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发表于 2007-5-18 10:27:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Windows Vista The official Magazine (German)the product avast! 4 Home Edition receive in the Magazine 05/2007 (Windows Vista: The official Magazine), the budget tip award.

award fivesign editors rateavast! Virus Cleaner 1.0.207 was awarded by server FiveSign with four stars

101 Fantastic Freebies avast! Home Edition is Winner in the security software category. More information on PC World pages.

100% Virus Bulletin award: SUSE LinuxApril, 2007 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (April 2007, SUSE Linux) avast! again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award! This is third VB100% for Linux version in a row!!

Certificate 100% safe Server Softplatz certified avast! Home Edition with mark 100% safe Certified. More information is on Softplatz web server.

100% Virus Bulletin award: Windows VistaFebruary, 2007 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (February 2007, Windows Vista) avast! 4 Professional Edition again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

Best Shareware award for Professional ed.Server Best Shareware awarded avast! Professional Edition with five stars.

Best Shareware award for PDA ed.Server Best Shareware awarded avast! PDA Edition with five stars.

Best Shareware award for Home ed.Server Best Shareware awarded avast! Home Edtition with five stars

Best Shareware award for CleanerServer Best Shareware awarded avast! Virus Cleaner with five stars

CNET Download.com 5 star ratingCNET Download.com has awarded avast! Home Edition the coveted five star rating. More information in press release.

Editor's Choice We are pleased to inform you that our software, avast! 4 Home Edition 4.7, has been awarded with "Editor's Choice" award.

avast! Home Edition 4.7.871 - Softpedia Editors review it as EXCELLENT The Softpedia portal has published an avast! Home review. You may read the third party review of avast! Home Edition on the Softpedia pages  

Denmark PC World Denmark PC World awarded avast! 4.7 Home. You can find more information in Denmark PC World (in Danish)

Softdll CLEAN! Award for avast! 4 Professional Edition 4.6.652 has been found completely clean from threats and has received the SOFTDLL CLEAN! AWARD .

Softdll CLEAN! Award for avast! Virus Cleaner 1.0.207 has been found completely clean from threats and has received the SOFTDLL CLEAN! AWARD

avast! Home Edition 4.7.869 - Softpedia 100% CLEAN Award product "Avast! Home Edition 4.7.869" has been tested by the Softpedia labs and found to be completely clean of adware/spyware components. More information about your product's certification and the award is available on this page.

avast! Professional Edition 4.7.869 - Softpedia 100% CLEAN Award product "Avast! Professional Edition 4.7.869" has been tested by the Softpedia labs and found to be completely clean of adware/spyware components. More information about your product's certification and the award is available on this page.

100% Virus Bulletin award - October 2006October, 2006 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (October 2006, Windows 2000 Server) avast! 4 Server again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

100% Virus Bulletin awardJuly, 2006 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (June 2006, Windows XP) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

avast! Virus Cleaner awarded by server SoftDLL avast! Virus Cleaner was awarded with five stars by server Softdll.com.

avast! Professional Edition awarded by Softdll.com avast! 4 Professional Edition was awarded with five stars by server Softdll.com.

100% Virus Bulletin awardApril 24, 2006 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (April 2006, Red Hat Linux 9) avast! again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award! This is fourth VB100% for Linux version in a row!!

100% Virus Bulletin awardFebruary 20, 2006 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (February 2006, Windows NT 4.0 platform) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

SC award for avast! 4 Pro avast! 4 Professioanl Edition has received the prestigious Secure Computing 2006 award (for the US region). Learn more in the official press release.

Softodrom.ru five stars avast! Home Edition on Russian server Softodrom.ru get best five stars award. More information in russian language you may read on Softodrom.ru

German ZDNet avast! Home Edition receive award on german ZDNet server. More information you may read on ZDNet.de in German.

SC Awards 2006 FinalistWith over 1,300 product and service nominations, from over 330 competing companies globally, the annual Secure Computing Awards are the world’s leading awards program for the information security industry and thanks to you, and the votes you placed, Avast! Antivirus has successfully proved its worth by being listed as one of only four finalists in its category. The SC Awards program spans the US, Asia, and the UK so the competition is tough. The SC Awards are composed of two sections. The ‘Reader Trust Technology Awards’ which are voted on by SC readers in the US and European regions, and by the SC Awards Council which comprises of a group of carefully selected senior CSOs; and the Asian Pacific awards and other categories including the ‘Professional Awards’ which are judged by a panel of the industry’s top talents.

100% Virus Bulletin awardDecember 19, 2005 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (December 2005, Windows Server 2003 x64 version) avast! 4 Server Edition again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

100% Virus Bulletin awardOctober 19, 2005 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (October 2005, Windows 2003 Server) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

Best award Editor's Choice our product avast! 4 Pro obtained best award on server SoftChecker

Best Award Editor's Choice avast! Virus Cleaner obtained best award on server byte-flow.com

Server SharewarePlaza awarded avast! 4 Pro Server SharewarePlaza get avast! 4 Pro Edition best rating

Server SharewarePlaza awarded avast! 4 Home Server SharewarePlaza get avast! Home Edition best rating

100% Virus Bulletin awardMay 27, 2005 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (June 2005, Windows XP) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

100% Virus Bulletin awardApril 1, 2005 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (April 2005, Red Hat Linux) avast! again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award! This is third VB100% for Linux version in a row!!

100% Virus Bulletin awardIn the latest Virus Bulletin tests (February 2005, Windows NT 4) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was awarded with another 100% Virus Bulletin award!

Snapfiles award for avast! 4 ProfessionalExcelent awards get avast! 4 Pro Edition from server www.snapfiles.com

Snapfiles award for avast! 4 HomeExcelent awards get avast! 4 Home Edition from server www.snapfiles.com

100% Virus Bulletin awardIn the latest Virus Bulletin tests (November 2004, Windows Server 2003) avast! 4 Server Edition again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was awarded with another 100% Virus Bulletin award!
Award from ListSoft.ru
avast! Virus Cleaner received Best and User Choice award on server ListSoft.
Five picks
avast! Virus Cleaner obtained the best award Five pick on Softpedia server.

100% Virus Bulletin award In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (April 2004, Red Hat Linux test) avast! again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was awarded with another 100% Virus Bulletin award!

100% Virus Bulletin awardIn the latest Virus Bulletin tests (February 2004, Windows NT) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another valuable VB100% award!

Highest "Bugsy" award5 stars at Clean Computing for avast! 4 Home!

Highest "Bugsy" award 5 stars at Clean Computing for avast! 4 Pro!

Product of the Year for BART!Famous Czech Computer Monthly magazine Softwarove noviny (Software News) awarded our avast! BART CD with the Product of the Year 2003 prize

100% Virus Bulletin awardDecember 12, 2006 - In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (December 2006, Windows XP x64 platform) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another VB100% award!

Five stars from TopShare.comThe download server TopShareware.com awarded five stars for our product avast! Virus Cleaner. More information about avast! Virus Cleaner can be found here

Palec (Thumb Up) from czech Computer magazinePalec (Thumb Up) award goes to our new product: avast! BART CD. Czech Computer magazine reviewed it in July-August 2003 issue and found it very useful.

100% Virus Bulletin awardIn the latest Virus Bulletin tests (June 2003, Windows XP) avast! 4 Pro again detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was given another valuable VB100% award!

5 cows at Tucows for avast! 4 Pro!Also Tucows web server has rated our avast! 4 Pro with its highest mark: 5 cows this time!

5 stars at Webattack for avast! 4 Pro!Webattack web server has reviewed our avast! 4 Pro and rated it with its highest mark: 5 stars Editor's Pick!

6 ducks at NoNags for avast! 4 Home!Nonags server rated our free avast! 4 Home with 6 ducks - BEST award!

ChipTip June 2003 Another ChipTip award goes to our unique and brand new product: avast! BART CD! Czech Chip magazine reviewed it in June 2003 issue and found it very useful.

100% Virus Bulletin award In the latest Virus Bulletin tests (May 2003, Red Hat Linux test) avast! detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild') and was awarded with the 100% Virus Bulletin award!

ChipTip April 2003 avast! 4 Home Edition has been reviewed by czech Chip magazine in April 2003 and it received the ChipTip award again!

100% Virus Bulletin awardavast! received 100% Virus Bulletin award in November 2002. avast! detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild').  

100% Virus Bulletin award avast! received 100% Virus Bulletin award in June 2002. avast! detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild').  

avast! has got the Clickx Keuze award for the best antivirus program in the large comparative review published in the February issue of Belgian Clickx computer magazine!

ChipTip June 2001 avast32 has been reviewed by czech Chip magazine in June 2001 and it got the ChipTip award!  

avast32 has been reviewed by ZDNet and it got 5 stars rating! Details could be seen here, the newer version which is also on ZDNet is here.  

WUGNETEach week WUGNET and Microsoft feature a shareware pick demonstrating the highest standards available today in shareware for Windows 95/98. In the first week of March 99 AVAST32 has been awarded!

100% Virus Bulletin awardavast! received 100% Virus Bulletin award in November 1998. AVAST32 detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild').
Best local software avast! has been selected as the best local software product again. It received the Choice'98 award, for the fourth time in line now!

100% Virus Bulletin awardavast! received 100% Virus Bulletin award in September 1998. AVAST32 detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild').

ICSA Certifiedavast! is ICSA Certified Product for the following platforms: DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Such certification guarantees that avast! is able to detect 100% of In the Wild viruses and at least 90% of all viruses known to ICSA.

100% Virus Bulletin awardavast! received 100% Virus Bulletin award in May 1998. AVAST32 detected all ItW viruses (i.e. viruses known to be 'in the wild').
Best local software productavast! has been selected as the best local software product. Several Czech magazines and neswpapers (Chip, Profit, Mlady Svet etc.) let their readers choose the best products of the year 1998. AVAST32 was voted as the best local software product for the fourth time in the line and got the award Choice 1998 from the computer users in Czech Republic and Slovakia!  

PC-World magazine Czech version of PC-World magazine (published by IDG awarded avast! with its Top Product award in its August 1997 issue.  
Software News Czech Computer Monthly magazine Softwarove noviny (Software News) awarded AVAST32 as the Product of the Year 1996. avast! received this price four times in a row in the years 1993 to 1996!  
Chip awarded Czech modification of well known German magazine Chip awarded avast! many times in the past. The latest award is from October 1997 issue. The new version of AVAST32 received Chip Tip of the month prize.  

IDG Test Centrum focuses on the testing of different hardware and software products. avast! was awarded with the special TIP award in their special antivirus tests provided during 1996 .
发表于 2007-5-18 10:30:23 | 显示全部楼层
hoho~~除了NOD 我就用他了,最喜欢的两款杀软

[ 本帖最后由 Kav6.0 于 2007-5-18 10:34 编辑 ]
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