本帖最后由 sniss 于 2010-11-29 11:41 编辑
BitDefender can unpack many archived/packed formats, so archived threats can be detected. However, BitDefender has limited capabilities of cleaning up archived files (ZIP files, for instance, can be cleaned, but RAR files cannot).
This happens because most of the archiving/packing systems are proprietary formats. To clean an archive, you basically need to unpack all files (which BitDefender can do), and create a new archive containing only the clean files... which BitDefender can't do.
Because most archiving formats are proprietary formats, it means that the packing algorithm cannot be used without license from the author of the algorithm.
ZIP format is a free format, and everyone knows it and can use it to create (un)packers. But RAR format (for instance), is a closed format, owned by RarLabs (if I'm not mistaking). So for BitDefender to repack files in the RAR format would be basically illegal, not to mention somehow dangerous for the files, because BitDefender doesn't know the exact packing method and corrupt the archives. The same thing applies for the rest of the packing formats.