupplicate detection by the same mask
24623 Can't password protect the settings
24630 The next activation URL is not selected if error code is 1:12170
24634 Password entry is blocked when authentificating on the proxy server
24183 Mail-AV: the attachments do not rename if set
24446 Incorrect phrasing of Active scripts...
24493 Terminitaing a process causes it to respawn with "-host" parameter
24529 Errors in displaying an ODS settings statistics
24624 PIW contains encorrect encoding on the german build
24627 Some places contain encorrect encoding in german builds
24636 Crash of scrchpg.dll when launching IEx64
24654 The eml file is not properly desinfected
24667 RUS: missing localization for Security alert in russian builds

[ 本帖最后由 cihchenlin 于 2007-5-12 09:39 编辑 ]


91.12 KB, 下载次数: 69


参与人数 1经验 +3 收起 理由
lwb_1211 + 3 辛苦!


发表于 2007-5-12 08:50:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-12 09:03:27 | 显示全部楼层



[ 本帖最后由 zerosu6652 于 2007-5-12 09:41 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-5-12 10:38:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-5-12 11:13:12 | 显示全部楼层
还是等正式版...测试版问题多多. 装过的7.0出现CUP飙到90%.内存占100多M.
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